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RE: His First walk

in #life7 years ago

One of parenting biggest pain indeed! Anyway i personally prefers them not walk so early cos it means i will need to start chasing very soon. Regarding strollers i noticed a lot of kids (mind included) only like them when they are older. They get lazy to walk at some point hehe.


Lucky I never buy the Stokke pram which cost RM5k 😑 If I did I would strap him permanently in it !!!

Haha! Stokke is such a beauty. But for going to malls a bit bulky la.

Omg ! Finally there's someone who understands my love towards Stokke. I also find both Stokke scoot and xplory very bulky and the material of the seat is kinda rough. I manage to find a 'A-stock' version of Xplory at only RM900 called DS-Island 😂😂😂

Haha that’s a good buy! By the way i am a maclaren quest person. Simply because it’s so slim i can squeeeeeeze between the aisle of shopping malls easily plus the wheels manoeuvres so easily.

Mine is a Sweet Cherry 🙄 Bought it because the cushion is comfy but it's kinda bulky and kinda hard to steer since both my baby and the stroller is equally heavy. sigh