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RE: How to fall asleep when you can't fall asleep

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have a few suggestions for this matter if you mind. Meditation is always the great place to start. Breathing is life, breathing is everything. It will silence your mind.

But I have a suggestion for you. For me to fall asleep needs about 20 seconds. Doing so, you need to balance yourself. About anxious mind, read the book called "present moment", it will give you deeper insight into your mind and body functionality.

Another thing is exercise. Beat your body until you can't get out of your bed. Your body has inteligence. Watch Elliot Hulse for that matter.

But most powerfull thing I sugest and I been doing this for 3 years is WHM method. Your life would be changed from the roots.

It consist of breathing techniques, exercises, meditation, and cold exposure. You will influence by will your immune system, cardio-vascular system, hormonal system, muscular system and every system in your body by will.

You will never be sick again, because of the influence of the immune system and voluntarily changing your adrenal level. You will be able to regulate your STRESS hormon by WILL which is called CORTISOL.

Your performance would be supernatural because of the influence of your PH level in your brain by will. Recent studies shown, that low level oxygen in your body produces anxiety, panic attacks, and all other psychiatric syndroms. And by doing this brething technique you will be able to regulate your PH level in real time... that is power, it will give you power of a superhuman.

Stimulating your nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system, will triger all kinds of hormons in your body, dopamin(FOR SLEEP), srotonin happy hormon and maletonin. You will be able to control that.

Exposing your self gradualy to the cold, you will be able to control your adrenal level and cortisol level. Adrenalin will go sky high and cortisol low. It will affect depression and you will feel good and happy.

So much things it will do for you, this is just a tip of the iceberg.

After ice cold bath you will sleep like a baby. Like me lol. It stimulates Vagus nerve and that is the story for it-self. Medicine is not reached there yet, but now stydiying this method, medicine are rewriting books because of this.

Check out the Wim Hof crazy dude and just breathe. All the best!


farming and house chores beat the energy out of me and as you say, when the body does not have the energy left, sleep comes early. I will also check out the breathing method. I am a dementia caretaker and stress is high. I do not want to lose my beans. God bless