Always think that dating, marriage, romance has a beginning, midle and end. Like everything in life.
I hate it when I list to this conversation:
Oh, my relationship is over...
Wow, how long?
Fiver years... But it did not work... it's done.
Yeah, didn't work..?
Of course it did! It worked for five years, only it was over.
And the good thing about life is that you can have lost of love.
I do not believe in people who complement each other. I believe in people who add up.
Sometime you can not even give one hundred percent of you to yourself, how to charge one hundred percent of the other?
And we do not have this whole thing.
Sometimes he's faithful, but not good in bed.
Sometimes he is affectionate, but he is not faithful.
Somestimes he is attentive, but the is not hardworking.
Sometimes she is hot, but she is not sensitive.
Everything we do not have.
Realize which aspect is most important and invest in it.
Skin is a treacherous beast.
When you have skin with someone, you can have the most basic sex; which is a delight.
And sometimes you have the acrobat sex, but that does not impress you...
I think the kiss is important, and if the kiss goes... if it plays... it it does not hit... another Martini, please... and go for a walk.
If he or she doest not want you anymore, do not force the bar.
The other has the right not to want you.
Do not fight, do not call, do not give a shit.
If the person is in doubt, is it up to yo to wait or not.
There are people who need absence to want the presence.
The human being is not absolute. He hesitates, has doubts and fears but if the person REALLY like it, it comes back.
No drama.
What fun has someone on your side under blackmail, pregnancy, money, family recession?
The cool one is someone who is with you for you.
And vice versa.
Do not be with someone else by pit either.
Or out of fear of loneliness.
We are born alone. We die alone. Our thinking is ours, it is not shared.
And when you wake up, the first impression is always yours, your look, your thinking.
There are people who jump from one romance to another.
What is the fear of seeing yourself alone in your own company?
Appreciate hurts.
You will often have anger, jealousy, hate, frustration. It's part.
You dat another being, another world and another universe.
And things do not always go the way you want...
The worst thing is people who are afraid to get involved.
If someone comes with this talk, run, after all, you're not a therapist.
If you do not want to get involved, date a plant. It's more predictable.
In life and in love, we have no guarantees.
And not all good sex is for dating.
Not every person who invites you out is to get married.
Not every kiss is for romance.
Not all good sex is to be discarded. Or fall in love. Or blame yourself.
Anyway... who said that being an adult is easy?