Black Beers Of Death

in #life6 years ago


Run... Run for your lives!!! It's the BLACK BEERS OF DEATH!!

What? Not again??

Yes, again! This week we have black and evil looking beers but these aren't the normal Porters or Stouts. Oh no, these are IPAs.

But IPAs are pale? I hear you cry. It's in the name... India Pale Ale.

That's right, IPAs are almost always pale, except when they turn...

To the dark side.


Isn't it astonishing how they got away with man sex breathing in such a mainstream series of movies?

Anyway, I digress.

To the beers!

First up we have the mysterious...


The Answer Is None, eh? But what was the question? Ha.

Right, as Jon Snow would say, it's time to take the black.


Ooo, it's a fair old black number. Stark black but effervescent too, producing a frothy big head that speaks of salty going ons in darkened rooms. Ooer.

Let's get my gums wrapped around these plums.

Ahh. That's nice, strong and bitter and hoppy like a hare on Viagra. It has a good depth to go with it. I like it very much. A solid 7.5/10 booms!

Well that was a good score. If I can have two like this I will be a happy man.

What are the chances?

Number 2 where are you?


In the dark we die!! What a name!! I am convinced it's gonna be good already. Please don't let me down!

It's a strong un, an Imperial IPA. In this case I genuinely had no idea there was such a thing. The bloody Russians are everywhere it seems... :0D

Right. Never mind the Russians, let's get black.


Look at the pour on this demonic death beast. It's a viscous oily thing which coils slippily into the glass like a black mamba's shits after eating a particularly black Badger's bollocks.

There, I said it.

Let's drink!

If this is death then rack me up another because I'm in heaven! Hot dawgs, this stuff is good!. Complex as hell and darkly generous on the tongue. Resin, berries oil, soot and bitter black filth. I loves it! 9/10 booms!!

Fantastic ending to a night, have a good weekend everyone!! chin chin!!



A much better result, the head on sunday will be the ultimate tester.
Could be a new score point, next morning = 1/10 for little headache, 10/10 for cant lift your head off the pillow.

Ha! Might be an idea for an easy Sunday post!

Fitting. Even the videos in Black (and white). Cheers man.

Btw, what was that hare doing there back in the bushes in the background?

Eagle-eyed smasssh, what has he seen? :O

Nothing. Was just fooling around, hahaha.

Heheheh!! It was the hoppy hare! And I looked for it! Doh!! :OD

I'm intrigued. I am watching them back myself!

Was just kidding man (because the hoppy hare on Viagra)

Gotta have a bit of black and white consistency!

A hare? A hoppy hare? Surely not? I have a regular squirrel in my bird feeder but thats about it!

Hope that the squirrel is not on Viagra. Before you know it you'll have lots of them.
Have heard that they can completely "strip" a nut-tree in one night. No walnuts this year for you

They keep trashing my feeders man, Even the squirrel proof ones. I keep cheering them on when they do it right enough, LOL!

Next week a video-post on Dporn maybe?
'Horny squirrels make a mess in the birdhouse'

OR I will just fuck one of the little buggers on ca for once and show it a lesson and make some money from Dporn whilst I am at it!!

That would not only be Giving, but maybe even Getting a "token" of love ...

Maybe it would be the start of something amazzing and I would end up leaving the good lady to live in a tree with a bushy tailed lover!

I was so unsure initially if you liked the second one or not with that face XD

Also I know it's all about the beer but I'm so distracted by that cushion on the line for exactly no reason whatsoever.

Ah the cushion!!!

You see, summers are crap here and one day or rained, do I hung it up to dry and it's rained ever since.

I love in hope :0)

What do they say in Spain?! Running off with the chimney sweep, whos face after a days work is not to dissimilar in colour to today's pale ales.

Well, they both passed with flying colours it seems, excellent!

I was half expecting a Darth Vader cut in the middle of one of these videos, but I'll blame that on the lack of time after the bedtime mission prior to the rewards of this booze.


Lol, I had totally intended some kind of cut scene fun in the videos but time was running away! Also, It was a struggle to get them before it got dark. I will have to start moving it back indoors I think. That if I keep it up, It takes a fair bit of effort all this malarkey and its much easier actually just drinking :OD

Yeah i can imagine - just transferring even short videos and producing the post, all takes away valuable (drinking) time. Things will be better when the post pays for the bevvies again, we hope!

Ah man, the days when they paid for them were the days of Kings!!!

You shall be king again!

I mean, look at that Mane!

You are right damn it!! Kingliness!

Running off with the chimney sweep,


Boomy's words not mine, although I now see the confusion! :D

Now that's a good bedtime story, before I turn in for the night. Let's hope it brings good dreams.

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Hehe, it bought me good dreams, I hope indeed that it brings you them too!

Good choices - now lets just hope your Sunday does not play off in black and white.....

It seems a bit that way already!

@meesterboom hello dear friend. We have recovered the level in the tasting, last week was fatal.
Thank you very much for letting us know all this information
I wish you a wonderful weekend.
Salut, dear friend

Yes, the beers are back on track!! Cheers @jlufer!

The darker the !BEER the better it is.

That is a rile that I am finding to apply more and more! Cheers!

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