Positive Parenting Tips for Teenagers

Many people don't really know what they want because they haven't asked themselves the appropriate questions they would take them closer to the things they prefer. They might have a general idea of what they like but they have little idea of how they are going to get there.
That may sound harsh, but when you actually go and ask people what they like the most and why are they not doing it, they can't give you a straight answer. I know because that exercise was part of my research. From all this, I found people are not too happy! Surprise surprise, Gomer Pyle would have said. (If you don't know who Gomer Pyle was, just Google it, you will have a laugh).

Let's have a look at what are the basic fundamental things that we human beings look for. The 3 things are 1 we want to be loved; 2 we want to feel important and 3 we want to be part of something. Well, many people seem to want to live together in cities. Look at New York and Tokyo as those two cities have about twelve million people. That is certainly being part of something. They must all be friendly to want to live together so closely in such large urban areas!
Seriously though, it is simply these 3 things that are important to each of us.
I know that I want to be loved and when I am not I feel left out. I feel empty. Lucky I have a great family who are supportive. So being loved can be experienced in may ways, like being invited over for dinner or even just a walk in the park.
I also know that I like to be made to feel important. Not every hour of each day, or even every day, but fairly regularly. Now that I have mentioned that I have not thought about how regularly I need this something to be fulfilled. Have you lately? For me, I would be happy with once every three or four days to be made to feel special, or important.
Lastly, I love being part of something. I have always enjoyed playing sport or just being with friends. It is these simple but fundamental things that we crave to be fulfilled.
It is why successful people, successful businesses and happy families are successful and happy. They have happy habits. It would be enormously helpful to tell our kids and teenagers that these three things will be important to them and their own families as they grow up to adulthood.
Best to know as soon as possible. Happy families and successful businesses know they have to practice these three things regularly as part of their habits. They understand these three things are a crucial part of living a rich life.