What do you think about feminism?

in #life7 years ago


So today someone said to me, “I understand feminism and I’m all for it, I just don’t want to be in an environment with a bunch of feminists.” Funny, right? Damn sure seems to me that they don’t support it at all, but just don’t want to admit that they don’t support it. To support feminism means to support equality. Not only women. Not to be against men. To have equality because regardless of what you think or what you want to think, there is not equality. It’s a fight that has and will keep being fought until hopefully one day equality isn’t something that we will have to convince people to want, it will be the obvious answer. A girl can hope, right? So back to what that person said to me... I’m gonna say that if they don’t want to be “in that environment” and be around feminists (who they also said would be only women, lol) then that probably means they don’t want to really hear and accept how the world is. They want to go on living in this bubble thinking “yeah, I support it, but it’s not actually a problem so I don’t need to actually support it.. I’ll just act like I do.”

What do you guys think? Is this complete bullshit? A cop out?

Feminism = truly, the radical notion that women are, in fact, people