In the Grand Scheme of all things

in #life7 years ago

So it has been a while since I've posted anything on here and I am beginning to wonder why. I feel I have let my mind overcome my soul and need somewhere to release it. So, Yes... I am looking for a fresh start. In order to get a fresh start one must start at the beginning. Let's start with who I am.
Honestly, I am your average Joe. I didn't always think that way though. I thought at a young age that I was special, as many believe that they are. I didn't pay much attention in school and scraped by with doing the bare minimum. I knew I wasn't college material so directly after high school I joined the Military, The Marine's because they had the best looking uniform though I knew they were the hardest. This is honestly where I found out that I wasn't so dumb after all. Because I wasn't allowed to be. I had to pass all my tests or I would have extra duty which was not fun. I did my four years and one tour in Iraq and decided that I served my country and got out of the military as fast as I could. Don't get me wrong. I am proud to be a Marine but wanted more. I did not make the best decisions financially after departing from the Marines and found myself in a world of debt, stupidly and not readily owning my first home. The year was 2007, back when the bubble was getting ready to pop. I was the kid that bought a house I couldn't afford. Luckily I found this out and was able to sell it months before the bust in the market. I didn't make a dime off of it but was able to walk away unscaved. That was only my first stupid decision in life. Lucky for me, I have an amazing wife that would follow me to the end of the world and pick me up when I am at my darkest. I was able to score a job working in a mine and making some decent money "paying off mistakes is what I call it" though this job was physically demanding and tortue on my body I did it for 10 years. Traveling the world working for different mines. Then moved into the chemical industry. The name of the game was the same but just had a different product. Sure felt like starting over though. At this point I needed a break. I had been able to save enough dough while working at the mines that I took some time off. Or, pouring money into ponzi schemes. Honestly who was I kidding with that.
Ponzis. Let's talk about those. LOL! Honestly I thought, really thought for an instant that these companies were legit. Boy was I mistaken. Deep Deep down I guess I knew better. Lucky for me I did not push them heavily and honestly didn't have enough followers to make any money from promoting them. So I was just thinking I would let my money do all the work for me. Did I come out ahead. I got in early enough that I broke even on one of them. I am sure you all know Bitconnect. Do I blame the heavy promoters for me getting involved. No, I knew what I was doing. I feel bad for the heavy promoters cause now they all have to back track and lost a ton of credibility. I was smart enough (I think) not to put everything in these programs and had enough put aside to keep me a float for a while.
So what am I doing now. I have actually found a reason not to be to upset about these platforms. It pushed me to go down a path that I have wanted to for a while. Starting a new career. Recently I gotten a Job with a great insurance agent. Giving me the chance the start over at the middle age that I am. I am being pushed to limits I honestly never thought I could achieve. I recently passed my state exam to get my insurance license. Something I've always wanted to do. First time I've ever actually had to wear a tie to work. LOL me in a tie and slacks. It's a different world now. I get to be home every day for lunch, which has never happened. I am out the door after the sun comes up and home before the sun goes down. So you know what they say. Take the bad and try to make something good out of it.
So in the Grand Scheme of all things. Life is too short not to be doing what you truly desire to do .
Until next time.
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