A New Way To Live For A Brighter Future
“The world is not be narrowed till it can fit into the mind. The mind is to be opened and expanded till it can take in the image of the world as it is in fact” -Sir Francis Bacon
In today’s society acquisition of knowledge has become akin to a herculean task and those who seem to possess the tenacity for such work are seen as uncool and boring, because of this unfortunate aversion to curiosity, the average person is unable to understand problems which would have been considered elementary in the 19th century. Basic sentence structure and grammar now resemble complex esoterica to most people. Millennials most especially are unable to express themselves without the use of lame acronyms and a limited set of monosyllabic vocabulary, grunts and squeals.
Reading, which was once a fundamental part of human existence has now been completely shunned and neglected in favor of repetitive sports shows, vapid, soul crushing reality TV and nonsensical pop music. It is indeed evident that if we are to continue to survive as a species we must reorient ourselves to a more progressive awareness based system of living.
How do we achieve this? First things first.
Getting Friendly with Your Brain: I know this may seem like a joke at first but it’s actually true many of us are not on good terms with our brain. The brain is similar to a computer, it stores and processes information because that was what it was designed to do. To stay healthy, it must receive constant stimulation by acquiring and processing new information, when you stimulate your brain regularly you gain bountiful rewards in return. Quick flashes of insight, wit, and the ability to understand complex concepts become the norm rather than a rarity. To many of us that have already been through the conveyer belt of conventional schooling, we must begin to unlearn the rubbish we learnt during our early years, by adopting a fluid, open minded and inquisitive mindset.

Homeschooling: To many the idea of homeschooling your kids may seem overwhelming or perhaps counter intuitive, in reality, there is no better decision a parent can make regarding his/her child’s education. The horrendous failures of the formal education system have already been discussed ad nauseum here and here so I will not go into that in this article. To accentuate the need for homeschooling here are some of its benefits. First of there is limited peer pressure on the kids, we do not wish to isolate the kids but we would like to give them the freedom to think for themselves as a result homeschooled kids tend to think independently which means they will be more likely to discern truth. A main facet of homeschooling is individuated instruction, this means we are able to meet the kids at where they are at, speeding up or slowing down teaching as needed. Homeschooling cultivates the love of knowledge within the child, by not giving grades in the elementary levels children experience learning as an enjoyable process rather than a frightening, laborious task. Homeschooling encourages the development of authentic social skills and makes for a more well-rounded individual in my opinion. It also affords the parent an opportunity to create a strong bond with the child. Ironically homeschooled kids are known to perform better on standardized tests.
With the collapse of the public-school system, and the formulation of curriculum by satanic individuals and institutions (google genderless schools in Europe), it is imperative now more than ever that we take charge of our children’s education and by so doing take control of our future as a species.
Code of Ethics/ Objective Morality: All the above suggestions will be for naught if we fail to recognize the existence of objective standards of morality free from the influence of man as they serve as the foundation for any sane society. In this age of crony capitalism, gross materialism and outrageous consumerism, it is tempting to think of morality as something that is relative, this sought of attitude is what has led to the serious decay we see in the world today. Knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility. We must educate the younger generation about this responsibility. As they grow in knowledge they must grow in an understanding of morality as well. We as individuals must do our best to internalize and uphold these standards and together maybe just maybe we can create a peaceful, fun filled, sustainable future for all.