Anarchist Alert: Military Have Been On and Around Our Property for More than 24 Hours, Photos and Details of Whats Happening and how to Help Inside

in #life6 years ago (edited)

As I write this the house has been surrounded by military of Mexico for nearly 24 hours. At this point the majority are off the property down the street where several police and heavy duty military sit. They’ve moved position repeatedly as we’ve been able to find out from our own surveillance but it seems like they’ve hunkered down and are doing what they can to stay out of our sight even acting a bit ridiculously to do so.

As it stands, I don’t know what’s going on. But I do know that there was one hiding under a boulder on private property by themselves for most of the day with occasional visitors. Those watchers have now moved a bit farther away to sit and hid behind boulders and the wall of a partially build house nearby.

They told my neighbor last night they were resting but by that point they’d already circled the property on foot repeatedly. They seemed to spend the night hours eating and talking and they never left even when we thought they did. There were two outside my gate for at least 5 hours last night. They’ve only been within view of the gate today.

When we woke up today there were still military, standing in the boulder area where by birds are and where my dogs use the restroom. They said good morning and asked us if we eat or sell our chickens. Seemed like weird small talk especially with the surveillance. Also asked us where we were from.

We took some drone footage to see what all was out there and for much of the day the road was blocked by military and police, several heavy duty military trucks and several police cars, seemingly sitting and doing what they could to stay out of direct sight of us.

I had ordered a water truck yesterday before this all started and it was scheduled to come this morning. I warned the water guy and he came anyways, having issues getting past at first. I think they wanted to know for sure he was supposed to come to us and that we were aware, which was weird, but they let him past. There were federal police and military by the gate when he pulled up and when I looked at them they moved out of sight. No one has tried to talk to me, although I have said hola to a few.

So They let my water truck through but didn’t leave. At this point they’ve gone from sitting directly in front of the gate to sitting on sidestreets to back on our street. The numbers of them have ebbed and flowed but there has been nothing short of a nonstop presence for 24 hours at this point. There have probably been at the peak about 80 of them more than 10 vehicles up here at the height of the day.

Please stay tuned to my steemit and to my personal facebook if you’re friends with me there for updates. If they come in I will go live on facebook to show what happens.

I’ve at this point walked through the majority of them in the quest for a coca cola and while I was watched no one approached me although a few vehicles did change location after that fact. I also did the basic necessary farm work for my birds today, like water, getting some strange looks from the soldiers.

The photos in this post have been taken today by John as we attempt to catalog these strange events. Many people have assured us we are likely safe, saying if they were interested in us in any serious manner they would have done something, but in the event we are not I share this with you now so you all have an idea of what happened to us and how you can help, if you’re interested in doing so.

Last we saw there were a few gathered around the edge of the property pointing at the house.

My dogs and farm are still up here. In the event of our arrest or something worse we beg someone locally to come and get our dogs and to hold on to them, even if they need to be separate to be easier on people. My biggest worry is honestly my dogs and my birds, my own freedom coming after that.

Don’t give up on us. And to all of you that told us we were totally safe here, we never have been and and we’ve always have known it.

At this point we just want them to go away so we can resume our lives. This is our first situation like this and while some friends have mentioned they’ve experienced similar things, with less property invasion, we can’t help but be a little worried and a little more than ready for them to move on.

I love Mexico and my life here, can’t I just get on with it please?

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Its probably theatre to keep the locals on edge and fearing their govt.
Short of getting into a firefight with them there isnt much you can do but relax and place faith in your havent harmed anyone lifestyle.
Which is much easier to think from 500 miles away than it must be to be in the middle of it.
Having been deported from there in '13, i can tell you that the immigration holding cells will not separate you and it will likely take ten days to process you during which they will feed you from a local restaurant.
They put me on a plane to houston and that was that, for me.
While i was there a dozen people, male and female, were brought in and we watched tv in the day room. They separated the sexes at night, but let us out in the morning, and all day.
But again, they are most likely looking for somebody high on their list.
I would think that taking pics of them might be ill advised, if for no other reason than drawing attention to yourselves.
Can you change locations for a bit?
Better to stay with friends and let them feed and water the animals, if you can.

I would also strongly insist on a crash course on @marcstevens.
Learning what he advises could put the kibosh to your problems before you get to far into the legal process.
You just have to ask the questions and insist on answers to them to expose that they are the criminals.

I think it's different if I'm wanted lol.

I think taking pictures actually helped us honestly as it shoved them back. It did increase their interest at points but I think they were more confused than anything. I don't regret surveiling my surveilers.

Ok, you got to do what you do.
Id still recommend brushing up on @marcstevens, just in case.
Good luck!

Hang on, you're in my thoughts.

what a waste of tax money

Yes, considering how quickly they seemed to want to leave once my landlord was there to clear the air.

