99 facts

in #life9 years ago

Number 1. If a resident of Hawaii lays flowers for the right ear, it tells the most that is available. The more colors, the more her desire. Interesting fact
2 № average children laugh about 400 times a day, adults laugh about 15 times per day. Interesting fact
Number 3, 66% of people kissing with eyes closed. The rest like to watch the emotional reaction of his partner a kiss. Interesting fact
Number 4, 40% of the lovers, who were rejected by their chosen fall into clinical depression. Interesting fact
Number 5 Around 80% of the users of LiveJournal account in America. Interesting fact
The average number 6 in their life, everyone kisses 20,160 minutes, or 14 days. Interesting fact
Number 7 Two of the five people marry their first love. Interesting fact
Number 8 women cope with car parking better than men. Interesting fact
Number 9, 90% of women and 75% of men wash their hands after using a public toilet. Interesting fact
Number 10, 65% of people kissing tilted his head to the right. Interesting fact
Number 11 The average person from 20 to 70 years, spends about 600 hours or 25 days, having sex. Interesting fact
Number 12 in the average woman has during their lifetime 4 sexual partners. Interesting fact
Number 13 8 out of 10 people believe that the first kiss tells about how the relationship will develop. Interesting fact
Number 14 Every 5 years a woman uses a number of lipsticks, for that would require a tube of length equal to its growth. Interesting fact
15 The average number of people of small stature - Japanese. Interesting fact
Number 16 the highest average people - the Dutch. Interesting fact
Number 17 British drink tea more than residents of any other country. For example, twenty times more than Americans. Interesting fact
Number 18 on average during the life of every person has sex 3,000 times and spends two weeks a kiss of pure time. Interesting fact
Number 19 Ural Mountains that divide Russia into the European and Asian parts - the oldest in the world. Interesting fact
Number 20 for life creates so much saliva that it can be filled with two medium sized pools. Interesting fact
Number 21 men over a lifetime spent 3350 hours on the shaving stubble 8.4 meters. Interesting fact
Number 22, 47% of people see nightmares at least once a month. Interesting fact
Number 23 The majority of people live in the eyelashes Demodex mites that have claws and mouth. Interesting fact
Number 24 The largest number of documented orgasms per hour - 134 in women and 16 in men. Interesting fact
Number 25 in the course of life a person goes through a distance equal to 5 the Earth's equator. Interesting fact
№ 26 The more intelligent a person is, the more his hair copper and zinc. Interesting fact
Number 27, 35% of people who are trying to meet for sexual relations through the ads on the Internet, are married. Interesting fact
Number 28 The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes. Interesting fact
Number 29 children aged 1 to 3 months, crying without tears. Interesting fact
Number 30 Approximately 365 million people worldwide have computers, and half the world's population has never seen or used a telephone. Interesting fact
Number 31, do you share your birthday with nearly 20 million people in the world. Interesting fact
№ 32 Women who read romance novels, sex 74% more often than women who do not read romance novels. Interesting fact number
33 Women have an average IQ higher than that of men. Interesting fact
№ 34 women eat the most of the lipstick, which they enjoyed. Interesting fact
Number 35 at the age of six or seven months, the child can breathe and swallow at the same time. Adults do not know how. Interesting fact
Number 36 The higher income men, the greater the chance that he changes his wife. Interesting fact
The average number 37 single men to 2.5 cm shorter than the married. Interesting fact
Number 38 on the average housewife runs 11 kilometers a day, doing household chores. Interesting fact
Number 39 Every three minutes someone in the world to announce that he had seen a UFO. Interesting fact
Number 40 Senegalese women spend obtaining water by an average of 17.5 hours per week. Interesting fact
№ 41 About a quarter of the world's population lives in China. Interesting fact
Number 42 people with blue eyes can see better in the dark. Interesting fact
Number 43 The people who are lying to you, look up and to the left. Interesting fact
Number 44 in Western China in the tea instead of sugar put salt. Interesting fact
Number 45 Russia is the only country in the world, which is washed by 12 seas. Interesting fact
) № 46 Over 98% of Japanese are exposed to cremation after death. Interesting fact
Number 47 every five hundred people in the world has one blue eye and the other - brown. Interesting fact
Number 48 on average during the life of a person spends about five years for food. Interesting fact
Number 49 on average, women have a more subtle hearing than men. Interesting fact
Number 50 Almost 30% of women, recognizing that won the lottery, the winning ticket hidden in her bra. Interesting fact
Number 51 The most common name in the world - Mohammed. Interesting fact
