Is He Worth Keeping? (for the ladies)
Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. Bob Marley
Now I will try, out of my perspective, to describe what kind of men a woman should keep. I hope women will comment, to see how well I am at this.
In these present times, it's hard to think about love in general. We often agree to be in a relationship because of a variety of interests or needs. And so we go through life not knowing unconditional love. Sometimes your perfect man is right in front of your nose, but you just do not see him.
About these men, I would write here. These are some of their features.
1. He will fight for you even when you have given up fighting for yourself
He will try to solve the problems that bother you. He will talk to you in moments when you have lost faith in yourself. He knows this is a passing phase and it will be easier for you to have someone close to you. The person who is with you in your worst moments deserves to be with you.
2. He enjoys your originality
Many will want to change you. Try to make you what they imagine you should be. Most people do not understand that every person is for themselves. Each person is unique. But he will not want to change you because he is with you just because of what you are.
3. You can share silence with him
Of course, communication is important. Communication in which one talks, other listen and vice versa. But there are times when it is best to share the silence with someone. If you have that person next to you, hold it.
4. No fight or argument is stronger than your relationship
Sadly, we can not avoid conflicts, nor two people always agreeing on something. But if he knows where to stop, because otherwise, he will make irreparable damage, he sacrifices his ego for your relationship. He really loves you.
5. His love is unconditional
In love, there can be no emotional blackmail. If anyone likes you, then they accept you with all their heart. If he likes you despite your imperfections, then it's a real love.
6. He makes you a part of his life
If he tries to adopt you to his life and adjust his friends to you, then he thinks in the long run. He sees the future in which you are together. He does not make great decisions in his life without thinking of you.

If I was in your place when you encounter someone who meets these conditions, I would firmly catch him and never let him go. But that depends on you.
So, am I close?
Recommended reading: You can find good content at Spirit of revolution, mainly anarchy oriented. Spiritual and consciousness related material at TheCrowhouse. Cannabis posts that I like drutter & Ganja Farmer. Travel with Travel Girl.

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