Wanna know what my sister and I look like watching Netflix?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Here we are! I wrote about last week, when my sister came to visit me in Amsterdam, how we watched a movie on Netflix. Well, my husband took a picture of us and he just now sent it to me. I found it a really nice surprise. I don't see my sister very often, and I don't have many pictures of the two of us together. It's great to have sisters. I have two, and a brother. My daughters have two sisters each. Last week I was talking to my mother on the phone, and I told her Marianne was coming over for two days, and my mother told me (again, she told us very often when we were fighting as kids: 'Don't fight! You should be happy to háve a sister, I always wanted a sister I could play with and talk to!") how she misses having a sister. (Well, she does have a sister but she is mentally disabled and was institutionalised at five years old, so...) I think I'm gonna call my mom now for a nice chat! Have a great Sunday y'all!

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