Number 52 Most people spend about 3 hours during the life under water. Interesting fact
Number 53 In Kenya, more than half the population is under 15 years old. Interesting fact
Number 54 in Scotland born more red than any other country in the world. Interesting fact
Number 55 Most boys are born during the day, most of the girls - at night. Interesting fact
Number 56 Men laugh longer, louder and more often than women. Interesting fact
Number 57 Men emit 40% more sweat than women. Interesting fact number
58 At any time, 0.7% of people in the world are drunk. Interesting fact
Number 59 on average per day a person makes 18 000 steps. Interesting fact
Number of 60 to 80% of centenarians who have lived to 100 years old - woman. Interesting fact number
61 In identical twins different fingerprints. Interesting fact
№ 62 Trans-Siberian Railway passes through 8 time zones from Moscow to Beijing endpoint. Interesting fact
Man number 63 blinks ten million times per year. Interesting fact
Number 64 Forty percent of Americans have never visited a dentist. Interesting fact
Number 65 Huskies never do what they consider risky. Interesting fact number 66 Every three seconds a child is born in the world. Interesting fact
Number 67 in the course of life we ​​eat about 27 tons of food, the equivalent weight of seven elephants. Interesting fact
At number 68 citizens more hair in the nose than in the villagers, and the hair they have thicker and stiffer. Interesting fact
Number 69 spring children grow faster than in other seasons. Interesting fact number 70 boys who were given unusual names, with a probability of more than 50% will have a mental health problem. In girls, there is no such relationship. Interesting fact
Number 71 Children who are breastfed grow slimmer than those who grew up on an artificial diet. Interesting fact
Number 72 of every three people on Earth can not crackle fingers. Interesting fact
Number 73 Moscow is the first city in the world in number of billionaires, so it has the status of the most expensive cities in the world. Interesting fact
Number 74 Americans spend on cat food more than baby food. Interesting fact
Number 75 A man named Charles Osborne nonstop hiccuping and sixty-nine years. Interesting fact
Number 76 engaged in hard physical labor adult male allocates 4 liters of sweat per day. Interesting fact
Number 77 Probability of birth of twins increases for women after 35 years. After that age gives birth to twins, a woman of 27. After 50 the chances of having twins is already 1 to 9. Interesting fact
Number 78 to 90% of women after entering the department store turn right. Interesting fact
Each month, number 79 in the world 2500 mothers abandon their newborn children. Interesting fact
Number 80 most dangerous job in the United States - catching crabs in Alaska. Interesting fact number 81 Moscow Metro is the world's fastest trains in it are scheduled for every 90 seconds during rush hour. Interesting fact
Number 82 All children are born color-blind. Interesting fact
Number 83 Lake Baikal in Siberia, is the deepest lake in the world. All the world's major rivers - the Volga, the Don, the Dnieper, the Yenisei, the Ural Mountains, the Ob, the Ganges, the Orinoco, the Amazon, the Thames, the Seine and Oder - should flow almost a year to fill the pool, equal to the volume of Lake Baikal. Interesting fact
Number 84 Russia and the United States share a total of 4 kilometers. Interesting fact
Number 85 Twenty-nine percent of women in their lifetime are spending more time on the selection of shoes than the choice of a life partner. Interesting fact
Number 86 Australian women often have sex on the first date. Interesting fact
Number 87 in Northern Thailand is a school with a separate toilet for transvestite students. Interesting fact
Number 88 on the Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts 3 naked men who laid hands on each other's shoulders. Interesting fact
At number 89 of the Mona Lisa no eyebrows. During the Renaissance in Florence ladies shaved eyebrows. Interesting fact
Number 90 In Japan, it is in the bounds of decency to call someone else's child, "ass" or "prostitute". Interesting fact
Number 91 23% failures of copiers in the world are due to the fact that people sit on them to otkserit your ass. Interesting fact
Number 92 to sell a house faster and more expensive, it is enough to paint in yellow color. Interesting fact
Number 93 Men who kiss their wives in the morning live 5 years longer than those who do not. Interesting fact
Number 94 Toy Yo-Yo appeared in the 16th century in the Philippines as a weapon. Interesting fact
Number 95 "Fortune Cookie" was invented in 1920 by psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. Interesting fact
Number 96 In South Africa, the highest rate of assaults, rapes and murders with firearms in the world.
Number 97 in the United States in the percentage of people in prison longer than any other country in the world.
Number 98 to 70% of men and 57% of women take a daily shower. Interesting fact
Number 99 In Bolivia, 5400 employees of the Navy, despite the fact that the country has no access to the sea.