Why We Need To Act Urgently On Social Crediting, Internet Of Things & 5G

in #life7 years ago

A recent interview on the Richie Allen Show


You mentioned the oil company associated with Cheney. Its venn shows one huge reason the federal government is attacking Syria:

As Max has been illustrating, we are seeing the establishment of a world where most will be hungry and live in fear, while a few will gorge themselves on delicacies in protected compounds. And more and more people will have to be sacrificed to keep this imbalance in place. Meantime microwave fencing instead of barbed wire is being installed to keep us trapped in squalid slums, monitored by surveillance cameras and drones Another nightmarish dystopia such as that we see in Gaza is just around the corner.... lets put our energy into preventing the 5G/smart grid from getting a strangle-hold on us all; circulate valid information and speak up. Help us gather facts to give focus to the mass-action required to halt 5G deployment at www.fullcircleproject.net

The Inpower movement https://inpowermovement.com and https://inpowermovement.com/watch-episode-2 gives us an excellent chance to fight back. It is the best solution I have come across so far.

Thank you for spreading this crucial information and awareness

5G is going to cause things your average sheep won't ever believe. Prepare for a lot of death and or cancer, which obviously cancer often causes that death. Sheep are pathetically stupid.

Yes as soon as you speak the truth you will be docked and socially blocked... This is already happening all over the net... This stuff actually makes me feel fortunate to be living in South Africa, even though the Jewish and LBGTQ lobbies have just got "hate speech" laws passed here now.

On the topic of Syria - there is this post from @deliberator with video from his friend and journalist who is living in Syria - Tom Duggan if you have 7mins to spare it is an interesting report.

Yeah, the agents are at it and me again. I'll say fuck em in my own knowledge, and that they won't fuck with. I've done it once and I'll bloody do it again. I am acutely pissed at it today. Sharing on facebook and a resteem here of course as usual.

No problems Max. Attention is payed to be given :)

Thanks. All true, but I just wonder how many entranced people are going to sit through an hour of talk. I feel we need shorter messages - using the same psyop techniques back at them. If you know anyone doing that, I'd appreciate links. thanks

Also called real live action

Is propaganda not "real live action"?

Indeed it is, if it's used as and interpreted that way.

The recent fight in Ireland over water meters. The government spent over 500 million Euro on installing them. The police were were used to keep protestors away while they were installed.

People were protesting the "water charge" and not that their water is poisoned by fluoride . Not one person was protesting about that.

The solution to water meters is to cement over your neighbours and he does yours and so on. Stand up and say NO, we will not pay for poisoned water, remove the fluoride and we'll think about it.

going to watch it