in #life7 years ago

       Like a saying that goes thus,” opportunities once lost can hardly be regained” …… yea…. so they used to say in those day… but I would like to disagree with the present 21st century dispensation where every things comes almost on a platter of gold…... ironically…. 

     In this present dispensation, an opportunity lost can definitely be recreated. Take for example, someone with a business idea but without the resources to finance, goes for an interview to get a job, eventually did not get the job but later got financing for his business… he at that point of being financed had created the opportunity of a job he just couldn’t get through his business plan financing not only for himself but also for some other persons that are also in need of job opportunities. We shouldn’t therefore give up hope at missed opportunities because there could be better packages around the corner waiting if only you wouldn’t relent.  

     This is just as an encouragement at this time to whom it may concern that you just losing an opportunity could be a window for another opportunity to be created. We just need to be on the lookout for the required resources. 

     At this point I would like to leave you with this that “opportunity lost is not hope lost but a window to wider horizons”.  STAY BLESSED AND ENJOY THE REST OF THE DAY