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RE: Uncertainty, death in the family, and a plea for help.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Damn, dude. The plight is real as is the struggle. I can relate. Poverty is a monster and it isn't easy to break out of if you were born into it.

You can get more active on Steem and people will definitely help you out, you just have to contribute and it will be rewarded. I can definitely follow you around and disperse some rewards to you because I know you personally and know for a fact that you genuinely need it right now. Once the post(s) pay out, talk to me and Rob and we'll help you turn your SBD into cash to help with the cremation.

Think back on your mom's advice and take that to the chest, absorb it, and live it. Let that sink in. You have one shot in life and it's up to you to make it count. There's a world out there, make it yours.

Death is a part of life. It is hard to understand and even harder to adjust to. Just take what you've got, let that make you a stronger person, and make a difference in the future. Life is short, cherish it and those around you.


Thank you Matt, it is just difficult to figure everything out, i will move on with my life but right now life is getting harder. the cremation bill right now is not as important as getting the other bills payed, there are so many variables to figure out... life and death and a little bit of chaos and uncertainty. it turns my stomach sometimes.

That's so sad to hear man, I remember my grand mother passed away couple of years ago and it was so hard for the whole family. Especially me, as I was super close to her. I can imagine how hard it must be for you. I would like to help you for the cremation. After the payout let me also know on discord. You can DM me. I would contribute with how much ever I can at that time. Please stay strong, and remember this time will also pass and things would be better soon.