5 Most Pupular Murai Batu Birds In Indonesia

in #life7 years ago

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1.Murai Batu Aceh

The Acehnese Stone Mermaid comes from the Tangse (Piedie), Seulawahsabang, Lhoong, and Keude Bieng Mountains. This bird usually has a posture that is not too big. For the tail, can be likened to the birds Murai Batu Medan is about 19-30 cm. This one bird also has a lot of sound variations and ngeroll. Not infrequently, the sound of the Murai Batu Aceh bird sounds like a shooting sound or a sliced asset

2.Murai Batu Medan

Batu Mermaid Batu Medan really does not really come from Medan. Omkicau said that this type of bird imported from several areas in Aceh, Pasaman, Padang Sidempuan, and Peninsular Malaysia. However, the current habitat of birds Murai Batu Medan began to decrease drastically.

Formerly, this bird can still be found in some areas of North Sumatra, such as Bukit Lawang, Bohorok, and the foot of Mount Leuser. But now, the breeders have begun the trouble of getting the Stone Mage bird in the area.

So now the name of the Magpie bird is actually a crossbreeding bird between different types of birds Murai Batu who still have descendants with birds Murai Batu Medan, such as Murai Batu Aceh, Pasaman, Padang Sidempuan, and Malaysia.

However, if you have heard the name of Magpies Medan, it seems very difficult to cover the interest in the bird. Mermaid Stone itself is different from the other Stone Murai bird, especially on the posture of his body. The body of the Monster Stone is larger and firm. More details refer to some of the physical features of the following Mermaid Stone bird.

The Mermaid of Medan Stone has a larger body than the other Magical Stone birds.
The bird feathers of Murai Batu Medan are jet black and shiny. If exposed to the sun will look a bluish color.
The bird's legs Murai Batu Medan is black, but if it is young the color is blackish black.
The tail feathers have four pairs of white feathers and have black stripes that divide horizontally.
The length of the feather stone Murai can reach 27-30 cm.
The habits of this bird when chirping that is often up its tail to touch the head.

3.Murai Batu Jambi

The Stone Mermaid from Jambi has a habitat in the lowlands and highlands. The Jambi Stone Mermaids living in the lowlands have relatively small size and shape. Therefore, the tail is not too long. Meanwhile, for the Jambi Stone Murai from the highlands, has a longer tail and curved upward. Not only that, the Javanese Stone Mage Murai has a tough fighting spirit and diligent in chirping.

4.Murai Batu Nias

Like the two previous types of Stone Murai birds, the Naive Stone Murai bird is also quite difficult to find in its home region. If there are sellers who say the birds come from Nias, then the birds are actually imported from Mentawai / Pagai, Sibanang, Simeulue, and so forth.

The features of the Nai Mermaid Stone among them,

The posture is relatively small and more like the size of the body of Murai Batu Lampung
The main feathers of the birds are not white but black or blacktail
The length of the tail feathers is about 17-20 cm thick and black
Volume is louder
Able to imitate the sound of the other stone Monster Stone faster
Nias Stone Mermaid is not easy to stress and quickly adapt

5.Murai Batu Lampung

Currently, it is very difficult to find the original Stone Murai Stone Lampung. This is because the rampant cases of forest conversion into a residential area that forced the bird Murai Batu Lampung must migrate to other areas and then die because it can not survive.

Therefore, if someone calls his birds as a bird of Magpie Stone Lampung, in fact it is a stone Murai Stone supplied from Kota Agung, Jambi, and Riau. Not the catch from the forests in the Lampung region, as revealed by Omkicau.

To recognize the birds Murai Stone Lampung, you can pay attention to some of the bird's physical characteristics.

The posture is smaller than Murai Batu Medan
The tail has a length of about 12-18 cm
The bird fluorescent feathers of Macaque Stone Lampung are brownish orange and look darker when compared to the Bornean birds of Borneo
This bird has a very good mentality, strong, and nimble
Voice types tend to be repetitive or loaded, but are less variable


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