Roller Coaster Changing its Name Due to Political Correctness

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I personally cannot stand political correctness. I even have a facebook page dedicated to ending the movement at the web address called PS BS Daily (cause every day its something new that the PC crowd finds "offensive").

The political correctness movement is an attempt to control thought by controlling language (ie what words people can and cannot say). Moreover, it has morphed into an attempt to control all content (images, logos, etc). It is an underhanded way to go about affecting change, and the intentions of people behind it (ie the "PC Police") are not all so honorable. It is about pushing their libtard agendas (you may not like the term "libtard," but it is what best conveys the message Im trying to get across).

The whole political correctness movement is about empowerment thru being offended. Every time this PC crowd gets offended by something, they empower themselves. Sometimes its as if they are attacking something just to get their rocks off and show the rest of us how powerful they are.

Personally I am more left leaning than right, but I just cannot take this PC crap. I never liked it and it is spinning more out of control every second. I wrote an article earlier this week expressing my discontent about my favorite baseball team (the Cleveland Indians) caving to the PC pressure to change their Chief Wahoo logo. And now I bring you the latest and perhaps the most incredibly absurd example of political correctness gone mad.

As a kid who grew up in eastern Virginia, I remember going to Kings Dominion a few times. One of the park's main attraction was a roller coaster called "The Rebel Yell," which was built in 1975. Sadly, it was just announced today that the roller coaster is changing its name because the term "Rebel yell" is a reference to a Confederate battle cry of the US Civil War.

-Kings Dominion's "Rebel Yell" is the latest to fall victim to the PC police. It will be renamed because a small group of white liberal douchebags deem it "offensive" (image from

In other words, the PC police have claimed another victim. Even this roller coaster was not safe from their wrath. They are looking to create a whole new society in their own image, so everything they want to get rid of is "racist," "homophobic," "sexist," or otherwise "offensive." They feed off of that stuff like energy vampires, and they are sucking the life out of society. Sadly, few have the guts to stand up to them out of fear of being labeled the aforementioned terms. Thus, doing so could be career suicide.

The PC movement and the people behind it must be stopped now. The whole idea that something needs to be changed or removed because as little as one person finds it offensive is unacceptable. We cannot keep letting them get more out of control and increasingly powerful. It is time we put them in their place regardless of what ugly names they use to bully us. Ironically, they claim to hate bullying but they are the biggest bullies on the block these days. 2018 needs to be the year the majority in society draw a line in the sand and tell them "enough."