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RE: History Is Not a Safe Space

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ah, you've made this a lot easier. You are a communist. I'm not slandering you, that's just what you are saying:

""everyone gets the same amount of help", as opposed to "everyone gets the help they need" which is what true equity is."

I'm afraid the fundamental philosophy you are currently aligned with is at odds with the entire Western tradition, on both sides of the aisle. SJWs are Marxists, however, so this isn't surprising.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." - Karl Marx

You seem like a reasonable and intelligent person, but the philosophy you are aligned with is toxic and has killed tens of millions. Please, please, please read up on Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and the rest of their flunkies.

Charity does not require communism and forced redistribution, which is what the side you have aligned yourself with believes. Note I did not say YOUR side - you are free to choose as a hopefully rational adult.

Please choose wisely.

PS - Financial inequality is one of the positions closest to my heart. The West is awful in this regard. Do not misconstrue my argument for support of the status quo. We almost all agree on this here in the crypto space.


No, I am not a communist, or marxist, or socialist, or any other such derivation. I am what would probably be best labeled as a Welfare Capitalist. Supporting the notion the capitalism drives the best economic climate and that a portion of economy should be directed towards welfare and social safety net type programs.

The vague similarity between my statement that when rendering help it makes sense to render more to those that need it than those that dont and the marxist mantra of "from each according to their means to each according to their needs" does not indicate what you seem to think it did.

Well, then we should be basically on the same page, because I am a (financially poor) capitalist who agrees that the US, and by proxy much of the West, is being run by near-oligarchs who would be damn lucky to escape the guillotine in the French Revolution. I personally see this divide getting worse and coming to a head as the poor appear to be having more and more of their wealth siphoned up to the top, mostly government cronies, bankers, and the Federal Reserve.

I'm not for redistribution but these people ride the backs of the poor using inflation and dishonest money to perpetually confiscate and keep everyone effectively servants. I call it neo-feudalism and it's why I, and I think Dan Larimer, were ever here.

I'm for punishment, not redistribution, and there are a whole hosts of laws and constitutional rights with which to legally do so.