Can you solve this ?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Since I finished college, I work for corporations. Repetitive A to B tasks managed to kill whatever basic brain functions I’ve ever had.

So I came up with different ideas to keep my brain in shape, one of the is solving puzzles like the one on the pic. I know, living “DA LIFE”. So what?!

Now most of you would take it in your hand, start flipping, turning it, spend hours of brainlessly trying to remove the red circle.
Isn’t that against the whole idea of exercising our spatial visualization? (I know, quite a word, spatial visualization. Since I learned it I’m using it everywhere, just to show off. You know, the funny looking foreigner with sophisticated English words. Anyway….)

I wonder, are there any crazy brains out there that would be able to solve this puzzle just by looking at the photo?

You?! Really?! With your corporate job and monthly Salary? Cool that you have that much self-confidence? But yeah, I would hate to make you feel disappointed. Or even worse, raise your awareness about your own intellectual erosion so move on to the next post. (“intellectual erosion”? really? I know, calm down!)

But maybe you! The entrepreneur! The thinker! The guy who couldn’t read till 12 or whatever disability you had that made you special my friend!
Solve it and share with us how do you approach problems like this. Help us, average humans to gasp the feeling of being smarter than the rest of the class.
Tell us what you see and how you solve it. But keep it transparent. One thing is not being able to solve the puzzle, the other one is not getting even the explanation. Don’t you dare!

Let’s see some magic!