My first resume in english. Need help!

in #life8 years ago

Hello steemians! What a pleasant day! But....


Today I have to ask for you help) I think of place of work changing and want to write a resume (CV). I wrote my last resume about 6 yeasr ago, so it seems to be not easy) And what is more - in english!

Please, check the text below for mistakes and variants of better wording. I would be very gratefull for you help! I realy need it!


email: [email protected], [email protected]
skype: landria_miriidana
mobile: +7 922 xx xx 26 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)


I started to code 10 years ago. Programming is a part of my life not just profession. I moved from C/C++/C# and PHP at university years to Ruby as a main language today. This year I started to learn Erlang and Rust. I’m also interested in Elixir and Go. I’m familiar with Git, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, REST API, TDD, Scrum, XP, Linux. I have experience in billing, scoring, CRM development and supporting, payment gates development and integration, SQL-queries optimization, project management and team-leadership. I’ve been successfully working remotely since 2011.


2003-2006, Tchaikovsky Industrial and Humanitarian College, Computer systems and networks (technician), grade 5 (of 5). Tchaikovsky, Russia.

2007-2013, Izhevsk State Technical University, Software Еngineering (engineer), grade 4.96 (of 5). Izhevsk, Russia.


Jan 2007 - Aug 2008, IT-teacher, start to code in PHP (developing and supporting school website). Tchaikovsky, Russia.

Sep 2010 - Jun 2011, PHP-programmer at CMS “Edgestile” head office, Tchaikovsky, Russia.

Jun 2011 - Sep 2012, PHP-programmer (Symfony 1.4 framework) at “All guides here” and “Booking” projects, Ukraine.

Sep 2012 - now, Ruby on Rails developer at “” microfinance service, Moscow, Russia.

You can also check it at

Thank you so much! Good luck and be happy!

That's a picture of a mega-mushroom I've found near the town of Tchaikovsky several years ago:)


"XP, Linux" to "XP, and Linux"
"payment gates development" to "payment gateway development"
"team-leadership" to "team leadership"

"IT-teacher, start to code in PHP" would be "IT-teacher, started to code in PHP"

good luck

Suggestions in bold:

Programming is a part of my life not just profession.

Programming is a part of my life not just a profession.

I moved from C/C++/C# and PHP at university years to Ruby as a main language today.

I started with C/C++/C# and PHP during my university years and transitioned to using Ruby as my main programming language today.

Hope this helps and Good luck!

i think "Programming is a part of my life not just a profession." needs a comma. So...

"Programming is a part of my life, not just a profession."

I could be wrong, as i only have an high school education. :)

No, that looks better! Commas are tricky and many people use them differently (regardless of convention).

Good catch!

Thanks a lot! You are my savior HERO!

I prefer hero, but thanks!
