BEING EVICTED… Part 3 -- Donations (Where are we at…)

Once again.., before I start this post, I'd like to THANK YOU everyone that has taken the time out of their day, to read, commenT, show their support.., and yes -- donate.
It has been 3 days since I posted on my current, dire situation of facing eviction -- asking the community for support. I know times are tough all over and there are many people in need of financial and otherwise -- which made coming to this Steemit Community asking for financial assistance, even harder…
I have received messages asking --
"Where are we at… "
"Can you update your eviction (fund-me page) status…"
The concern for my financial need.., and my well-being, has genuinely touched my heart. At a time where, just about all the people in my personal life (family and friends) have pretty much turned a blind eye to my need for support.., a community of people have stepped-up… Virtual strangers, that basically only know me from reading my posts.., and conversing through comments and chat -- have shown me more support (financial and otherwise) than the people I thought I could count on in such serious situations, like this…
This Steemit Community has shown me that the good side of humanity, not only exists -- but it acts when one of their own is in need… They have gone out of their way to to leave me such comments as --
And so many more, beautiful heartfelt comments from this amazing community…
There were Steemians that wrote their own posts about my situation, putting out a "call for help" because someone in this community was hurting and in need --
It is gestures like this.., fellow community members that took actions of their own, to try and help me out, that truly touches my heart.., and gives me hope, in what I thought was a hopeless situation…
Due to this outpouring of affection, I wanted to keep everyone up to date… Also writing about it helps me to get out all the negative crap I've been keeping bottled up -- out. The writing, helps me to get a perspective -- and makes me feel a little better.
So here is an update of where we stand -- Steemit Donations:
STEEM: 307 -- $1083 (todays value)
SBD: 132 -- $525 USD (todays value)
BITCOIN: 0.2490 -- $2538 USD (todays value)
To say this amount of generosity -- blows me away.., is the understatement of the century!!!
Yes, I am in need of about another $7.5K in order to avoid eviction… I go to court this coming Tuesday, February 27th at 9:30am -- there is a good chance my housing lawyer can get me a little more time, by doing some "lawyer things." We might be able to get another adjournment (I have two already) or we can ask to go to trial (which I will lose), but each of these lawyer tactics could possibly give me another 30 days…
Once again, I can't say THANK YOU, enough -- for the support you have already shown me. Anyone that does feel like helping me out with a loan, donation, upvote or resteem -- it would be more than greatly appreciate! (any loan would be returned within the year with interest.., and many good vibes!)
STEEM /SBD -- @macksby
BITCOIN ADDRESS -- 1Mk8SUiVs8yu93sXmyCE3XukFJyr57C42D
PAYPAL -- [email protected]
Thanks for reading, @macksby -- Mack
Im going to try and post about my present situation, daily -- what goes in the mind of someone facing the very real possibility of being homeless.., or worse, if I can get my thoughts together and composed enough.
If you missed them you can read Part 1 and Part 2 here --
Check your bitcoin addy. I just sent you what you need
But not so much, that I cannot say how gracious and generous this is of you @done -- and how grateful I am. My words can not even come close to express what I am feeling right now!
THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU... I cannot say it enough.
It is just little sheets of paper that they want.
@done Said:
I understand what you are saying @done
life can not be bought with money
thank you, you are "superman"
Only one you can make
and that's what they expect
Go fuck yourself. I'll be back to flag this post and remove the entire payout unless you remove the flags from @abusereports.
@done Thank you so much for supporting our project. We will be awaiting your choices from the list your received. We can start the ball rolling with two candidates out of the many confirmed content creators by country.
I am not allowed to speak any longer. Says the red X
Scammer: Someone who invests 1,612,756 steem, $10 million, give or take. Then the scams his way into 4 to 8 videos per day for his 72k twitter followers (which are coming here).
Or is that called growth
What happens when SNL gets here? Flag them out of town too?
@Dan @Ned - is that your definition of a scammer or growth?
As for me I will stop encouraging the new comers and power down the million and a half that I have here.
Now what has happened to this blog post which was kind of the light at the end of the tunnel - not only for @macksby?
I told all my friends about your generous gesture @done - and not only those on steemit, because you really did something exceptional. You did something that actually responds to the original idea of Steem... or as Dan Larimer would say:

Why would you stop doing good now just because one person doesn't agree with your behavior on the platform? Please reconsider your (probably precipitated) decision.
Remember: you're the light. We really need people like you - not only on Steem but in general...:-)
is here law of the jungle ?
how about small fish
see all of you down
I am interested in the words you post on esteem. because not everyone can provide the best for the fighters who are in the promo-steem. your incredible Master done👍. best regards from me @idun ...
Twitter followers are like toilet paper, you buy 24 thousand -sheet rolls for 10 dollars, you do know that. Plus I love how haejin has all those organic followers and those organic discussions that aren't all centered around one thing: his abuse of the platform. So glad that he was able to invest to make what he was making for free on twitter.
Thank you @done
I know what helps against all this! @done The best thing to do is give love, much love! :)
For example you could upvote my posts for a whole year, if you like photography and if you like drone photos too a friend of mine @redtravels takes amazing photos with his drone in every country he travels to.
Waw is really beautiful and amazing because my hobby is travel and also photography
very happy to hear from your kindness @done
indeed you do not know about us all but we need you as a corutor, so we can move forward @done
Hallo mr done ?
Please approve my commen .
Why the people downvoted me ?
@done & @berniesanders what is happening here? I cannot understand the issue, can anyone tell me.?
@done is supporting the scammer @haejin. Until he stops, there will be hell to pay.
I Think this Flag war is not so good for This beautiful plateform, @ned should see such kind of issues and make a proper rules to maintain the repute of Steemit. It is my personal opinion that you and other like you those have high vote power should not spoil their votes and energies in this useless way. Like me and other new comers took a guideline from seniors, So you should support and guide new comers and utilize your energies in the promotion of this community. thanks. This is my personal opinion if anyone dont agree with me or hurt with my words then sorry. I just want to spread the message of Love & Peace.
@done is supporting a reward pool manipulator and defending his actions as aligned with Steem's growth.
On the contrary, @done is paving the way for corporations and greedy whales to reward themselves because they have deeper pockets.
Talented minnows and low stake holders (us little peons) will no place around here if the climate doesn't change and he has found himself on the wrong side.
