in #life7 years ago


What Happened To Utopia..

Every now and then.., I write about how fucked up the world is -- it's an easy topic, there's so much material. From terrorism to racism, immigration to healthcare. Hate, division and ignorance are being waved around like a badge, something to be proud of.., patriotic -- WHAT?!

Believe me.., I wish there wasn't so much material…

I wish everybody had healthcare, enough food to eat, money to feel safe. That war was a thing of the past and people could roam this earth without borders… But I don't have to tell you, we haven't gotten quite there, yet.

But I also believe -- we want to get there!

As a people, a whole -- we want to just live and let live… Be happy (whatever that means to you), raise a family (or not), just do your thing.., and not worry about getting gunned down while having a cocktail with friends, or if you have enough healthcare -- or ANY healthcare.., is your Grandma getting deported, etc.., etc…

These things we should have solved already…

We keep arguing and debating the same things, over and over -- for generations. We know what the problems are, we know the world is out of balance. The amount of suffering, misery and plain old unhappiness is staggering -- just ask the pharmaceutical companies (those scumbags).., and so much of it is unnecessary. Everyone of the problems (issues) that plague us today -- is solvable!

There are some smart motherfuckers walking this planet -- creating blockchains and rocket ships, new forms of energy and mind boggling technology is always on the horizon… So making sure everyone can see a doctor when there sick without the risk of going bankrupt, losing there home or dying -- IS DOABLE.

We know the 0.01 percent shouldn't hold all the wealth.., yet they do. Others (many others) go hungry. Incarceration rates off the charts, while the truly guilty among us walk free. The status quo is no longer acceptable -- the world is bursting at the seams because we know, things have to change.

Yet nobody is offering up any solutions… Our political parties have turned into tribes or gangs, that exist only to feud.., enemies that have no interest in solutions and nor taste for compromise or understanding. Instead they rely on hateful propaganda, in an effort to keep their jobs -- retain their power, in their jerry-rigged districts (making it almost impossible for them to lose).

In lieu of any answers, they have created the term "fake news" to absolve them of their lack of solutions.., and any dignity for that matter. They have blatantly displayed their ignorance and cowardice in front of the whole world.., and are riling up their constituents into a damn freaking frenzy…

A Better Way...

People down deep want to be accepted, feel like they are a part of something.., and many times it is the loudest voice in the room they chose to follow. It's easy to be swayed by all the bravado, cheap catch phrases and false promises, when you want to belong… Unfortunately, these voices preach hatred and fear -- instead of love and hope. They play to our most primitive instincts, tapping into the strongest, instinct we have -- survival.

And through these falsehoods and inflaming rhetoric, they are creating -- manifesting, the very things they claim to deplore and wish to eradicate. By fanning the flames of hate, they are setting the world on fire. There is no doubt the world is out of balance, we can see it in all the violence, lack of fairness (and don't tell me, the world isn't fair -- that's a bunch of bullshit) and consciously hurtful and divisive speech.

But I do believe.., we all pretty much want the same thing -- to live without fear, not lack basic human necessities… To experience life as it should and can be -- feel the sun caress our skin while breathing clean air, not worrying what horrors the morning news will bring. All the joys and wonders this world has to offer.., and not bury a child or father because they were blown up or gunned down because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time or a different color. Utopia looks slightly different to everybody.., and everybody deserves a fair shot at it -- each and every one of us, no matter your tax bracket, religion, sexual preference or color.

Yes, there will always be a few evil son of bitches that try to fuck things up for everyone -- there's assholes everywhere… But when the only voices being heard are those very same voices.., ladies and gentlemen we have a problem. It's time to start listening to some new voices, voices that inspire hope for the future.., that embody empathy and compassion. Voices that actually seek to solve the problems of the day.., and not prolong them out of greed or an attempt to retain or gain power. What's that old saying -- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Image Source: 1


'What happened to Utopia?'

People who believed it was possible for people to create Utopia is what happened. And it continues on to this very day. The oceans of blood spilled during the wars of the last 150 years alone has overwhelmingly been shed in the name of Utopianism; the greater good, the spreading of freedom, the spread of equality for all, then: the defense of freedom, the enforcement of equality; all in proliferation of the greater good.

The reality is the mission of all of these disparate organizations and governments and individuals and institutions and nations are ALL clearly stated, by them, to be in pursuit of Utopia. When Utopia and the greater good are the stated ends it appears that inculcating the greatest evil is the only acceptable means. Heaven will be built on earth, even if it has to be on top of a billion human skulls.

Doesn't the word Utopia actually mean

I understand the world is not perfect... After all, we are human beings and we make mistakes -- but we could be doing "a little" better than our present day... Thanks for the comment!

We need to be doing a whole hell of a lot better, and we need to have started yesterday! But having unrealistic or impossible goals or requirements is a weapon with which we are kept down.

nice blog , i follow you , please see my blog and if you liked please follow and upvote

For the most part, it's not the lack of solution but the lack of will and resources to execute (or find a better) solution. The ruling class don't want the masses to be free of fear and have the basic needs. If everyone is on the same level, they (the oligarchs) will have no one to serve them. They relish their position not only for its grand lifestyle but also the nearly unlimited power with which they can bend everyone's reality with. Others do stand up to that but those who do find themselves dead or their families suffering for the "rebellion". Greed and lust for power. Those, I think, are what should be fixed.

Somethings gotta change, that's for sure... Thanks for the comment @unspeakableme

I believe that the problem lies in the "caveman" within us all who only cares about his self interests and his own survival.

We are a social species, yes. But do we really want to help others? History has shown us that helping others is not a primary focus or goal of the majority of people. Will we help another who is in dire need? Probably. Will we help another who we are slightly better off than? Probably Not.

Until we can move away from our current consumerism society, where everything has a value and we are putting a value on everything, we will not be able to reach a utopian society. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try though!

Great post, thanks for sharing :)

Worth a shot, right... Thanks @evolved08gsr

It's time to start listening to some new voices, voices that inspire hope for the future.., that embody empathy and compassion. Voices that actually seek to solve the problems of the day.., and not prolong them out of greed or an attempt to retain or gain power.

I believe that these voices can be found on steemit. There are a lot of good people here who are providing great content.

You never know... CHEERS!

Upvoting and resteeming. Great views.
I think a YOU-Topia is happening right now as we speak.

Sounds good to me...

great post and thanks for sharing with us

Thank you!

Upvoted, rEsteemed and Followed.
Thank you and SteemON!
