Bad things happen to us to learn

in #life5 years ago (edited)


It is true, recently I have been able to verify that everything in life has a reason for being and anything that happens to us leaves us a lesson, sometimes important and sometimes not enough, however, we always end up recognizing the value it brings to our lives that lesson in which "learning" from what has happened to us, transforms our awareness and perception of reality into an opportunity to not only live, but also to grow in life.

The moments that must be faced are strong, but we find situations that occur as an event necessary for the understanding of our life and behavior in our actions towards ourselves and others, thus contributing to personal growth with lessons that are born from our reality for its correct understanding.

'''@amarc @schmetterling90 @shadymind'''

Let us face that reality of being able to live our lives fully with the love of God, because He gives us life and allows us to live it with every nuance; its nuances teach us that in this life each step leads us to a reality necessary for our life.

Do not let adversities obscure us, on the contrary, let's make them an opportunity to strengthen our inner being and face each problem with respect and love, because we are special, we are important, we make our existence important.

I am always attentive to your comments. You can follow my account, because I will follow you immediately. God bless us, a hug.


you wrote that wonderful! Thank you for linking me. Crisis creates opportunities when we understand what these crises want to tell us. I'm currently in a process of learning to understand that God loves me unconditionally and to trust and understand what he wants to tell me. Thank you very much, this is a small sign from above! :)

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To you @schmetterling90 and thats true, God love us unconditionally

Es indudable que el crecimiento personal va de la mano de Dios y de quienes interactuan en nuestro entorno. Son ellos nuestro faro y guia para corregir y evolucianr en el camino de la existencia. Esta es una buena manera de hacerlo, con aciertos y desaciertos que nos permitan ser cada dia mas y mas perfectos. Un abrazo

Gracias Doctor Antonio Rojas Castillo @amarc ... Excelente reflexión