I envision a Steem that gives fair rewards for adding value. That dream is quickly becoming fantasy in light of the reality of the world where cynicism is now realism.
@done, I ask you to reconsider you 100% downvote on my post. I worked my ass off for a cause bigger than myself and we have a shit ton of minnows and plankton that believe that Haejin's actions are morally wrong.
The manipulators have made a mockery of sweat equity. Steem is going to go downhill fast with the collusive and circular voting. This may very well be the last stand before Steem fades away into obscurity.
Kenapa orang-orang terlalu kejam kepada anda, anda sangat dermawan @done, saya sangat tidak percaya orang begitu kejam kepada anda.
yes you are amazing
You generation in steemit
I thank you
Mengapa begitu kejam sekali orang itu semua.. Kenapa semua orang menyakiti kamu @done....
What problem my friend.. Why all people hurt you...
Nice post
@done comments are the best and most important comments in the esteem app, with good pearls and beautiful and good photo comments, with the likes of many steemit friends, thanks @ done.
it is a very good job a friend of someone who pushes, someone who is new to the sex, thanks for your kindness to others
Is there anything I can help mr. @done
what's happening is probably the best, not everyone has my love like @done, he will give the best for the good people, and vice versa he will give the bad to the bad guy. @done has its own consideration.
thanks @done
it's because you are full of activities in every day .. I hope you are happy day in every day @done
a good and noble person like @done is the one awaited by all steemian users. although there are no posts, but in every comment anyone is waiting for him. thanks @done
goodness is recorded on the good as well as vice versa, you have done things yag boast a lot of people and you people who help the most @done
Good people like @done are unlikely to provide useless actions. I am happy with @done for always giving pleasure to others.
I really need your help @done 😭😭
There are many people I am friends with social media, but not many good people like you. I am very happy to get to know you.
Thanks @done
I like dreams why so this@done, but we all have become siblings in steemit, now that we happen to fix all.karena I am quite dear to you@done you are very good and generous.
betoi nya
I flatter the freedom of your expression lord @done
no what @done
@done you are the best whale.
Welcome every good people on earth @done
Previously I apologize if commented, because it does not match the topic. But I am sure you are a good and caring person, I am very sure you are too great person of course, I am very motivated with you @done
You love to travel, on the way you meet abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person that children can smile at children, it will be nice even though the valentine moment has passed. I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not mind visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing and direct me @done
(Save the children)
Thanks you so much
@done you are good whele.
you do not reply to them
Great News

happy to see you again @ done, I am proud of you
I attended, and I did not dare comment much more about it, because I am a small person and I am aware of it
we hope that everything is fine @done
@done you are amazing. you do not reply to them
hope all of US that the user steemit everything is fine @done
Very brave and thoughtful master @done
Very brave and thoughtful master @done
so that my level goes up, so I'm easier in mingling with in steemit
It's hard to find a good person like @done, I really support whatever action you're doing @done, because right now I feel you're the best.
Hi mr. @done maybe he was hiding.. 😁😁
best regards friends @done with me @alixia hopefully we can be good friends. I am grateful to recognize you🙌🙌🙌🙌😄😄😄
What happen mister @done.
We are everything sport your .
You are best teacher me steemit
Good people like @done are unlikely to provide useless actions. I'm happy with @done because it always gives pleasure to his neighbor. I was amazing to you thanks.
Best wishes
Everyone either forgot or did not know because of less attention, and forgot is an incident that ever experienced by everyone.
'' Because man is not perfect ".
Do not blame yourself mr. @done
I always support you
Everyone either forgot or did not know because of less attention, and forgot is an incident that ever experienced by everyone.
'' Because man is not perfect ".
Do not blame yourself mr. @done
I always support you.
Because you're the best
why this can happen this way..

sometimes our knowledge is not right.
Sometimes we think it's wrong, it's wrong.
so we have to rethink before acting.
if we know that you are @done that is very good for us and we will never forget you friend from us @done
Yesterday we were very afraid of a war between the Pope. Because we Minnows will also be affected in the end as well
a man must have got it wrong in something.
the error is not necessarily done deliberately.
it could be because of accident.
why did I say that?
because I also often wrong without me accidentally.
thank you lord @done.
that's a drink from me.
may be useful
sir can you help me,just this once plese @done
10 million lovers @done including me @dwiyanti, because @done has a myriad of knowledge about the application of steemit @done no need to display posting just only limited to the already famous commentaries across the country especially aceh and indonesia I love done.
@done you rights, scammer never get 27k follower.. we're with you
Because you have started to upvote @haejin. I will be flagging every single post you ever upvote. Are you ready?
It's called non-sustainable growth. @done you need to rethink what the ideal STEEM should be. It should be a beautiful mural of cooperative labor. You desire it to become a base thing. A FUCKING BILLBOARD where cliques of corporate interest rule the land.
You want the corporations to control this place. Get all their little little corporate accounts to upvote circle jerk each other until the cows come home. Is that what you WANT?
You'll see people power down and exit in DROVES! Mark my words. You will have this thing on your hands if you lose. We must make an example out of Haejin NOW! We must establish a precedent for what we as a community (whale, orca, minnow, plankton) will tolerate. What's been going on lately. That ain't it.
If you have any shred of principle in your body, you knew deep down something is nagging at your right now. That's the truth. An ideal. Something precious which you should be fighting for. Open your eyes.
Join us, @done, before it is too late!
@done is the best
I can only smile @done because after I open your blog none of your posts, only in the comments, there is a new post and very much also commented.
even though they are only a small piece of paper but, its value is able to tear down a large building.
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
They are pieces of paper to you but that post you down voted was going to become:
Peanut butter
Bag of Toast
Chocolate Milk
Which is pretty much more or less what I can afford right now to go along with my occasional home cooked meal or psychological pizza binge...
Would appreciate it removed
Maybe it all has to learn a lot more from the mistakes we have done. @done
Before we do something, we have to think first, whether it is right or wrong, maybe have to learn much from existing experience @done
Mr @done you seem like a generous person yet you would pick on minnows just for your entertainment:
oh don't worry I'm not asking for your upvote.. just a view is what I expect from you
I agree what you say
one's life can not be measured with a piece of paper (money)
very interesting when i want to understand it all depends on how conditions they want i am very impressed with you @done maybe not just me but very many people out there admire you once again thank you very much
Thank you for sharing @done, hopefully this month's coins will be more up than the previous month.
