Some Effective Tips to Motivate Yourself To Play sports

in #life7 years ago

They told us ,they told us again, the sport is good for the health, when we start we can not do without it and we feel better in our skin and in our head when we practice a regular physical activity ... But to getused to it sometimes seems to be beyond our strength.

Know that the first 5 sessions, yes, it will not be easy. The hard part is getting the machine back on track, finding the time and motivation to take action. How are you not motivated ?!

Here are 5 tips that can help you.

1)** Find time**


I would do a lot more sports, but I do not have time. The excuse of lack of time is one of the most used and one of the easiest.

With a little organization, it is relatively easy to release slots, even very small! 10 min in the morning, 10 min in the evening ... Start gently, but stick to these niches with rigor.

Do you plan catch-up sessions if you have a real unforeseen: in the weekend, you will have 30 minutes of idleness to devote to your body.

Good to know: If you feel like you're running out of time, try to find activities that consume more than you want. You spend too much time watching TV? On your mobile? To read magazines without interest? Reduce that time, you will gain elsewhere.

2)Motivate yourself by the positive


Rather than thinking of sport as a constraint, as an obligation to be less soft, passive, sick ... rather turn your motives to the positive: sport is an opportunity for you to be more dynamic, to be more joyful, to be more firm ...!

I reassure you, even if in the beginning your mind will find all the excuses of the world to stop the effort, it is only about thoughts and you can decide to persevere to reach your objectives. Think positive!

Physical activity, without going as far as sports performance, is a means:

    -to feel his body move, to learn to recognize 
       his feelings;

     -to feel alive, to be more serene and more 

3)Start very slowly

Slow pace-300.jpg

Very often, we suddenly get back to sport overnight, hoping to see the results of our efforts immediately. Conclusion: we have aches, we are exhausted and we never want to go back. Be patient !

Start with very small sessions, very regularly, to get in the habit of moving. Even 10 min! This will prevent you from getting discouraged, and you can then increase the length of your sessions or the level of courses you follow.

Good to know: it's better to have 10 minutes of sport every day than 1 hour a week. Regularity is the key.

4)Visualize yourself, achieve your goals



Sport psychologists train athletes to visualize their achievements. this mental exercise is very effective in preparing the head and body to achieve the set goals. Whatever your goal is to imagine doing it will help you to do it more easily.

Start by choosing goals (between 1 and 3), and think. Why those?

   -Is it to make you feel better about yourself?

   -Is it to value you in the eyes of others?

   -Is it to change your habits?

Note: If you're going for bad reasons, to please others for example, your motivation is flawed and will not last very long. It must come from you, deeply.

5)Be indulgent with yourself

If you have not found the strength to play sports this week or if you have not achieved your goals, do not be discouraged. Rather, it should be seen as a stage of learning toward regularity.

And did not you have just planned a small catch-up niche at the weekend? As you are anticipating!

Conversely, it is important to congratulate yourself, to reward your efforts if they have paid. Give yourself a massage, chocolate or a new pair of sneakers as long as it brings you pleasure and does not affect your performance.

Note: rather than feel guilty, take action. You moping will not help you feel better. Have a little improvised sport session, change your habits and get back on the road!

Cordially. @mageofor


these are great strategies.