⭐️ What’s Your ‘Why’ For Hustling Online?

in #life7 years ago


Many of us are making side income online, so I’m curious. What’s your why?

Why are you trying to make money online? Why aren’t you sticking with just a plain, old J-O-B?

Me? I have 3 why’s.

  1. My biggest why is my kids.

I want to retire from teaching early and have some extra money so I can spend more time with them without worrying about checking in at a job every day to pay the bills.

I want to travel with them. I want to zip line... take a cruise... plant my toes in the sand... do a little fishing... parasail... board a helicopter... ride a train... swim with dolphins... do all the things. We’ve never been able to travel much, so I want to see the world with them.

If my kid forgets to pay the water bill or needs the dry cleaning picked up, I want to be able to just go and do it instead of figuring out whether or not I’ve got enough personal days to run errands one afternoon.

And when grandkids finally come along, I want to stay home and watch them instead of seeing them shuffled off to a babysitter. I was never able to be a stay-at-home mom, so I wanna be a stay-at-home grandma.

  1. Another why is creativity. I’ve been teaching a long time and I’m craving more creativity in my life. I want to design things and write things and dream things and read things and make things. I need more creative adventures than what I’m getting now. Something way beyond making a cute bulletin board for the hall. 🙄

  2. My last why? Believe it or not, I’m a goody two shoes. I’ve always followed the rules. Been the responsible adult. Held down the same job at the same school district for 28 years. (Working on my 29th.)

Heck, I’ve never even been drunk because I don’t like the thought of losing control. Seriously! #trueconfession 😳

Soooo... I wanna do something a little dangerous.... a little out of character... a little reckless...

I wanna wake up in the morning without a dang alarm clock...

I wanna waltz around in my PJs all day...

I wanna stop wishing my life away because I’m tired and can’t wait for the weekend/ Christmas/ Spring Break/ summer...

I wanna watch the shock on everyone’s face when I tell them I’m ditching a job to make a living online...

I wanna wear the red-sequined hoochiemomma shoes instead of donning sensible sneakers for recess duty...

I wanna go sleep in a van on the beach and watch the sun rise over the ocean...

In other words...


yanks covers over head


I am in the same boat. I want to retire early as well and would love to transition into working online smoothly. However, it is not easy. It is a second job, but it is something I love. Yea, working in your pajamas sounds great and I do it occasionally. It is liberating.

Since I’m a teacher, I get a little taste of freedom every summer. You’re right... it’s VERY liberating! 🙃

I bet, a couple months of pure bliss