Sometimes Staying Alive is More Than Enough.

in #life8 years ago

Since returning home after my week in the hospital that was a result of nearly successfully ending my life I have been less...productive.

Since I can go through periods of serious over-working to an obsessive degree this initially made me feel ashamed and lazy. I beat myself up internally for spending the day reading a book or watching something on Netflix. Some days I didn't even do anything actively. I just kind of existed and then the day was over. It has now been weeks of this and I have been blogging and collecting ideas for future projects and working on some art but my pace has been that of a sloth.

But when my friend wrote me to tell me how I was a few minutes from being dead and she made it obvious how scared she was I realized that I am not doing so bad am I? I have appointments set to take care of my mental and physical health problems. The main disease that keeps driving me to the point where I want to die just to escape the pain is now in the process of being fixed. I mean I haven't even had the first appointment but it's set. I am sure my friends think me using my energy to try to get healthy and stay alive is plenty. I can't imagine them telling me right now that I am lazy. Well...actually one friend did write me to tell me just that while I was still in the hospital but we are no longer friends.

If you have been struggling with mental illness accept that sometimes all you can do is stay alive.

...and that's okay. Really! If you've thought about ending your life or tried to end your life and at this moment all you can do is try to relax and get your mental health in check that is fine and not a sign of you being lazy or lacking ambition and anyone who says so either has no understanding of mental illness or is simply trying to hurt you. Ignore them. Block them if they are really nasty and get back to your relaxation.

Some things to try if you need to relax and ground yourself:

  • Create something artistically.
  • Meditate
  • Listen to a guided meditation
  • Take a long bath
  • Read a book
  • Make some tea
  • Light candles or incense
  • Pet your fuzzy buddy if you have one
  • Take a walk in nature if you are capable
  • Let some sunlight into your home

These are all things I try to do when I am struggling mentally. I know they are all silly but they help distract me and offer me a small amount of comfort that is enough to get me through the day, or week. Try not to worry about how long you have been relaxing. Stressing about taking time off is not helpful. I know it's easier said than done. I am disabled and have bills and no regular job. I used to be terrified to take any time off but once I realized I let my headspace get so bad that I almost ended my life it scared me into shape. I needed the time off and it's helping me. A big part of that has been letting go of the guilt and shame that I felt when taking the time I needed.

If you need to take time off of talking to people do that too and if you have "friends" that harass you or try to make you feel ashamed for this by laying guilt trips on you get rid of them. Seriously, my life used to be filled with toxic people because I wanted to please them and feared confrontation. I also always gave people another chance. Stop it. If your friends can't respect you when you need some space get rid of them. I know a big piece of my stress used to be caused by friends that would repeatedly badger me to talk and manipulate my feelings. I feel mentally so much better since cleaning my life of toxic people.

So please go be kind to yourself and let yourself have a break when you need it.

HTML tutorial


So glad you are taking care of yourself! I love the tips for grounding and relaxing yourself. Also, this may be a weird thing to say but the formatting of your post is really nice. I tend to just write and add some pictures but yours seems to really flow or have balance, if that makes sense?

Thanks. :D

I have looked up tutorials on formatting and recently even learned to put a picture with text floating around it but I didn't do that with this post. :)

I try to make it look nice and have a flow.

Genius! I tend to stick with the markdown style guide. I also forget about video tutorials for some reason! I will need to get out there and learn some new tricks.

I just used some blogs I found here. :) I can try to dig em up for you tomorrow.

The sun can be warmer than people at times.
Wishing you beams of both!
Keep your head, it's already a good one, I can tell! ;)
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, here's my $.13 up smile, a resteem, and a follow for ya! ;)
I have a missing feature post, use it any time you need a chat bud.
I had to force smiles back in, now I share em with all.
((Big hugs)) 👍

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lauralemons! For more information, click here!

This is important advice. There is so much of depression and mental illness out there, and it's so critical for people to understand how to deal with it in a way that helps them heal. Thanks for posting this, and I hope your journey is a successful one. I'll be following.

Sad thing is, this advice is important for EVERYONE. It's just that most people don't figure it out till they're ready to break (or their health actually does.)

If we treat ourselves like unfeeling machines that can be worked till they break without a problem, something is bound to go wrong! Heck, even machines need maintenance!

An engineer told me the other day that no machine can last without maintenance for more than about six months without breaking down. You're absolutely right. We need that maintenance even more than a machine does, because we are the most complex machines in the world.

Being kind to yourself is the hardest lesson to learn. Much love to are on the right path.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, you are so brave and so right, mental health is just as important as anything else and we need to make it a priority, wishing you all the best and that your road to recovery goes as smoothly as possible! You got this, girl! xx

Thanks a lot poppy. :)

thank you for sharing

Sounds good to me. Take a break. It's all good.

Very nice
I 100 % Agree with you
Whenever needed take a break
And Align yourself according to personality

Thanks. :) Too many people beat themselves up for taking time when they need it. Myself included.

What an article! The optimism you put in this article is enough to save you from all the toxic stuffs distracting you. Thank you.

Thanks I have been trying really hard to be optimistic as I know a lot of my issues are worsened by stress. :)