Good post and very interesting,
do not get angry @done and what you do, they are just looking for a bite of rice for the needs of their children and wives.
your post is very interesting friend, hopefully the next coin will soar, @done
you always give amazing advice @done
Everyone in this world needs money, but for the poor it is needed to meet the needs
thanks for sharing @done
@done, you should not be surprised by the number of people who want to comment under your comment. They expect something.
money is just a piece of paper, if on guard well, then he will grow with a lot. and the money will be fragrant. @done
Everyone has been waiting for your news @done Now that you have attended the comments with no posts, thanks for the comment visit
money is just a piece of paper, so if it is not on guard properly it will be damaged. @done
Before doing something must think first. @done
everything is safe when someone likes @done with us thanks for everything @done
A big tree can give birth to a thousand matches.
A match can scatter a thousand large trees.
thanks for sharing @done
Good Luck @macksby for New House
we are very interesting your words sir thank you sir done we always support you.the kindness you tetikasih top sharing sir done
we are very interesting your words sir thank you sir done we always support you.the kindness you tetikasih top sharing sir done
it's all up to you ,, but i will always learn from all the mistakes @done
An empty white paper with no pen strokes. The paper still could not be meaningless because it was still empty. At the time the paper is scratched pen and in tulisi something then the paper becomes meaningful.
Our life is like a plain white paper at first and this heart still has no scratches, but as we live this life, little by little the scratches begin to exist. Our life has been filled with things.
Initially life feels beautiful when in the content, but sometimes life is also not always happy, because time after time our lives in the process. In the case of paper when we write the wrong thing in the paper, we can still to delete that paper.
But in this life we can not erase the wrong things but learn from them and fix them. Realize that life is short and sometimes it is difficult to enjoy this life. Life is full of what choices we choose in this life, it determines our way forward.
This piece of white paper is just an allusion to the need for a pen stroke to make this paper meaningless, as well as life.
hello @done how are you now? are you okay, i have read your comment about this post hopefully you are fine. Thank you for your visit
you are so amazed @macksby friend this is a great insight for me to know more about blockchain
thanks for you @done who has supported this post
but if you give them to someone it makes their life
you are great @done we are very glad to see you back to share with us. it is very hard to find a generous person like you thanks friends have been present among us all
Thank you for sharing @done. hopefully bitcoin will continue to rise.
although a small piece of paper but quite meaningful to them.
although a small piece of paper but quite valuable to them.
Everyone may immediately make a decision without a second thought, but everyone is also entitled to a sorry and a second chance.
thanks @done
I do not expect bad will happen @done, you are a good person.
the best comment @done
The very good writen
you are a good whale
thank you so much
you are very kind heart @done, rarely do we meet people like you very kindly share against others. thank you for visiting.
@done look down below the comment below you
I am very happy to comment below you @done
paper will burn if burned, will scented when mixed with ink, will always be safe when stored neatly, very in the meaning @done.
true sir @done but sometimes and for someone these sheets of paper makes alot of difference sometime a person die and another live beacuse of these sheets of paper sometime these sheets of paper are proven to be life.but these are limited and valid until the eyes close!
do not do that sir
This is a very useful paper for me.
With that paper I bought rice,
with the paper I live
that's my dream paper
hope i can get the paper
that .
is my hope. I have not got the paper yet.
it's very much worth it.
it is everything for my family.
the paper is very useful sir, the paper is our life.
little people.
we struggled for months to get the paper piece.
it will not last long.
we can not keep the paper
because we pay the debt.
I never even had $ 100.
Words that make me admire
A very useful paper sheet @done, remains a helper for many.
Really a lot of beggars here.
I'm expecting a vote from you @done
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
the mysterious man has returned to help the person in need,have a nice day @done
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
you are amazing mr @done, you can make that leaflet be...
i do not know @done
Thank you than you thank you mr. @done
A piece of paper that we need to guide well, and we need to care about in a good way and a beautiful .. kertaa we need to guide with polite and neat.
everyone is impressed with you @done, because you are a hero to steemit users
in fact I am very ashamed to comment on your comment, but I ventured to it, because I really need the support from you @done,
although out there are still many people who have power like you, but they do not do as you do
Good joob @done .. Im like you ...
Keep the spirit in the work of my friends, I salute with your art, you deserve to create a witnes and the champions of people support you .. The spirit continues @done
It is just little sheets of paper that they want.
If I put them to flame, do they not char?
If I wet them do they not drip?
If I hold them in a safe, do they not go to zero value?
I agree with your opinion mr @done
but variety is a virtue.
everyone races the race just for a piece of paper.
Hihi that's the life of the world mr @done
It is just little sheets of paper that they want. Mr
Good luck @done
The little sheets they want are very valuable to them, but your choice is very wise @done
can you deliagte some power i really need if you could give it to me
Words that are very simple and easy to understand @done
Many agree your opinion. As well as I.
You are very good @done. May you always be lucky...
your suggestion is amazing .. i am very motivated, everybody in this world lives looking for a piece of paper for everyday life! it is a necessity
Thanks @done
Previously I apologize if commented, because it does not match the topic. But I am sure you are a good and caring person, I am very sure you are too great person of course, I am very motivated with you @done
You love to travel, on the way you meet abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person that children can smile at children, it will be nice even though the valentine moment has passed. I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not mind visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing and direct me @done
Give a little smile (Save the children)
your suggestion is amazing .. i am very motivated, everybody in this world lives looking for a piece of paper for everyday life! it is a necessity
Thanks @done
Previously I apologize if commented, because it does not match the topic. But I am sure you are a good and caring person, I am very sure you are too great person of course, I am very motivated with you @done
You love to travel, on the way you meet abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person that children can smile at children, it will be nice even though the valentine moment has passed. I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not mind visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing and direct me @done
Give a little smile (Save the children)
Wow... awesome work here @done
Literalmente son hojas de papel, lo que se persigue, son los beneficios y las necesidades que se pueden solventar mientras se tienen esos papeles.
Sr. @Done, esta imagen me hace recordar la canción de Pedro infante que dice: tengo dinero en el mundo, dinero maldito que nada vale, para que sirve el dinero, si traigo una pena que ni dios sabe.... Yo conocí la pobreza y allí entre los pobres jamás lloré....
