Ask yourself
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
There are several people you will encounter in life that fit your energy print. Falling in love can easily happen, it is a natural hormonal process in the body. Sometimes this is a magical process, and sometimes it's just lust.
But entering into a lasting relationship, the connection of the heart, is something that sometimes happens only once in life. You can follow your dullness, your hormones, or your sense of tension; you can start a relationship, but it will not make you so happy as to choose a permanent relationship.
What Is Important: Are You in charge of Your Life?
Are you in love with yourself? Do you accept all your dark aspects? Can you look at yourself in the mirror, feel the love for yourself and power in you? This is your soul. Do you follow your dreams? Do you have self-esteem; can you live with yourself? Did you realize that you are no longer a victim of your life, but an actor who directs your life? If you hate it, accept it. Write a new scenario tomorrow. You are not a victim, you are sacrificing yourself. Step into the divine energy. You are no more victim of anything in your life. Write the movie again. Just write down the things you do not want in your life and how you see your life spell when you are at the greatest potential of your being.
You are the writer of scenarios called 'Your Life'. If you've overcome the pain, depression, illness, and obstacles in the way: You are ready to think. You are ready to partner with someone who understands that love for oneself comes from within.
The lasting relationship usually has the following characteristics:
You have similar backgrounds, past or experiences
Share similar basic values in life
Friendship is the foundation of your relationship
You can be completely vulnerable to another person
Make a list of things that you really liked in the past relationship and then list the things you never want to experience again. Imagine a person who is a mix of things you bring from your past experiences. Imagine a former partner with certain traits that have hurt you tremendously. When you meet someone new, this will be a wake-up call when you recognize these features. Learn something out of this and get out of the interaction. You will not make the same mistake twice.
Many times, people fall in love with a person who looks like one of their parents and depending on their relationship with their family, that can be a good or bad thing. Could you be with this person for more than a year and still feel a vigorous spark? Is she/he exciting to see you every time? Does your relationship evolve and grow? Can this person understand you when you are angry, frustrated, or just bad-willed? Does she/he like all aspects of you?
It is also good to be in conflict if it is constructive. If you can hear one another and create new insights that give you more energy than you've had before, this is an incredibly healthy relationship. When you can give more energy to each other through communication, you can always pick up each other.
Remember: The soul always comes before the ego. When an energetically very strong connection with another soul appears in your life, it will open up all kinds of new experiences, whether you are ready or not.
Last but not least:
Certain kind of tension is good. Many people like to spice up their relationship. It can be passionate, intellectually, emotionally, or any other kind of energy spark!
It is important that we are honest with each other, and a healthy kind of tension brings a dose of excitement; as if an adventure never came to an end.
Recommended reading: You can find good content at Spirit of revolution, mainly anarchy oriented. Spiritual and consciousness related material at TheCrowhouse. Cannabis posts that I like drutter & Ganja Farmer. Travel with Travel Girl.

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