BTW, do they think that camouflage is any good? LOL

They've got no choice lol. It's hot as hell here just wearing that much stuff in general is a nightmare never mind how it looks.

I figure they were told to stand guard on the property, but I figure they were hiding under boulders partially to stay out of the sun lol

those are expensive outfits, tax money well spend

LOL got to have a death wish to have such a job

From my understanding it's like draft service here so many of those people aren't voluntary. The women are generally. I think they do it for the combat boots LOL

Thanks for letting us know. Keep us updated. I will help to spread the word any way I can. Want you guys to stay safe.

Oh snap lol

Just shared this post to you immediately after reading it. Didn't read the comments til after that. My bad

No worries brother. I appreciate the heads up.

Where do I sign up to get on the CON roster?

You can leave details in the comments section of this post. Just check out the other entries and supply whatever info you are comfortable with. I am going to be making a new post and updating the directory soon. Cheers!

Done. I'll be looking forward to the updated post. Looking rn for steemians in DFW. Maybe there's one on CON.

This is truly bizarre. I hope it all works out Lily. Hopefully someone just reported BS and they have no real reason to be there.

I am hoping it was nothing but too many bored military in one spot for too long with some interesting looking gringos.

This is very scary and it must be very frustrating, not knowing what is going on and no one answering.
I hope everything will be OK @lily-da-vine so that you can keep on enjoying your life in Mexico with your lovely animals.

berwick. wtf? Talk to your anarcho buddy who owns that hotel and see if he can't rectify this INSANITY. Lily... I suggest you cook up some of those shishKaBobs and offer the boys some comida gratis. Tell them you are surveying their opinions for a take out joint you intend to open up soon. That will give excuse to ask them why they are in ambush mode.

Jeeze... anarchos. Now you see why our Founders put the part about a WELL REGULATED MILITIA in the 2nd Amendment... to hold off standing armies from their own government. This is more evidence of why Minarchos make more sense. We have the Deputiz'm Plan in the can... waiting for he right libertarian sheriff to be elected/selected.

Lily: Where is your man during all this? He dragged you into this porkyPoop nation didn't he? What is he doing about it? Where are the rest of the Anarcho men of the community down there? Do you friggin' people just think the world's fascists/communists are just going to let you live peacefully in Liberty? WHAT ARE THEY LACING YOUR MARIJUANA WITH, WOMAN?

Come ON, anarchoBoys. Let's see whatcha'all got. Time to see what happens when the rubber meets the road.

Hey he was right there with me surveiling and keeping a watch. Not only that but he kept me sane and calm the whole time which is technically an impossible feat in my book. He sat up patrolling the house for hours last night until he collasped into bed like I did hours before that.

In regards to the rest of the community much of them didn't know about it until now save for facebook posts. It's one of those things where it's hard to know what to ask of people. I wish I hadn;t lost my landlords number as it was he who seemingly got them to go away at the end of the day.

Update for anyone reading, they are now gone. As i shared this post my landlord showed up, talked to them and the majority are gone. We suspect that there are still some in the hood on foot but are not sure.

I bet they are concerned about Gavin Seim heading somewhere in Mexico. That's my guess. He's a man's man. And he is living and posting vids like he has nothing to lose. He is precisely the man statists fear if they end up becoming sheriffs somewhere. Do you and your man follow his YT channel? He is now in Steemit, too. I actually left him a posting to find y'all if he ventures down to Acapulco. He is as dedicated to Liberty as anyone I have ever witnessed.... as is his wife!!!

LOL aaahahaha. Universal womanSpeak: >>>Not only that but he kept me sane and calm the whole time which is technically an impossible feat in my book<<<

This is a feat most men, MYSELF INCLUDED, can not perform. I only seem to make matters worse. I always want to go back to the early 1600s and employ the Ducking Stool for women who can't control their "hot flashes", et al.... after a fair public trial, of course. LOL

and for the record: There are NO sane women, nor are any usually calm. LOL

we gotta come together and change this world asap

Any updates ?any idea why they were there ? That’s a little scary.

So far no more presence, so far the best we have gotten is they may have been investigating to make sure bad people didn't live here/ we are supposed to live here.

Seems fishy possibly just Mexicans making up reasons for the crazy stuff government does .

Not currently, but I haven't seen anyone in this hood since. Nothing has happened since that.

Glad to hear they left you guys alone. You hear so much about it being dangerous there. But then again, some people say it’s safe as long as you mind your own business . I always wondered about it.

There's a lot of FUD out there especially from people who visit for short times and leave. Honestly this was the most worried I've been for my safety in mexico and it was the military not the people in my community.

It used to be dangerous but has seriously turned around and there are plenty of people here who are realistic about that fact.