Conspiracy Theories - Populism & Reducing the Chaos

in #life7 years ago

In Times where nothing seems to make Sense we sometimes look for the simple Explanation

We live in world that becomes more complex everyday. The amount of circulating information becomes unobtainable for the individual. We filter and simplify information to make it obtainable. We are aware of events that are far away from our homes & realities. Everything that happens today has reasons and implications that are hard to grasp for a person that only knows a tiny fraction of all the available information. Interconnectedness and interdependencies make it so hard to understand all the (geopolitical, economic, social etc) factors. Problems can only be dealt with a dynamic use of models and the acknowledgement of the necessity of interdisciplinary problem-solving.
This is not an argument about whether or nor jet fuel can melt steal beams but really about why someone would believe in conspiracy theories and why there has been such a reemergence in recent years.

Social Media & Modern Communication

One of the main reasons why we have this rebirth of conspiracy theories these days is the internet and social media. They make them more viable, visible and easier to interpret. People that once felt marginalised now belong to a bigger group and have a sense of community again in exchange of their intellectual property. Especially people in the United States are prone to such theories. This is mainly due to the fact that the States have a highly divisive media culture. People that watch Fox News only or CNN only live basically in two different worlds. This creates strong filter bias where people when they watch news, only memorise those things that fit their own reality.
Other countries that have a more diverse and balanced media have less people believing in conspiracy theories.

Connection of Populism & Conspiracy Theories

To see the connection between these two things, it is important to understand what a populist stands for. What he is saying is that he is just like everyone else, the "average citizen" and that he will stand up for them and act on their behalf only. Another important part of his argument is to call the ones that are currently ini power "the elites"and that they don't act on the behalf of the citizens anymore, but someone else,like a higher power or corrupt organisations. The consequence of this is to create the idea among people that there are actually other foreign powers ruling and making policies. Populists would simplify important complex issues and create this "we against them" feeling. Yet most issues today are highly complex and there is not much room for any simplification.

Who is most vulnerable?

Uncertainty is most definitely one of the main factors. People that have an uncertain future, areas where you find high unemployment or high risk of becoming unemployed. Also the more radical ones political stance on issues is, because simple theories and explanations can be easier used as justification for radical policies. As already mentioned, marginalisation is an important issue. If someone went through devastating negative times and feels left behind and excluded, he tries to fill this part of his identity and meaning of life with simple explanations that give him sense and purpose again. Men are also more easily affected than women because the majority of jobs that go lost along with globalisation are held by men.

The complex Reality & Definition of Truth

I guess one of the main problems is that reality can be hard to understand sometimes and if something like 9/11 happens then this is particularly hard to comprehend and many are not willing to accept just that. You rather want to have a fast and simple explanation instead of accepting that there is no simple and fast clarification. Some decades ago the trust in science and experts was given. Today with access to all these different data bases and news we start to question every single bit of information. This is not always a bad thing, it helps us evolve old and obsolete ideas but it can also be dangerous if we do not know our intellectual limits and capabilities.
Truth is also a crucial determinant. Conspiracy theories can and will give you an explanation to everything. Everything starts to make sense in some way, the conspiracist who believes in them thinks he has the answer to everything. It makes him and his life meaningful. While experts openly admit that they do not have the right answer and still trying to figure something out, the conspiracy believer thinks he inherits the truth for himself and is therefor the majority far ahead.


Arguing with someone that believes in conspiracy theories can be really time consuming. No matter how many facts you present to them you feel like you are talking to a wall. Many psychologist and experts say that we can only convince them by presenting logical arguments to each and every aspect that they don't believe in. In my opinion this is not the most useful option. There are scientists that made experiments in which after such factual arguments the conspiracists would believe even more in their own theories. Sometimes people don't want to believe something else. Don't want to accept that they could be wrong and subsequently their whole worldview. I argue that you should convince these people by having a constructive conversation on why someone actually believes in such theories. Maybe they will see parallels for themselves and understand the picture as a whole much better, instead of having this right or wrong argument. Educate them on cause and effect, present them theoretical knowledge on factors of conspiracy theories. Once they understand the concept they will change their thinking patterns, even if they will not admit this right a way.

Major issue: Humans always tend to have the demand to know everything and consequentially make an opinion on everything. Yet in these days it is far more important to start accepting the fact that this became impossible. It is normal that we can not know about everything anymore. It is okay to leave complex issues to people with actual expertise.

I hope you liked my article, let me know what your guys opinion is on conspiracy theories, if you believe on one or ever had a memorable argument with someone that believes in them. Always enjoy some good talks, thanks for reading!


hmm...must I have to agree with something to like it? I don't agree with the majority of this article but I do like it.

I'd tell you why but then we'd just end up getting into a string of debates/arguments...and you're clearly biased toward avoiding such...perhaps at all costs...that's not how I roll

you're probably thinking...then why is this person commenting on my piece...the answer is simple...because I can.

I find that Occam's razor principle is a valid foundation to build one's core beliefs and values on.

I'd be happy to discuss further...should you choose...under your own terms of course...this is your page and I would respect that without caveat

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

Nice article brother! Very interesting topic, I believed my fare share of conspiracies in the past 😂 but with learning about meditation, spirituality and digging into ancient beliefs and cultures, I have come to understand this is the nature of our analitical mind. Always trying to analize everything creates these conflicts, while actualy this is just the way our reality works. There has always been war between good and evil, it's the nature of duality, you can't have one without the other.. so instead of analizing everything, I try to accept my reality as it is and build on what I have instead of trying to control it. The fact that I have come to this realization doesn't mean that I don't catch my mind falling into old habbits and analizing again, but I am aware of this fact and this helps me a lot in accepting more then resisting..