Dutch Oven

in #life7 years ago


There are now precisely two weeks until our baby boom's arrival. Given that a babber is fully baked and ready from about 37 weeks in (we're at 38/40) it's making my nerves a little frayed. Take yesterday.

I was in the lounge browsing through my Steemit feed on my rubbish Chromebook. I was wondering how I could convince the good lady that we really need a spanky new laptop instead of assorted baby dross. The good lady had wandered through to the kitchen to get something. I heard a clatter and something wet spatter on the ground.


I leapt to my feet. Oh my god, the baby! It's coming! I raced through to the kitchen.

It's ok lass, stay calm, it's gonna be alright!

I stopped at the doorway. She was standing there in the kitchen beside a small puddle of milk she had spilled. She raised a disbelieving eyebrow at me.


Ah, not the waters breaking then.

No darling. Relax.

Yes, yes, of course.

I puttered back to the chromebook, heart still racing. For a moment I had thought all systems were go. Alas no, the waiting game was still on.

Some time later, I was doing a jigsaw puzzle with my daughter. I gave up encouraging her to start at the edges and was letting her slot any old piece in any old location.


The good lady called from the bathroom.


Flaming teeth!! This was it, I bounded up the stairs in a trice. The bathroom door was ajar. I pounded it open and blazed in, ready to rescue. The good lady was standing looking quizzically at a little discoloured spot on the ceiling.

Is that a wet spot? Might need to get those bloody roofers out again.

My chest was heaving with the exertion of travelling at close to the speed of light in answering her call.

Ermm, might be. I will have a look at the roof.

Are you ok?

My good lady had obviously noticed my red cheeks and manic eyes.

Yes, yes. Thought that was it. Thought that we had just gotten the message from ground control. Thought the bomb doors were opening and all that.

No darling, don't worry. There won't be any doubt. Remember last time?

I shuddered at the thoughts of last time. The torrents of blood, gnarly sputum and endless screaming. I twitched a bit before pulling myself together.

Yeah last time, of course.

I didn't mention that the past few years of sleep deprivation had wiped large swathes of my memory clean apart from the Scooby doo theme tune which stubbornly refused to be forgotten.

Scooby Dooby doo, where are you...


I wandered morosely back to my doings And tried to relax a bit. It would be ok, I knew it would. My self convincing words sounded hollow but I did my best to believe them. Just as I was starting to fool myself it happened.

Daddy, daddy?!! The baby!!

Hot shitting damn!! This was it. This was not a drill. I ran back upstairs taking them two at a time. I could hear her in our bedroom making those deep animal noises that women in labour make. Similar to those from a lady rhino when rubbing it's bum vigorously against a particularly rough tree.

Boom! The door nearly flew off its hinges as I threw myself into the room. Ready to do something... Anything necessary!

Something flew for my face. Ninja-like I flicked my head to the side and snapped my hands up to catch the odd pink object.

I stared at my hands, it was a baby doll. Not the sexy kind that your lady wears to entice you to make babies either. It was a toy baby. On the other side of the room my good lady was bent over double with laughter.

Oh your face!! You should see your face!!!

Raaar, had she never heard of the boy who cried wolf? I smiled and guffawed along with her. Inside though I decided. She took that joke too far. She needed to be taught a lesson.

Tonight, she was going to get a Dutch oven


You may also position silently your bum against her leg.
Than do a Flemish horn !
Dutch oven still intact , if not jumping. :-)
But unlikely in your case, I guess !

Oh! Oh!!

I didn't know that one!! That is awesome!! A Flemish horn. Amazeballs!!!!

2 weeks to go?
excited much?
good luck! don't want to imagine your description of bloody giving birth eeekkkk...

Two weeks!! She thought she was having contractions in the middle of the night last night. It's all tension in this house!!!

aw! can't wait!
I want to see Baby Boom Jr!

He will be a wee cracker!! I can't wait to meet him myself :0D

Rather looking forward to the ironic descriptions ! looooool
I love it to feel your happiness and excitement !


😂😂😂 That's funny.

I'm however looking forward to your future post about the little one!

Also: good luck!!!

I am looking forward to the event being over and behind me!! :0)

So you want to bring labor on early then? Because from what I recall of Dutch Ovens, and there have been a few in the course of my life, the oxygen deprivation combined with the exertion to get out from the blankets could definitely bring on a baby LOL

The first time I was ever subjected to this particular torture I was around seven or eight years old. My cousin Brad was spending the night and we had made the most awesome blanket tent that ever was, spanning nearly the entire length and width of my room. And we had a sleeping bag, actually we had two of them zipped together to make one big one. Evil Brad suggested we scoot down in the sleeping bag with the flashlight and the moment my head was beneath the edge of the bag he clamped it shut and let one that would give the town sewer a run for its money. I shall never ever forget it!!

It is kind of a young kids thing isn't it!!

Wow, you know if it would bring labour in early I will start doing it regularly. There will be no respite if it meant I could escape from this ghastly half life of nervous waiting!!!

Your cousin Brad is awesome ;0)

Awesome read.... I am always lost in imagination whenever I read your tale Milord!!!

That is awfully good to hear old chap, much appreciated :0)

welcome and keep steeming....greetings to the good lady-I wish her well.

I shall pass on your fine regards!!

You do realise that this baby will probably make its entrance in the wee hours after you've had a few with your buddies. It will be in such a hurry, the Doula won't make it in time (no placenta shakes!) and no time for the hospital. You do have a catcher's mitt, don't you? ROFL

No!!! No Say such things!!!!

It will come at midday and we will all have a cup of tea at the pleasant arrival!!


You know it doesn't work that way. When my second son was born, the doctor came flying in just in time to catch the little gaffer...

That's what a few people have said. Man that's scarier than a prolonged one! Although it works be nice in a way

These are anxiously exciting times for the boomer! I wish you all the best but put this out of your mind......for now!:

"I was wondering how I could convince the good lady that we really need a spanky new laptop instead of assorted baby dross"

I know, I know. I try my hardest. Then I flip it open and each time I think the same thing.

Fortunately I won't really have time to think of anything in a week or two. I probably won't even get to open my Chromebook!

Congrats! Keep steeming as much as you can for the next couple of weeks because I have a feeling you won't be on much soon..

Ha, you got it in one. I have exactly the same feeling things might be a bit too hectic!!!

Apologies in advance, from urbandictionary.com

Congratulations in advance!

Hahahahhahhaha, thats the one!!

Oh yes totally on the freak about baby coming in at any time, totally relate!
i'm sure all will eventually go well, you might as well rent a place a min away from the delivery hospital LOL
Wishing you guys a safe delivery!

I am Not too far from the place, I am hoping its not a midnight happening! Or that I am at work! And cheers mate!

is incredible as there are some things that despite having a very different habit, are the same, such as your feelings and concerns of this moment, all of us who have been parents we go through the same situation, without making a dicference of the place where you live or each customs .
I can put myself in your shoes and perceive your state of anxiety and alert at all times, the days before the birth are terrible, but nothing more gratifying than these beautiful sensations.
I can not imagine his face running from side to side.
excel work as always dear friend congratulations, we are already in the final stretch
I wish you a beautiful day. Wanted friend @ meesterboom

The final stretch indeed. Thank you @jlufer for the as ever splendid salutations.

I cant wait till after the birth and we are home and getting settled :O)