Incredible lord @done,
I really support you
I have been waiting for you long @done
thank you for sharing with us @done
You are so good lord @done, we are just waiting for you all this time.
You are so good lord @done, we are just waiting for you all this time.
I am a newcomer who desperately needs the golden voice of lord @done
let me give this comment, i also really need your precious voice @done
Glad to be able to comment back @done
So far you have only given us support recently
I am very happy this morning, because you re sharing with us all
What does it mean?
sharing is a virtue @done
your kindness is greatly appreciated @done
sometimes a piece of paper is very meaningful to this life. Thanks @done.
I agree with you my teacher @done
I do not want to comment.
Make the best for you and the people, that makes you calm the world and the hereafter
According to a very very nice @done
Good post and very interesting, I like what you support
wise words amazing sir @done this is alan made us re-think very widely as the words you create.and life is not what we want
Greetings from Aceh.
I like what you support, thanks to share
very cool and very interesting thanks @done support
Attract reading time ... neatly arranged word ... if it is done then what happens is goodness.
very cool and very interesting thanks @done support
this is amazing @done
i hope you can help me too
If that's the case then there will be a flood of tears, because everyone wants him.
sometimes for some people it is not so good for them, but for some people it is very much a hope for the small sheet of paper to satisfy their lives.
do not do that sir
This is a very useful paper for me.
With that paper I bought rice,
with the paper I live
that's my dream paper
hope i can get the paper
that .
is my hope. I have not got the paper yet.
it's very much worth it.
it is everything for my family.
every human being, must have a taste. fear of loss, fear of poverty. however, it would be nice to leave it to Almighty God, everything will be light without burden. I love you brother " @done."
we never thought that enkaw has a great social life friend @ done do not think too much about a sheet of paper. and never burn it because it can affect others
good luck tonight can get vote from you @done.
people who do not feel enough with what has been given, then he must feel the pain of loss.
By @yalamlamsteem
Pu kapeugah nyan @done nyo ka vote kuh..
They are Banks, We are working the Bitcoin era
Bank VS Bitcoin
Wow why burned
you are really very good, you are a helper of steemit users
you have made everyone flatter @done
Money is everything but money will be burned.
Good post mr. @done
Thank you for sharing mister @done :)
I am glad to hear it. Maybe you can choose who really participates in this post @done.
the words of the amazing mr. done our very interesting what you say sir thank you sir fone we always support you.the kindness
Amazing done your have HART best women
waw so long we are waiting for your comrade @done hope you are always healthy friend and have sustenance always thank friends
It's hard to see people as good as you @done. Your help is very valuable.
Money is very important to someone but there are times when money will be abandoned and burned when someone finds happiness other than money.
Nice you post mr. @done I like your post and comment
I will always learn from you @done
Words that give the deepest meaning
Wauuuu beatiful word mister @done l like your post and best world
It is Perfect word mister done Verry good post thank your sir @done
a sheet of paper contains many meanings if we can judge and if the paper has no graffiti that makes the paper was sticky or torn @done . thank you
Waouu best moments afternoon and your posts Verry good sir done
Amazing world :)
hi friend @done you are very amazing can draw many hearts pengem steemit. I am very amazed at you. Could you please teach me how to play a good steemit like you
The words of a wise saying and giving a deep meaning
No no mister done your post and your world amazing mister thank you for abdet
My wise words of wisdom
incredible @done
Nice comment..have a nice day @done
why burn money? wow.. that a pity..I have no money.Thanks @done
This your job so amazing..I salute of you..Thanks @done
yes very true of that
Steady vot I thank you, best regards
@done Really your noble character and help people regardless of race or young or old may you long and healthy always because I need your support..
Your noble heart is @done
I am speechless!!!
But not so much,that l connect say how gracios and generous this is of you @done,😍 and how grateful l am,my words can not even come close to express what l am feeling right now!
I am speechless !!!
But not so much, that l connect say how gracios and generous this is of you @ done, 😍 and how grateful l am, my words can not even come to express what l am feeling right now!
Thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you .. I beg of your help .. the most kind ... thank you very much, thank you very much ..
I am speechless !!!
please help you, you are very generous @ done, please help me, I really need your help.
Thank you-thank you-thank you-thank you .. I beg of your help .. the most kind ... thank you very much, thank you very much ..
I like your post and I need help @done, you very generous many thanks have for information extraordinary ..
Wow postingan yang sangat keren
I also want to send by @done, just kidding
Hello @done
you are so amazed @macksby friend this is a great insight for me to know more about blockchain
thanks to you @done
you are incredible
money is just a piece of paper, so if it is not on guard properly it will be damaged.@done
Yes this is only a paper and once cryptocurrency dominates this will disappear.
Sir @done Salute to your generosity.
You are a great person in @done steemit. I will continue to follow you
thanks for sharing @done
Good post..
do what you want i support you @Done
I really like if the content of comments with what is in the post very connect, I am still wondering why every comment from @done account is always a lot of replies but most do not connect.
You are the best ever and ever . Very kind hearted and very generous with everyone. I impressed your kindness . I have super qotes ....
"Too many people spend money they buy things they don’t impress people that they don’t like".
Will Rogers
Stay blessed!
And I'll upvote that replay too for a little more appreciation and because I enjoyed those sentences you wrote.
Thanks again, @done.
I know a lot of people in the steemit but I was just a little to find people like @ done. You are too numerous and generous. Poor people like us are in dire need of mercy from you done. Sometime when you have free time to visit the one host to my blog @done
Postingan yang luar biasa mister done
God Bless You @done forever! Kindness begets kindness. Stay blessed and Steem On!
thanks @done
hai @done kavot kuh hai 100 kapeuduk
Let's help our friend who is the trouble of this world.
Buy House!
I like your post and I really want to join you. I need your help, you are very generous.
so-called money. saved will happen inflation. thanks.
it's true your statement @done everyone wants money. thank you
it will be very meaningful for them @done thank you for sharing sir already support post me
Whether it's the proverbial words?
Thanks @done has helped @macksby, hope you get replies from others.
You are right done they are just a piece of paper and we give them more value than our relations.
sir i am new here and founf that you are helping people if you could help me too i joined this community and you can chack my intro post ...thanks
I'm late, I'm always waiting for you
What is money but strips of paper and metal discs?
