I Don't Care What You Think, Just Think!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

There are some real life cartoon characters,
but even cartoon characters can teach lessons from which we can benefit.

I first heard Alex Jones on static laden AM radio in the early 2000's
He was talking the craziest sh!t I'd ever heard.
Satan worshiping, pedophile rulers,
slow killing us all to fit their plan of global domination.

Having grown up in a cult, I have some experience recognizing
malice, mania, zealotry, and genuine, albeit fervent, sincerity.
I have yet to prove to myself, not for lack of trying,
that Jones is anything but sincere.

I've been through many talk show hosts,
and usually, it takes about three weeks to get
every last little angle of their point of view.
Sometimes longer, but most people are very simple.

Jones commands a variety of topics that I haven't heard anywhere else.
He has almost no boundaries, you may not agree with him,
but he does not shrink from controversy.
It was not until later that I remembered hearing some of the topics
he discusses on a radio show in the late 1980's.
A radio show done by Mae Brussell.

Love him, hate him, or fear his rants and gesticulations,
I think Alex Jones is sincere when he speaks.
No two minds will ever completely agree.
Questioning someone else's analysis, does not make them a liar.

With all of this said, I think Jones would agree,
I Don't Care what You Think, Just Think! Dammit!

Steemit was recently mentioned on Jones' show,
and I've just come from a post about tweeting an invitation to Jones from Steemit.
I think Steemit would benefit from Jones and company as fellow Steemians.
Maybe we could hash out some of the disagreements.

This is my two steem cents.
Getting censored and banned might be the best thing,
if we can use it to find a way out of this crazy trap the world has become.
I don't think it would hurt the price of steem either.

Alex Jones from Waking Life


A Scanner Darkly - Alex Jones Scene. [1080p HD]


image: i.ytimg.com/vi/bliFkRnN6e4/maxresdefault.jpg
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJXspT2VtOE


I used to watch and listen to Alex a lot, but I began to become suspicious of his motives when I found myself filling the shelves with all the stuff he was selling. I never knew I needed Iodine until he started covering Fukushima radiation nonstop.

Then, I met other people who listened to him and they all had shelves full of tangy tangerine, iodine, water filters, etc. that he sold. Neither Alex, myself, nor any of the others I met appeared to be any better off physically for all the purchases.

He really lost me, though, when he went all in for Trump. I started listening to him because I was interested in the Libertarian ideas and guests he had on. The whole idea was that the two party system was a scam, and we needed to move back toward a more liberty based society. And the Federal Reserve, which IMO is the real root problem, he said he was against.

Now, it's just "Trump is great, Trump is going to save us, Trump is the real deal..." all the time.

I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. Trump isn't a Libertarian. Trump isn't going to stop the wars, end the FED, or stop the stupid and damaging war on drugs. It feels like, to me, Alex has no principals.

I am not saying he doesn't, I can't know for sure. But, that's the impression I get. And, I stopped buying all his crap and still managed to live a healthy, happy life, but now I have more money to spend on silver and cryptocurrencies, which I think are much more effective shots at the real target.

@lifeworship well put, still most people expect a leader so they can follow a clear path,

and more like these wasted years of my life until I started to get wise, and went back to the basics.

:D you've already said it, it takes years to figure out what is going on, ACTIVE YEARS, not youtubes and pills or whatever nutritional additives, go live in a forest and you will learn much more than you tube, sure you will know more from youtube, but what have you learned ? to repeat after me > I am ?

I never bought a single thing he sells. I have my own ideas about my health. He's never seen a red cent from me.
I don't blame him for running a business, and making some money. I just don't think he needs to make it from me.

I'm all about the information James Corbett and company, including Sibel Edmonds, Eustace Mullins seems to have known a thing or three. Mae Brussell was the Alex Jones of her day. There is an Irish journalist, Gearoid 'Colmain, who seems to know something. There are some more people who seem to be trying to learn and get information out. G. Edward Griffin, Richard Grove, Jan Irvin, and so many more that I found because of Jones, though I may have found them anyway. So many people have pieces of the puzzle, and Jones has shown me about a third of what I have. There may be people who have more, but this is the path that I took. After being stuck for years believing the lies of the left, Jones was a real wake up.

NPR, Pacifica, Democracynow!, and more like these wasted years of my life until I started to get wise, and went back to the basics.

I didn't vote for Trump either, though I do understand the reasoning of some of the advocates. I don't trust anyone occupying any office of the government, but I don't see how to immediately stop all of it. I have to wonder how much influence the feds even have except to keep us under control, there is a shadow government, after all.

Jones has caused more people to wake up, than anyone else to whom I can point. I learned of the Federal Reserve from Jones, before anyone else, though I suspect some of my junior high and high school teachers may have known.

I am viewing this from the overall effect that is being brought about by the dynamic that is Jones, and people like him. It may have some unforeseen effect that I don't see coming, but I do think it is an overall positive, except for the people I've seen have nervous breakdowns from being overwhelmed by trying to sip from the deluge that Jones and the people like him bring with them. I've seen a few go that way, and for the first couple of years, absorbing the info was a bit intense. If I'm only stuck in the next level of the trap, at least I'm making progress. That's what I'm learning toward.