Blood Moon!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Nature has always bewitched me, time and again. As a child, I would spend hours staring at the big white ball in the sky, spilling all my secrets as any child would. The cliched fantasy alluring me.

As life intervened, I had over time turned to friends. The moon was a long forgotten friend, one that I glimpsed at occasionally but never shared a moment with. Being a teacher didn't help either, my days were consumed by students and the nights by planning for the upcoming lessons.

Today was different. With the world being mesmerized by the Super Blue Blood Moon, I wanted to witness it too. Spend a couple of minutes staring at it and get back to my work. With a determined mind, I ran up the stairs to the terrace, with my heart racing.

As the last flight of stairs disappeared behind me and the vast canvas of the sky opened up before me, there it was in all its glory. More orange than red, surrounded by stars. In that moment, all those dreary childhood days came rushing back. The solace I sought in the company of this big ball in the sky comforted me. The feeling that it would never go away, never walk out of your life, the consistency of it bewitched me to share more than a moment. With the cold breeze brushing against my skin and the stars twinkling whilst the minarets of mosques resounded with the Adan, my roommate and I spent a good sixty minutes with the moon.

And I was reminded of the magnificence of the cosmos. The never ending space containing universes, the constant flow of life and what it all meant. If it meant anything at all?

If our lives summed up to something? Or were we just pawns in the evolutionary process?

Would we perpetually be caught up in the race to these answers that we would forget to harness the Earth for our future generations?