First of all i want to appreciate you for your wise words and your comment reflects that you know the real meaning of helping and deep essence of helping. Keep doing the great work. Stay blessed. 🙂
This is the best community on Earth, no doubt about it!
Thank you @done for being an amazing human being.
Yes he is a good person and he likes to help people who need help.
Dear @macksby Hopefully what you are facing and that problem, I hope You can solve it with wise, I can only share your comments ... Thanks you
@done your comment very wise, have motivation in it, I hope the @macksby understand what you mean.
this is very touched,@macksby
because a hero comes at the right time to help someone in dire need
have a nice day
good post,,good informatoins
Hi @macksby, you are really blessed, I pray that you will solve all your problems soon. @done has done it again, a kindest soul to your rescue. May God blessed you and everyone that have joined hand together in helping you. Stay blessed. Ameen.
You're just amazing!!! Where else in the world does something like that happen...?
I see it a lot. The best of luck on your new house.
NIce @done you have to see a lot and to help other people, you are amazing...
Hopefully what you say is true and can be achieved quickly @done
Good Luck With New House Bro @mcksby
thanks @done Wish me good luck
You are very enthusiastic about caring for friends
new house ?
You are sure ?
I will support you
this is amazing
ea @done home the best shelter with family
You are very well @done. may your kindness be repaid by others
thanks for sharing @done
Thank for sharing @done
Hopefully wrote what you say reached @done
home is everyone's dream, eat very lucky if it has a nice house. @done
thanks for sharing @done
It took sacrifice to get something new @done
Hopefully it will be achieved with his new home @done
Yes mister thank you
very inspired once
Everyone has been waiting for your news @done Now that you have attended the comments with no posts, thanks for the comment visit
you are amazing @done
very awesome @done thank you for his very important comment to all my inspiration
Nice post @done
You make all the flantons happy
you are @done amazing
ooh WOW. . . . so nice of you @Done
Stay blessed and May you live long
with you making a donation, I pray that God may bestow good fortune for @done
I always hear feedback from everyone, whoever it is
the best comment @done
I salute you.
hopefully my future can be like you
sir i am here back to thank you for your support you are the one who helped me in my hard time when i start steemit you are amazing love you always
@done you are amazing, you can make a lot of steemian who commented under you
Thank you @done. You are so wonderful
@done look down below the comment below you
sir i really big fan of your and i was waitinf for your post very much i am sure u will show you support!
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
do they all expect the sound from you @done
Have you ever experienced excessive difficulty before. I see you are so social
Welcome to your new home
Soe ile si @done nyan kukaloen baroe siat jikomentar ata gop ka lunoeh awak balah bak jih soe ile jib ureung goet akai pu.? Bertanya tanya
you are so amazed @macksby friend this is a great insight for me to know more about blockchain
thanks to you @done
you are incredible
A very extraordinary idol you are very wise and kind @done
want to see the light with you @done, hope you understand.
we will also pray for you to live in your new home and friends of other friends will also mengukunya @done
The very good writen and the best you're comment
A great compliment
You are so great @done, you give us real proof. I am amazed with you @done
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Thanks for sharing @macksby, thanks @done for the help.
Thank you very much @done
congratulations your lucky friends have been voted by our friend @done
Amazing @done, you are like a Roobin hood fpr us
You are incredible
I hope you have a great day
I just found out that Mr. @done is very kind to give us a vote, I also want to get it. in the post I rarely get a special vote, I hope lucky tonight.
Buy New House With Bitcoin Guy @mcksby
You So Lucky, because you Have Friends at Steemit Community
A very extraordinary idol you are very wise and kind @done
a name of a story, a new house a beautiful new atmosphere for us to enjoy ,, the house is not necessarily beautiful and nice, even if we want to enjoy, any house as bad as it is so comfortable we take this life
@done Your always be heros for steemit user
The content of posting is very touching @macksby.
The very good and the best boy
you are more than just a hero for steemians @done
this really makes everyone touched @done
congratulations a friend? Good luck at your new home.?
Previously I apologize if commented, because it does not match the topic. But I am sure you are a good and caring person, I am very sure you are too great person of course, I am very motivated with you @done
You love to travel, on the way you meet abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person that children can smile at children, it will be nice even though the valentine moment has passed. I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not mind visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing and direct me @done
Give a little smile (Save the children)
congratulations a friend? Good luck at your new home.?
Previously I apologize if commented, because it does not match the topic. But I am sure you are a good and caring person, I am very sure you are too great person of course, I am very motivated with you @done
You love to travel, on the way you meet abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person that children can smile at children, it will be nice even though the valentine moment has passed. I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not mind visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing and direct me @done
Give a little smile (Save the children)
Lately I see it a lot, too :-)
Thank you so much!!!
Great job @done
thank you for sharing with us
thanks for your voice
Our little one is growing out of voice support and
congratulations to occupy a new home @done
A good motivasion @done
with you making a donation, I pray that God may bestow good fortune for @done
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Good post and very interesting, I like what you support
Good post and very interesting,
Anda sangat perhatian kepada sesama...terimakasih banyak.
Great posts and good support
this is amazing
I really like your comment
amen .. hopefully be a house full of happiness.
hopefully can be a house that gives peace in life.
hopefully can be a spoiler for people who do not have a house like me.
nice house .
home is where we take shelter.
thankful you have your own home.
my family and I are still renting the house.
I do not have my own home.
I still rent a house.
it is a very precious gift.
remain grateful.
Amazing praise I appreciate
Hopefully I can be comfortable in his new home
Greetings from Aceh.
Wise words mr. @done I like it you are very understanding
wise words amazing sir @done this is alan made us re-think very widely as the words you create.and life is not what we want
Amazing the words of the amazing mr. done our very interesting what you say sir thank you sir fone we always support you.the kindness
Wise words mr. @done I like it you are very understanding your the best mr. @done
a leader should never think in his heart that he is satisfied that what he has now is a very fatal thought for all of us. then you @done be a person with a fair spirit
We can only encourage him, can not do anything like you do @done
Yess shoot very good
Yes thank for sharing mister
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Yes mister thank you
The response was amazing
Yoiii mister
Luck also for you @done.
Wow..its A big surprise..i can say nothing at all..Thanks @done
That is no a little are amazing @done
the numbers are fantastic. thank you for your donation. Maybe he deserved more..
