Being creative! Sharing it with others by force.
Easing into the deep end of Life.
I'm not even trying to blend in anymore, so I'm going to do my own thing. I like DIY projects, and being a little creative. I have mixed all these worlds together, and here are a few results.
Here is a Christmas card I made at vistaprint, although they have universal use.

I would sign it "Happy Festivus, love Tyler."
I found a website that will let you makeover your credit and debit cards, and that's fun. I worked on a few different versions, but the ones that were professionally made seem to look the best. The website I used was creditcardcovers which is now long gone.Here is something similar if you are in the UK.
As the years went by I definetly figured out money.
Version 2.0

Most banks dislike when you do this, and it is NOT advised.
I even managed to make a sweet sign for my lawn not too long ago. The finished product was pretty nice, and a few feet each direction when completed, although I've lost the pictures of the completed project, I still have the original creation.
So, it's quite obvious I am making good friends with the relatives, local bank and all of my neighbors.
I hope you are doing well, or maybe this post cheered you up a bit. Either way, stay tuned, as I still have stories to tell, I'm just getting warmed up.
Thanks for coming by to check out my post, and for 100 followers.
Very much appreciated... Hope you enjoy the content.
One link is down as the story is yet to be written.
The blog is a work in progress that all goes together, and holds a secret reward for the one who finds it.
Some clues are already included, and some are yet to be added, once the story is complete, the answer will be possible.
Hope everyone enjoys the read.
Great read! I just upvoted you. Please do the same and follow
Thanks for checking out my blog. :D
Looking forward to seeing what kind of content you produce too...
welcom bro il will follow you