MAJOR MILESTONE! My 1337th Post! And A Huge Update Concerning My Life And Future Plans.

I officially quit my dream job!
And I couldn't be happier.
Also, this is my 1337th post, which is a 1337 milestone in my Steemit career.
What does this all mean? It means that I now have freedom once again. I've been working for a "cyber security," (ugh, "cyber") company for the past year or so as a Network and Information Security Analyst. My dream job has always been to work professionally in the realm of network and information security that would keep me hands on with cutting edge tech as well as keep my hands on code.
I eventually landed that job after free-lancing as a sole-proprietor for the majority of my adult life. With plenty of room to move around and up, the future was mine! My path was at my discretion. But then I realized . . . that I don't handle authority well. Never have, never will. I also don't operate well with having someone else dictate my schedule or having someone else have the authority to lock me down to one geographic location. I require freedom of movement and well, just straight up freedom I guess.
What would or could possibly give me that, that would encourage me to quit the job I've spent a life-time seeking? I will tell you:
The Blockchain World.
I've been in this space for a very, very long time. Surrounded by your typical POW blockchain up until roughly 2014/2015, I forget. POW is gross, we all know that. It's all about Graphene! It's all about DPOS.
I won't go too much further into detail . . . yet! But you will all know my/our plans very soon. We will be announcing some things in the very near future, so follow and stay tuned!!! Exciting things are in the works, and if you're a player in this space, we've got some nice stuff to bring to the table. Being able to use existing and future tech to create an absolutely win-win scenario for both ourselves, the people we're surrounded by, and our end users is such an amazing thing. It feels great and I can't wait to bring it all to light.
Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! It feels so good!!! FREEDOM!!!
That's all I've got for now. Well, aside from this picture of @kotturinn that I popped from around a corner and took by surprise of her yelling for me. She's going to kill me, she hates this picture! EDIT: She's already demanding that I take it down; NOPE!!!

Until next time!
Best of luck brother, the future is only bright for you!
I sure hope so, man! Your future on the other hand, now that's a bright one. You're in a position to absolutely beat the hell out of life! I wanna see you do it! I want front row tickets!
It make me happy to see a fellow hacker out of reach of the man !!!
Woah, dude! Someone put you in possession of some serious Steem Power! Gotta say, that was a wise move, you deserve it. Congratulations! Use 'er wisely!
Haha, I thought it was useful to give you a full SP upvote right there! And, I know man! I am beyond grateful! Will do!
Haha, I'm glad you did! I truly appreciate it, I am honestly humbled. Thank you so much! Who knows, you may end up controlling a bit of my stake for a while as well in the future!? There's you another 100% upvote from me as well :-).
Oooh, that sounds intriguing! And,,,,,, ANOTHA ONE!
w000000000t! Right back at ya, hahaha. Just not as hardcore as yours! Thanks, man!!!
:Thumbs_Up: ;)
Did you vote for my PPY witness yet with your high stake account? ;)
Best of luck dear - Hope to see your rich soon :P I am thinking same, if this site has some potential to pay me back :)
Thank you very much!!! I'm not very worried about being rich. I'm more interested in the implications that these tools hold being in my hands. I want to be able to help society and be able to help uplift impoverished people that feel as though they have no hope in life. That mindset runs absolutely rampant in the world, it's heartbreaking.
My plan is to be like you my friend! you just got a new follower!
Nice! I'll try not to ruin my life so I don't ruin your life haha. I'll do my best to lead by example. Thanks for the follow! Have an upvote :-).
HAHA I don't think that would happen M8! Just watch my post to see if my life is already getting ruined.
Now i'm gonna have to keep tabs to make sure!
Who knows I might be retired by that point lol.

Wow. You have just done what I am trying to do: get my freedom. The only difference is that I am not liberating myself from a job but joblessness. Not fighting to free myself from my dream job but from dead dreams.
I had dreams of working in tech firms, that was in 2004 when I was thirteen. But little did I know that I would never realize them. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and if you're not familiar with its history, you can Google "Zimbabwe Hyperinflation"
To give you the short version: dead economy, dead dreams...
Anyway, discovering the blockchain and, most importantly Steemit, has given me new hope. Hope for financial freedom and so much more. Thanks for sharing your story, it has inspired and motivated me to keep working on my dreams. :)
Actually, I do know what you're talking about and understand the economy there. I have a One-Hundred Trillion Zimbabwean Dollar bank note on my desk.
But yeah man, don't give up! You have the internet. You can learn anything that you want to learn. Information is free now, but it's up to you to use it wisely.
Have you tried Codecademy or or Khan Academy? If not, you should really check them out. Be sure to study Computer Science on Khan Academy, btw! Once you get a few months of that nuder your belt, join Hacker Rank and start solving coding puzzles. If you solve certain ones, you're GUARANTEED interviews at large companies with really good pay. Remote positions available as well!
I'm really glad for you, my friend. I hope in this new way you achieve all your goals! You've really proved to be a very generous person in this community and you deserve the best. All my positive energy for you dear matt!
That's very kind of you to say, thank you very much! I try to set a good example and I just hope that others try to do good for the overall well being of everyone as well. We only live once, might as well try to do your best for the world. A world without people would be an awful one, so it's cool to try to better your peers. But yeah, thank you! I wont let ya down.
I'm just telling the truth and I do not know you in person, but I can tell what kind of human you are. You are always thinking of helping others. And as what you give, it always comes back. I have no doubt that your life will be surrounded by good times. Keep sparing your good energy my friend! A pleasure to have crossed with you
Thank you very much for the kind words! I love getting replies like this more than any other. I'm very glad to have done something nice for anyone. Life is short, if we aren't trying to help others as well, we've led the wrong type of life. Helping others also helps yourself, that's what I believe anyways. And if I am wrong, I don't want to be right.
I will always be as I am now :-). It is always how I have been and will continue to be! Keep up the great attitude and positivity!
Congrats @matt-a - big fan of your work as you know. Keep it up!
Thanks a lot! The enjoyment is very much mutual!
Thats leet :))
Oh yesssssss!!!
Nice @matt-a
WOW Congrats and it sounds exciting! I love that pic! Too funny!!!!!
Thanks Matt, You are awesome! Inspiration for me and many others! Upvote

You're most welcome. And also, thanks for the compliment! I'm glad I could at least make some sort of positive impact out of quitting a job that I worked insanely hard for haha.
I truly believe you will make much more Impact on people here than on your old job!
That's for damn sure haha.
Yes this is inspirational @matt-a. Congratulations!
Thanks! Glad it is :-).