A Special Artwork: Motivation & Positivism

in #life7 years ago

Hello beautiful people and Happy New Year!

I'm back again with a new post and before you start reading, I want to thanks all the people who voted and commented on my last article. It really means a lot for me and I'm glad you took the time for that! 

Now, today I want to talk about something that I created that became really motivating and inspiring for me. It helps me when I'm down, stress or even just when I'm not feeling creative. This thing is one of my bedroom wall! It makes me feel at home and reassure me when I'm uncertain. I think it's important to have something like that in your life and I want to share with you all the thing about that special artwork: Shall we start?

Why did I start all of this?

It's a question that I asked myself when my mom entered my bedroom, looked at my wall with suspicious eyes before leaving after putting some laundry on the floor. I think the main reason was because of the stress. My grades were not doing so good, some of my dance partner were doing some drama again and I didn't feel inspired for anything anymore. I'm a strong believer that when you feel down you should put yourself in the happiness, even when it's not easy. I grabbed some paper, glue and pencil and just started putting a lot of things that would make me feel good when I would look at them. 

What's on my wall?

On the left side, since I'm a student, I put a lot of paper with motivational sentence around my desk with bright color. When I feel not so good about something, I just google ''inspiring quotes about ...'' and I copy them! I have quotes about leadership, studying, positivity, self-confidence... Here's some example:

  • HWPO(Hard Work Pay Off)
  • Once it's a try, it's a nice try
  • You need to do this for yourself!
  • YAASP ( You Are A Successful Person)

I also wrote the rule I wanted to follow in my life and pinned them to my billboard beside the quote that lead my life lately: Share the love♥

Then, you can see my artistic side more on the right of the wall. I created my Vision Board the last summer and even if it's incomplete, there's lot of thing I know I want in my life, some my role-models, pictures about how I want to think and how I want my body to be treaten when I grow up. I would probably talk about it in another article. Around my Vision Board there are my recents art pieces and below  a little ''shrine'' of things I love. It's mostly a mess but it's organized in a certain way. I have some gift from Asia that my family gave me, my polaroid, a frame with a photo of me and my dad, some sea shell and etc...

What does it bring in my life?

 I think that everyone should at least try to create something that inspire them just like that! For me it's a wall, but it could be a song, a painting, a book... Whatever! It just needs to have a lot of positivism and reminds you happy! It was not an artwork about how I felt, because I was feeling pretty down when I started it... It was an artwork about how I want to feel in the futur and it worked!

Take care of you, have a nice day and share the love♥