Did you notice something??

in #life7 years ago

In recent weeks, a new frequency of love energy is present in our atmosphere. Nobody can remain insensitive to this new vibration, because it constantly pushes us to remember our true nature which is in harmony with this frequency.

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This is how everything that is not in our life with this frequency of love, everything that is not consistent with the true nature of our being is deeply disrupted. When we are open and receptive to this new energy, it can mean different ways. For example, we have suddenly and for no apparent reason we are happy with a feeling of inner wholeness or bliss. Or even in situations that are repugnant to us and we emerge intense and difficult emotions in us, we suddenly change our attitude. We are more open and more compassionate and willing to accept the situation as it is.

This acceptance is the first step to open the door to new possibilities. This acceptance is not a feeling of resignation. On the contrary, it is a source of hope, because by accepting what is present, by appropriating the experiences we experience, we take back as our power. By agreeing to see that the fears and false beliefs that inhabit us project outside of us to shape an experience of reality that corresponds to the perception we have, we better understand the role we play in the creation of our reality. This understanding allows us to begin to steer our creative force more consciously in alignment with our sincere desires, those who have driven us to be, those who have truly been, those who have truly inspired us.

Around me, every day I observe situations that confirm to me in a tangible way the work done by this new light and that occurs in everyone, whether people have informed or not of the change of consciousness that is happening now. The essential condition for accepting this new energy is to be open and this translates into the ability to be able to question everything you have believed true for now. All the old reference systems that identify you with your achievements, your achievements, your problems or your material possessions must be reviewed.

There are lots of examples all around me that change completely and suddenly perspective on a difficult situation in their life. They gave up overnight a limited vision that was a source of suffering. This depressed girl who thinks she is at the mercy of a chemical imbalance and makes her parents responsible for her condition is now a new possibility: did not believe it. She decided to no longer be a victim of circumstances and then find hope that something can change, since she is the responsibility of her own creation. What a great victory for herself! And this other person full of anger and resentment who judges another responsible for the misfortune of the people she loves now comes to a higher vision: the one who plays a role in the situations that come their way and that can not be held responsible for another person's reaction to our choices.

On the other hand, those who resist this energy of love and persist in remaining on their position, in justifying their reason, in justifying or convincing others of their good right, cornered in an impasse. Situations and relationships that are not in accord with their true nature will become increasingly difficult and untenable. It is in this way that light presents the possibilities of transformers: by offering opportunities to choose differently according to a new vision infused by the presence of this magnificent and powerful vibration of love.

But it is not necessary to suffer and to be pushed to its limits to change. As soon as you feel an intense, difficult or uncomfortable emotional load in front of a situation, it is a sign that you can use immediately to understand what is happening in you. It is a question of decoding the message sent by the emotion by identifying the thought (that is to say the limiting belief) which is underlying. You really have to see it for what is: information that limits you in your possibilities of authentic expression. And at that moment, you can simply decide to detach yourself and continue your way and choosing the one of truth. In the presence of the truth, we feel that we have multiple possibilities and that we have the choice to act or decide according to our individual preferences. There is no limit or conditions!

All that makes you self-criticize and judge that you do not have what it takes to succeed must be reviewed in a new light: the one that now makes you see that your human aspect is far from the only one and that what happens on the physical plane first takes birth on the invisible plane: your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs are energetic systems that you must learn to master in order to direct the experiments that you desire in a deliberate and conscious way . They must now align with the true essence of your being and no longer on what society or others have made you believe you were.

However, this new energy of Love may seem unknown because it has never been present in this way on Earth. That's why it can awaken fear in you: the fear of the unknown, the fear of change, the fear of losing one's point of reference or losing what one has acquired or the love of those who we love. These fears are illusory, but can prevent you from opening yourself to this new energy with confidence.

To allow you to welcome it with openness, you can state your intention clearly. You can say, for example, "From now on, I know and accept that I am first and foremost a spiritual being made of energy and light. I acknowledge being an aspect of the Consciousness of my Creator incarnated in a physical body. I choose to believe and to know that I am this being of light and that every human being is made of this same energy of love. I now choose to place my being in this new vibration of love, I ask to be able to integrate this new consciousness in all my cells, in order to find the freedom to be who I really am to create a reality to the measure of my true nature, for the greater good of all. I ask that all conscious and unconscious fears (fear of change, fear of losing what I have acquired hard or even the fear of being punished, judged and rejected) that make me resist to let this new energy enter me dissolve in this light. I only let into my sphere of light the vibration of pure love and highest absolute truth. I accept to renew my being by letting go all the information belonging to the old paradigm of consciousness and I open my being to new possibilities of expression and expansion, in agreement with my Inner Source, my true Essence. "

Expressing your desire to open up to new aspects of yourself, aspects that are more real and real than anything you believe in yourself will bring into your life circumstances that will allow you to align with this new love vibration by making new choices and making new decisions. You will open up a new perspective on the people you judge or reject with severity. You will accept them now as they are with more compassion and love, without feeling threatened by their attitudes or their choices. The external circumstances that you make responsible for your difficulties will take on a new meaning so that you can now master them and no longer be mastered by them. What may seem like miracles will begin to happen in your life simply because you are starting to operate from a higher vibration, that of Unconditional Love.

This love is the foundation of your being. He is your real and true nature. And now is the time to accept it into your life and let it transform your reality! Changes that are in progress can not be stopped. You can go through this period with grace and fluidity simply by tuning your whole being to this higher and higher vibration. This is done by letting go of many concepts and ideas that are part of the old paradigm. Many of these concepts come from our idea of ​​the spiritual path. Your expectations as well as the beliefs that you should be like this or like that or even feel this or that are what limits you. Also all the beliefs that you need this or that to be happy or successful and that come from the systems in place are to be questioned. It is time to make your own choices beyond the prescriptions and expectations of others, of society and even of the so-called new spirituality.