Max Igan - WhistleBlower Nation - Revolution Radio - June 8th, 2018

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is a recent interview on Revolution Radio about 12 hours after returning to Australia after 19 months on the road. Many esoteric topics covered in a very jetlagged state. I hope you enjoy and find it informative.


An interesting interview. Good discussion about education, politics, and others. The listeners can benefit from your interview.
Thanks for sharing us.
Have a good day @maxigan

thank you brother

Great work like always Max. Keep it up man

thank you for saying so :)

Wow !!
So informative and educative audio radio... In this video or audio content , everyone learn something @maxigan

many thanks brother

Great lesson about freedom.... I enjoy it and subscribed your youtube channel..@maxigan.

thank you Khaled

Wow Max. You are literally telling my story as well.
I woke up about 3rd grade gripping my desk realizing the 'grown ups' were absolutely insane. I knew everything I was hearing and seeing from our culture was a deception.

I realized that school was programming my mind towards sociopathy and that I needed to do everything I could to hold on to the feeling I had within myself.

Life became very very difficult, but after holding on for over 30 years I began to see the collective mind reflecting what I knew for so long.

I also thought the entire time that something was wrong with me. I carried that feeling for decades. Every single day was difficult to wake up to and I found myself disassociating from the world.

I also became an artist and a musician.

Then 9-11 happened and I knew I had a purpose on this Earth.

It is so gratifying and healing to hear others speaking from the same mind.

Thanks Max, I've subscribed.

Many thanks for your comment brother

Great interview. As usual I gave it my undivided attention. Real mind opening stuff.

So we need a few 1000 minimum brave Americans to come forward and using the Inpower movements idea, sue each member of the Senate personally (not USA government) for being in breach of the Geneva convention on war crimes as everyone of them have personally signed up to be in breach when taking office.

I think that would cause a stir and might rattle them a bit.

Interesting holes you have us falling into Max.

On the surface, San Francisco is in a growth spurt, with new construction dotting the landscape and tech companies sprouting like weeds in South of Market lofts.

But below the streets lies an older San Francisco, one filled with buried ships, abandoned tunnels and aging sewer pipes on the brink of failure.

"They don't even make this stuff anymore," said Alan Wong, holding a piece of square rebar that he had just pulled from the side of an open sewer pit 12 feet below the surface of Drumm Street.

"jackhammers working to excavate the foundation of a building buried beneath the street in front of the Hyatt Regency Hotel".

In a city with nearly 1,000 miles of sewer lines, navigating a subterranean jungle of buried relics from San Francisco's past.

"We knew the bay was higher, but what we didn't know was that this whole area was built on fill," she said. "We never know what we're going to find down there."

Hidden from prying eyes for more than a century. They likely would have remained hidden longer if not for the 1906 Great Earthquake and Fire. Among other acts of devastation, the fire obliterated Chinatown and uncovered its many deep dwelling places.

Max, thanks for more mind opening rabbit holes to head down. Amazing mind you have.

Great work like always Max. Keep it up.An interesting interview. Good discussion about education, politics, and others. The listeners can benefit from your interview.
Thanks for sharing us.

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He who has the guns, tanks, and soon robot soldiers who will shoot to kill without hesitation, rules the monetary system – PERIOD!- Martin Armstrong.