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RE: Multi Dimensionality and Enlightenment

in #life7 years ago

What exactly do you mean with multi-dimensional beignets?
In my book, a beignet is something from the bakery,
like an apple fritter.
Please elaborate.
I think you´re quite the genius, thinking and creating on a level not many people can. However, with English not being your native language, and mine neither, I think it is sometimes difficult for you to express exactly what you want to say and for me it is not always easy to get it. But I try. 😇


Now I'm hungry too!

Like a beigel, maybe? That is likely the shape of this universe (allowing for curvature of spacetime) But a beignet sounds tastier and more multidimensional than a beigel. Maybe the true nature of reality is a cross between a beigel and a beignet. The apple filling is an important factor.

Ah, the big beigel theory! Finally!

You know it makes sense!

@likedeeler, you have won this week's Make Sarah Laugh contest. That's quite an honor. I thought you would like to know.

Who the Dickens is Sarah?

Or were you talking about yourself? 😉

Yes! That's me!!!