Letters4Myself: Be Patient.

in #life27 days ago

Greetings, travelers!

The main focus of today's Letter is to remind myself of the importance of patience.

I've been on a long journey of self discovery and self empathy, and it is far from being easy. It's just like every significant thing in this existence: it takes time and willingness to build it brick by brick. And reviewing our personal constructions, it may seem simple looking from now, but each brick takes dedicated and mindful work to be set and remain steady. We need compassion with our past selves. We try to do our best given each moment's unique challenges and limitations. We're terrible at self indetifying behaviours and physical disconforts.

There's an cult for the imeddiative pleasures that has been long discussed by social scientists and professionals way more qualified than me to research and write about it; and this chaotic context that we humans are living in, the fact that I am writing these words from my computer companion in Brasil, and any single person (or AI!) in this planet or away from it with internet access will be able to read it. And that's dautingly scary.

Let's exercise try to exercise our empathy and patience at every single moment we exist in. And the keyword here is trying. Even though it seems simple, trying the right way requires us to remember that we may fail, and that's part of the game of life. But we need to reflect on it, succeeding or not, in order to do better the next time.

As the poet said, it's about the journey, not whatever lies distantly ahead at the end of it.

Original photo taken by me from inside Piece Bridge, Calgary