Strangers are Strange: Stealthy Pass

in #life7 years ago

Stealthy Pass

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As I have mentioned in previous posts I am hearing impaired, I wear two behind the ear hearing aids and without them I cannot not hear beyond a muffle. Also when wearing them, which is every minute I am awake, I need to see other peoples faces to understand what they are saying. When others are speaking to me and face away while talking or cover their mouths you might as well end the conversation there as when this happens all is lost when they speak.

Misheard words are also a great source of entertainment for me and others I interact with, so many stories over the years from my family ( 3 other older member of my family are hearing impaired/deaf).

I am extra cautious when crossing roads of approaching cars as I cannot always hear them approach the crossing, roundabout, corner or intersection. I am always watching the little green man on traffic lights and looking left and right repeatedly till it is all clear. Doing this may take me a little longer to cross the road but at least I know I am safe.

Now onto today's subject.

When I am out and about either alone or with someone there is usually someone behind be that wishes to pass by. Sometimes the space around us is restricted like in a shop aisle, but when they approach I have no idea they are there attempting to pass. When I do eventually see them they pass and I have to apologize to them for being in their way and not acknowledging their attempt to get my attention. This exchange never goes negatively because along with my apology I always say that I am deaf and didn't hear them. They always smile back and say 'Thank you'. This is fine, I feel a bit embarrassed about hindering their passage.

When I am in their position of trying to pass by others I always say 'Excuse me' and they see what I am trying to do. If I get no reply from them I gently touch the bicep area of their jacket to get their attention. As of late if the path is blocked I go another way around, just depends on how brave or social I feel.

So my point is, a physical disablility such as being deaf can either cause and/or be a diffuser of awkward situations. People are nicer and sometimes they say they are sorry when I say I am deaf, there is no need, it is not your fault it's just they way I am.