[Waking up at 6:11am challenge] 如果連平日訓開 10-12 個鐘的我都做得到,你都做得到 - Day 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)


琴日睇左編文章講好多成功人士都有加入 [5am club] 的習慣,介紹佢地如何在 5-6am 時段已經做好運動,打坐同 affirmation,計劃一天要完成的任務表,並在 9am 前冇人打擾佢地之前就已經完成左最重要的一項。

前老細係個 80 歲老翁,佢每朝游完水 9am 前已經番左公司做野。
就算出 trip 都一定要揀有泳池的酒店,幾早都游水食早餐再可能坐一兩個鐘去工廠睇貨,或者睇新的供應商。

但係我真係好鐘意訓覺喎,唔生仔就係因為鐘意訓覺,接受唔到晨早就有 d 細路嘈生哂.
你而家要我就算 day off 都要 6:11am 起身?
我喎? 我好撚懶個喎?

不要懷疑! 快 d 去做!

今朝迫自己 6:11am 鬧鐘響, 15-20 分鐘 meditation & affirmation.
6:29 am 第 2 個鬧鐘再響, 俾自己 1 分鐘摸下貓貓。
6:30am 彈起身衝落樓做 gym。
7:00am gym 完沖澡, 沖咖啡, 食少少早餐。
8:00am 寫低 this week planning and today's to do list.
8:30am 呢個時候已經在電腦前完成左第一樣工作,之後襯新鮮就寫呢個 blog。
一陣會去中午 pilate, 然後染頭,再煮晚餐,要繼續做生意野。
而家 10am, 平日根本仲訓緊。

記得自己讀中學時有幾年時間自己較鬧鐘 4am 起身做功課 / 溫書 / 背測驗考試課本 / 有時畫下畫咁,到大約 6am 爸爸起身刷牙沖涼前我再上床訓番廿分鐘回籠覺,6:20am 爸爸用完浴室會叫我起身,到我沖涼換衫食早餐番學。
記得自己用呢段寧靜的 4am - 5:45am 天未光時段來溫書,自覺效果好過放學後晚飯後臨訓前先溫書,因為夜晚呢段時間又想打機,又想同阿妹玩,又想睇電視,番左一日學, 放學後又花兩三個鐘睇左卡通片做功課, 到晚飯後根本唔想再溫書。

到大學時生活好唔定時,又要番學, 又要番 2-3 份 part time, 又要去蒲, 又要去玩去旅行, 又要夾 band, 又要拍拖行街睇戲食飯... 都唔記得自己有冇訓過。不過十八歲精力旺盛通頂冇問題。

之後就到十年朝九晚七的打工仔生活,每朝 7am 起身,放工要蒲又要夾 band 又要拍拖又要去玩咁, 唔知幾點訓啦。

然後就到而家的爽爆每晚訓 10 至 12 個鐘快樂人生。
好多時係 10pm to 10am 都在床上訓,起得身 check 下各式各樣 social media 再沖涼刷牙洗面整得咖啡來都差不多到中午。
做一陣 business 野又要去 yoga, 之後可能要番工。

點解細個反而唔洗訓咁多,而家又要最少 8 個鐘呢?

而家要番工之餘仲要搞生意,老公又再次失業,如果我 6:11am 起身就等如多左一日咁,可以又番工又搞生意又做家務又做 gym 又去埋 yoga!

好! 一個月後再報告下成果!

Read an article about many successful people all joined the "5 a.m club".
Between 5-6am, these successful people have already done their affirmation, meditation, work out and planning for the day.
While everyone still asleep, they have already tick off their first most important priority task on their list before 9am in this undisturbed quiet morning hours.

Hmm... Should I try?

Ex boss is a 80 years old man, he swims every morning and already in the office before 9 am.
Even when he gone overseas business trip, he must stay in a hotel that has a pool, no matter how early & how far his 1st meeting would be, he would always swim, breakfast, then make his journey to the first appointment.
He is healthy & strong, I don't recall if he has ever call in sick during my 5 years in his company.

Can I do it?
But I really REALLY love sleeping in...
Decided not to have kids is because I love sleeping in, can't stand to have screaming babies in the house every morning.
Can I really wake up at 6:11 am even on my day off?
We're talking about me here, I'm pretty lazy.

Don't doubt it! Just do it!
I'm not trying to train my will power here, I have decided to build a new habit!
Shut up and just do it!

6:11am my alarm went off this morning, 15-20 minutes guided meditation & affirmation.
6:29am second alarm went off, I pet my cat for a min, grounding myself.
6:30am launched myself out of bed and straight to the gym.
7:00am shower, made coffee and had a light breakfast
8:00am Write down my goal plan for the week and a to do list for today
8:30am Already finished the first task and took a break to write this blog, while it's fresh.
12:00pm Will go to pilate class, hair salon appointment, cook dinner and continue my tasks list.

Quite right quite right, I quite like this plan.
Now it's 10am, normally I would be in bed still.

I remember when I was in school, there were a few years I set my alarm at 4 a.m to do my homework, study for exams, sometimes drawings. Went back to bed around 6am when my dad woke up. Dad would wake me up again around 6:20am when it's my turn to shower and get change for school.
I do remember how peaceful & calm during this 4 - 5:45am period, I could focus on my study much better than if I had to do it after school. Normally after a whole day in school, went home to do some homework (while watching cartoons), play some games, play with sister, dinner... After dinner I really didn't want to study anymore, been a long day. I would rather do some drawings or play piano after dinner.

Uni time: Life was all about fun.
I had to go to class, as well as 2-3 part time jobs, party + clubbing + travel + band practice + shopping + had a boyfriend.
Didn't remember if I ever go to sleep at night.
Oh well, I was 18 and full of energy to burn.

Grown up time: Life was about work.
Working a 9am-7pm Fashion design job, woke up at 7am to go to work.
Afterwork I like to go party or band practice or shopping or hang out with friends or travel, oh and I had a boyfriend.
Sleep was overrated. But I was in my early 20's , still had plenty of energy to burn.

Then it's the now: My 10-12 hours sleep lifestyle.
Loving it.
Most of my days I slept 10pm to 10am, woke up and check social medias, reply messages...
After shower and a coffee, it's almost 11am.
I would then check my business emails, made some phone calls, then go to lunch yoga class.
After yoga, grab a quick bite of lunch, then probably have to go to work.
It seems like I don't have enough time for my business and my personal developments and my projects.

How come I didn't have to sleep much and now I must have 8 hours sleep at least?

I must change my lifestyle.
If I wake up at 6:11am I feel like I have an extra day, I can work on my business as well as gym and work and cook and clean and yoga!

I'll report in a month time, stay tune.


Hello @lowina, can you translate to english?

Hey @mukhtar.juned , I have translate in English as you wish :)