@done saya suka anda upvotes saya.
may your house be your heaven @done
Our little one is growing out of voice support and
Postingan yang sangat keren
I agree @done
thanks for sharing @done
Sir @done Salute to your generosity.
considering things that are sometimes very difficult to navigate a life full of twists, while anyone can notice that a very noble, hopefully a good person will get a better reply, like you @done
thanks @done success belongs to everyone for those who want.
good whales @done hope you are happy ,, thanks ,,
hopefully happy with his new home @done
People are always call your name and today I introduce myself happy to mention your name. I'm sure you are the person who is kind and loving.
I will pray for you always healthy and Lucky You have always been my motivation, because I am new in steemit
Thank you @done The good heart
Greetings friend I see that you have great power in your vote you can support me with a vote I will be grateful
Greetings from Venezuela, I hope someday to belong to a community where you are the principal, the time of God is perfect.
Holly shit! Steemit is changing lives in ways even Larimer could not have imagined!
I can not wait to see your new home
I couldn't donate but I upvoted I hope this helps
if it is true what you @done say really noble heart.
yes i agree with you, i have rarely seen people like him, and its more than a surprise when you contact them, find them
I am so amazed to see what you are doing @done
congratulations your lucky friends have been voted by our friend @done
I really agree with you @surfermarly, @done is a very generous person in helping steemian
thanks for you @done who has supported this post
The best of luck on your new house. @macksby
I just found out that Mr. @surfermarly is very kind to give us a vote, I also want to get it. in the post I rarely get a special vote, I hope lucky tonight.
very cool and very interesting thanks @done support
cool and great,
you are right @surfermarly
we should always be grateful.
whenever and however.
when we're over
and when we are under.
we remain grateful.
I agree with you
the word is very wise.
thank you @
really very nice @done,guy,
he always helps people
Incredible You @done I salute with your donations that have been amazed and delighted @macksby
You're FUCKED now. You messed with the wrong whale.
You would help a struggling person in need with Bitcoin but you would crush those that are fighting for a Steem that we can all share, earn and subsist through hard work?
A Steem in which exceptional content receives exceptional rewards no matter who you are plankton, minnow, dolphin, and whale. We should all have a shot at the prize without the collusive voting and other bullshit! We are fighting against manipulation and abuse of power for continuous exploitative gains to establish a better platform moving forward.
Can we make this a reality @done? Are you willing to work with us rather than against us? I know you may have issue with @berniesanders but think about the bigger picture.
Please, let´s not let personal matters to affect what we are trying to achieve, which is a fair reward pool distribution... think about it @done, if there is somewhere I can contact you, I can try to mediate and solve any issue you mayb have with Bernie. I know how it went down and Im sure it is just a misunderstanding.
Hi @macksby bad things you experience today,
Deep sorrow for the steemians,
Hopefully this is not felt by other steemians.
Thanks for donors.
I see, the main donor is @done
@done PLEASE remove your insensate downvote from my post! You are deliberately damaging me when I have always supported steemit!
it was a fantastic amount
you are very lucky @macksby
thank you @ done for all you very wise
Sometimes difficult like this aids like @done is needed.
Though a little bit helpful, thanks @done
I just read the post and when i read your comment it made me cry. OMG you are a true social person.
good luck for you @macksby thanks @done
kindness is always good
let's participate like @done
this is good news for @macksby
@done arrival is spot on
@done answered the right moment
very useful, your service will be remembered
hopefully part of his hands @done good.
hope is coming
@done remains the best, we will wait for others like @done
the best stay is good,
do not know what to comment, it's about the life of someone and you @done hero
Hi @macksby I am glad you are honest to us in steemit
Hi @done crazy donors (you are very useful for steemians)
thank you for your sincerity
during for the heroes of steemians
Do not let the evictions happen, it is very painful to hear it. let's help as much as we can.
@done You Always Done a great Job, you have Generous Heart and you are Blessings of GOD for Humanity. Salute to You.
thanks @done for the information .. i am very happy to hear your suggestion
You are very generous @done help each other. I rarely find anyone like you
Hi Steemians!
Stay Stronger
Stay Wait For Reputasi
Be Great
I like It
hopefully be good
always so nice @done
You make a lot of people happy...
Hopefully you are given longevity. Glad to see what you do @done
@done, What makes you happy. I have been waiting for you to visit my blog.
Me after getting $8000 worth of BTCs:

postingan anda sangat menarik sahabat, semoga koin kedepanya akan melambung tinggi, @done
You are an incredible being dear friend @done, congratulations, many people should follow your example
Thanks to your daily generosity that you give us through your vows, many families in the world live a dignified life, including mine. I live from what I generate here on the platform and I am very grateful for that.
Thank you very much dear friend
will your reeally a great person @done i was waiting for yoour comment with very much excitmeent and ib hope you will show your suppot sir!
It's amazing @macksby, thanks @done already support this post, you also send $8,000 for @macksby. I guess this will not be much different from before, many people commented here but did not give a "vote" like the number of comments.
welcome back sir done warm welcome!
you are amazing ... love you .. and feel good to see you each time
This is a really generous man who once helped each other to help the more difficult, you @ like a spederman who can help people without expecting rewards.
Hi @done
what you do today, god sees you
hear your words, my heart is relieved
helping others, that's a commendable job
yes @ done you are very wise I support you friend
You made another big party tonight. I am very happy if you visit my post
thanks for sharing @done.
hopefully the next coin will continue to rise @done
@done your comment is very reliable this time.....
good work and continued success
incredible you @done I salute with your words that have reminded us here
Hopefully achieved with his new home, you are the best @done
With one click you just saved one steemiens roof above his head. That’s the beauty of blockchain technology. You are the man @done!
@macksby I wish you the best.
You said it -- @done is definitely the man... Thanks @milano1113
Is it true what you say, that you have just sent you $ 8,000 @done
You are very good @done Helping people is hard
Hopefully next month exceeds $10,000 @done
thanks for sharing @done
Hopefully aja true what you say @done and if it is true everyone will be happy.
a very valuable comment for us @done thanks for sharing here
Mister we are very interesting your words sir thank you sir done we always support you.the kindness you tetikasih top sharing sir done
What happen is it, iam litle be confused
you are very good to everyone @done
Maybe with help together will be helpful
ooh WOW. . . . so nice of you @Done
Stay blessed and May you live long
You are extraordinary. Where else in the world does something like that happen, it's amazing
Have you ever experienced excessive difficulty before. I see you are so social
And you are very wise, and you are the best
Thanks for this good information, I'll see it now
You are great, mate.
