If you do this your child will be the next Albert Einstein

in #life6 years ago

Hello, community of Steemit. As I had already announced in my first publication, I will be posting in my blog topics related to the optimal development of children. The Wednesdays' topics will be entitled "Good Parents = Super Gifted Children". This day we will give necessary advice, strategies and tools to help children in their life. It is not directed only to parents, but to everyone who is interested in helping a relative or any child who are close to them. Here is the first introductory topic, I hope you enjoy it. BPNSD 000 english.jpg
Positive discipline is a method which aims to educate and help parents to raise their children. It is proven that most parents today are not prepared to face such commitment and to prepare their children for the development of life. Many of them only care about their primary needs such as their food, physical health, and schooling, but they do not take into consideration the psychological area that plays a fundamental role in the development of the child. Their behavior, social skills, and affective environment are the fundamental pillars that should be taken into account, not only at home but also outside.

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In the same way, this does not imply punishing or being permissive. If we punish, because he feels hurt, disappointed or disgusted; he can retaliate, destroy things and intensify the same behavior. If the parents are permissive, it will be difficult to adopt a position, and this will lead to face conflicts and may even cause others to feel upset, guilty and then resentful. So, we must act with firmness and kindness at the same time, be good at listening and empathic, love easily and really take an interest in others to avoid creating conflicts. This will allow us to have a better control of the situation, and at the same time will give your children the maturity to take responsibility for the actions they take.

Excellent! This was the first step of this great project. Thank you for joining me, I hope you enjoyed it. Next Wednesday I will be giving the first tip to help you to be better parents. I say better because you are already good parents, good persons. The fact of being here shows that you are interested in your children, and you want to contribute much more for their optimal growth. Doing it in the best way, with love.