Patience is a Virtue?
The old saying is "patience is a virtue" but I am thinking in some instances that "patience is overrated".
The job I work consistently depends on not only correct information but all the information needed to complete the project. Time and time again, I find myself in limbo waiting "patiently" for someone else. These are supposed to be knowledgeable and detailed people. If my customers don't know what they need or what to ask for, that is another reason I am here - to help.
It seems as though people do not want to reach out for help or maybe they feel inadequate having to ask. Do we really need to let our own insecurities get in the way of getting our own job done or keeping others from doing theirs?
Maybe I am just cut from a different cloth than others but I was always told there is no "I" in TEAM. Let's just think of everyone as our team and we are all working together. I could then see myself saying patience is a virtue and mean it!
You are a virtual virtuous virtuoso @lost-angel ! My frustration with last corporate cubicle gig was having the whip cracked on me to provide answers when there were no answers to be had ! Not pleasurable - lol

Corporate cubicle gig...LOL! It seems as though there is more and more push to squeeze every last bit of work from people and still only willing to pay peanuts. I am ready to do my own gig! Have my own frustrations knowing these frustrations are growing pains.
Sounds frustrating. I think patience is a hard virtue to develop because it means we don't have control of the situation. On the other hand people should be respectful and timely so that they aren't harming others.
Patience is also called long suffering. LOL - that is a better description.