Wow! That is incredible. This is the true power of steem, steemit and this COMMUNITY! Add this to the list of lives changed because of this place. We have now seen life saving operations paid for and several people stave off homelessness because of this platform.
@done what you have done is truly an inspiration. When steem takes off, so many good people are going to be empowered to follow your lead and change people's lives.
Thank you for providing such an incredible example.
@done, I don't who you are, but you are an incredible human! Thank you for being so helpful to someone in a time of need.
Wowowow -- is right!!!
Im BLOWN-AWAY by this...
that is truly an wonderful thing to do!
How noble you @done, you have helped people who are in dire need of money ...... hope with help @done problems @macksby can be solved
hello @done how are you now? are you okay, i have read your comment about this post hopefully you are fine. Thank you for your visit
wow you are very amazing @done
@done, You're awesome. By the way, what is the criteria?
Everyone has been waiting for your news @done Now that you have attended the comments with no posts, thanks for the comment visit
Thanks @done
Good news, will I get it
congratulations @macksby you are very lucky. because @done sent $ 8,000. for you
I've checked, but I did not get any @done
Wowww sir, that's amazing, its being so long to see you
you are so amazed @ @ macksby friend this is a great insight for me to know more about blockchain
thanks for you @done who has supported this post
If I have got these $8,000, I would be surfing the world this way:

Really amazing @macksby, thanks @done already support this post, you also send $ 8000 for @macksby. I guess this will not be much different from before, many people commented here but did not give a "vote" like the number of comments.
I always stay near my bitcoin,
to keep it with you @done
congratulations your lucky friends have been voted by our friend @done
welcome back done we are all waiting for you
hope you have more luck @done
congratulations with his new home
@mcksby enjoying in his new home
Good news for all its users
You really understand, thanks for the good information @done
thanks @done for providing with pretty fantastic value
You always provide information that makes many people happy, thanks for your kindness @done
thanks @done for comments and information that is very useful for everyone
you look very good @done, may your day always encourage people who are near you.
congratulations on giving @macksby
congratulations with his new home you may be comfortable
thanks @done has been petrified @macksby
everyone is so eager to see you @done I really liked your comment Thank you for coming back with us to see your comment
@macksby welcome to the new home
I always stay near my bitcoin,
I always wait for it @done
dream house
they just want to get vote from @done vote calculation does not match with incoming comments, whether those commenting on the block can not vote or just comment.
why every time you commented a lot of people are following you @done
Es Ud una persona caritativa, que dios lo bendiga
for us it's a very, very, very large amount of money,have a anice day @done
for us it's a very, very, very large amount of money,have a nice day @done
thanks @done for giving us some help
wow, apparently you are the best person among the best, I really need your help, thank you
you are a good person. who always gives the best for a steemian friend. you always be my favorite @done
I've checked @done.
Sent to me @done.
A kindness worthy of being revered
Incredible you @done, you are a generous person. Good luck always on your side. Success always @done
Amazing @done
you are very awesome and good, but why I never see your presence @done
What? You Sent $8.000 Bitcoin for him?
This is great news for him.
Why does Bitcoin continue to fall?
Oh Bitcoin!
Oh Bitcoin!
Climbing Please!
We at Steemit continue to work hard to support bitcoin capacity.
We stay up late at night for Steemit and continue to support Steemit to advance Crypto Currency
We Always Support Steemit Communities.
We are Acehnese with Tag #aceh
Will continue to support steemit.
sorry what did i do... u downvoted me..
@done you're so mystery like robin hood but you so amazing. your kindness help many people, long life brother
You are so good .. i like nice people like you.
You are a person who is light in giving
you are just out of this world i think you can change my life i know that ... and i believe that mirice happens
Hope full bit coin have nice day
I hope your can help me too @done
Thank you @done :)
Hi @done
How are you today?
We miss you
My Bitcoin so Sad... Keep Waiting for Pump
congratulations your lucky friends have been voted by our friend @done
hopefully @done always successful
you are a generous and kind hearted @done, this is not a compliment but that's the reality of it that I see.
you are very generous @done
I just found out that Mr. @done is very kind to give us a vote, I also want to get it. in the post I rarely get a special vote, I hope lucky tonight.
we all like you @done, because you always help people even if you do not know him
May we as humans help each other, so also with me, I am not much I can help, kecuacil with a word, good luck hope you all run smoothly
Good job ,, the bitcoin is again the best in the world today ..
Good luck @done
you are great @done we are very glad to see you back to share with us. it is very hard to find a generous person like you thanks friends have been present among us all
only 3 hours you are active.
look who comments on you.
they just enjoy and know that you love to share, even if only a piece of paper can be used for the necessities of life.
Thanks to mr @done
Amazing @done
you are amazing @done
You are a generous person hagi
really awesome @done
We all like you @done😊
you are very generous @done
always make people in the fun, good job @done
You are very good and our shaman is still a beginner in steemit in
I will note in accordance with the information you provide.
That's very nice .You are doing great job by helping steemit commmunity☺
Thats great ☺
A very extraordinary idol you are very wise and kind @done
You're just amazing , Where else in the world does something like that happen.
Good job done. You are generous
you deserve it, not everyone is like you. go ahead @done
mature calculation is very important to determine the profit and loss of investment
saving many types of currency is also a solution
I'm late, I'm always waiting for you
Memang si @done that bereh aju na
Everyone is happy to hear this news @done.
You're just amazing!!! Where else in the world does something like that happen...?
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Good post and very interesting, I like what you support
Good post and very interesting,
I like what you support, thanks to share
I like what you support,
I like what you support, thanks to share
I like what you support, thanks to share
very cool and very interesting thanks @done support
cool and great, thanks for sharing
nice post
nice @done
The best of luck on your new house.
this is amazing
amazing @done
Great posts and good support
this is amazing
you are very kind sir.
you sent him 8 sbd.
it is a very valuable reward.
hopefully you are always healthy and easy sustenance.
You are a very generous lord.
You give $ to people.
That person is very lucky to get $ from the master.
I pray that you always get an easy sustenance.
to always be able to help.
You do good deeds.
very few people do that
You is kind and generous.
success always for you @done
I really appreciate it
I hope you get a better donation to help people who need help .... Thnksyou
Thanks for sharing and information @done.
wise words amazing sir @done this is alan made us re-think very widely as the words you create.and life is not what we want
Am just like you and support mister @done
Thank's but imformation mr. @done good luck
the words of the amazing mr. done our very interesting what you say sir thank you sir fone we always support you.the kindness
Thank you for sharing mister
Rarely and rarely get the best of you
This dude. You just saved him
Nice your post and comment mr. @done
Thank mister @done for sharing
Thanks you for sharing @done
Oke sir done l just woun check your bitcoin addy
Good post thank you to distribute
@done, it turns out the kind person is still in your body
Yes mister l just like your post
Thank you for sharing
You are very wise, you care about all @done people.
Thank you for sharing mister
I just check bitcoin :)
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Its a great news..rare of man give the much money to other..Thanks @done
a very big number. just enough for one house and a luxury car.
you really appreciate other people.Thanks @done
salute on @done command
Check your bitcoin additives. I just sent you $ 8,000. @done
very generous in terms of sharing fellow steemian and bitcoin especially for me novice player is very helpful for success,
in terms of sharing and generosity @done becomes the top public conversation of @ adnan-mp
You are incredibly generous @done, without much thought you directly prove it by sending $8,000
very generous brothers @done, very rarely do we find a generous person like brothers @done, congratulations @macksby you have been assisted by brother @done generous.
Honestly I rarely see in this world people like you in 1,000 there are 2 humble ones one of them you @done who cares fellow human beings have a tolerant,
@done when you send for me? Hahahaha, do not taken heart I just joking only
Yes .
Postingan yang sangat bagus
if it is true what you @done say really noble heart.
@done yourself very kind, sussah we can be like you
Wow that is truly amazing !!
Excellent kindness in participating
if it is true what you @done say really noble heart.
Thanks, amazing done
Keep it up your support dear @done!
Great work you're doing @done!
Very good comment @done, I really like it
@done always wanted to share, dearly admire you ...
Yes this is only a paper and once cryptocurrency dominates this will disappear.
Woow.... Amazing, i like this...
you have god heart @done I am impressed with you, hopefully your day is more beautiful than yesterday, because you like to help others, then you will be in god's favor
WOW! That's an unbelievable and generous gestures @done! We're wishing you the best in the future as your kind acts will come around back to you. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but in the future! :)
@Done, you are a great soul, you are generous and doing it without revealing your identity so people can't properly thank you, it's amazing in my opinion.
In Hebrew, in Judaism (I see you are a great supporter of @hebrew whom I read too)there is a concept of "מתן בסתר" which means "giving in secret, without being known - this is considered to be the highest form of donation there is and you stand to it - I really admire this.
My upvote isn't much but I'll give you what I can as an expression of my appreciation.
I know a lot of people in the steemit but I was just a little to find people like @ done. You are too numerous and generous. Poor people like us are in dire need of mercy from you done. Sometime when you have free time to visit the one host to my blog @done
I know a lot of people in the steemit but I was just a little to find people like @ done. You are too numerous and generous. Poor people like us are in dire need of mercy from you done. Sometime when you have free time to visit the one host to my blog @done
Unreal. Truely amazing. That goes for everyone, but this in particular!
Nice job @done, I tip my hat to you sir.
Hang in there @macksby, looks like you are making some headway now.
Look for knowledge and wisdom from generous people. They may not be rich in wealth but abundantly affectionate.
A person is not always born with courage, but a person is born with his or her own potential. Without courage, we can not do good consistently. We can not be good, true, generous, generous, or honest.
@done is very humble and very understanding @ done
You are very kind @done
very kind hearted you @done, i really like people like you very kind to others, hopefully you can easy sustenance thanks your day fun.
Thank you always give something best and help us who are still small, thanks @done your greatness is very happy us. maybe this is my first meeting with you may be fun
yes a good information thanks a lot, we hope there is a better news.
May he quickly buy a nice new house and happy with his family.
Greeting From Steemians
Sent to mi too @done
nice sent @done
I so understand those feelings, which is experiencing this guy. When loved ones are indifferent to your problems, it's so sad and terrible. It just cuts off our wings. And when this moment come to the aid of those who are not close, partly unfamiliar people. This is so touching. It's just an incredible feeling! You feel, that you all -??? not alone. And you once again believe in their strength. This gives an incentive to fight. And it makes you wonder who really is a loved one for you. I'm glad our platform helps people, though. Although recently I was a bit disappointed, and even wanted to leave Steemit. But now that I have read this message, I believe again in the unselfishness and reliability Steemit!
@done your comment is very reliable this time.....
good work and continued success
I am the true cryptogod!
My TA will bring you all riches. Fuck this imposter, I am the true leader.
Haejin sucks, so follow haejinsucks!
Everyone go look at my firecoin projections here
Increase from $1.76 to $2.27
Good job done. You are generous
Today I see again your generosity @done
I just found out that Mr. @done is very kind to give us a vote, I also want to get it. in the post I rarely get a special vote, I hope lucky tonight.
Is the bast
Is the best
Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat
WOW, @done . You're really the best account I've ever found in steemit. Incredible. I sure will not find an account like you. You really helped a lot of people here. May God reward all the good you have given in the world of steemit. Just incredible.
you are entitled to a new home
Do you want to move to Michigan? lol I might be willing to accept payment in steem.
It's not out of the question -- don't tempt me... :))
A LOT cheaper than New York I'm sure. lol
I am happy to see what looks like a Happy Ending to this situation! :)
Unbelievable.., huh!!!
Congratulations @macksby!
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it is so good to hear that you have at least a third of the funds needed, I have everything crossed for you that the rest of the money can be raised in time
Thanks @lemondropsblue -- it looks like having everything crossed worked... :))
A community member @done has just pushed it over the top!!!
yes I just saw that. It brings joy to us all to know that you are taken care of! Truly amazing
Hooly heck, Mack! You're gonna be ok! :D
I'm so happy to see that @ done has tipped you off. This community is incredible!
Hooly, Hooly, Hooly HECK... You said it -- INCREDIBLE!!!
I can not say how generous and generous I am from you. thank you