Falling on the sword
Prophetic Words
Matthew 10:34 - Do Not Suppose That I Have Come to Bring Peace On Earth. I Did NOT Come to Bring Peace, But A SWORD
A cross looks like a sword sticking out of the ground, the very thing he was crucified on.
The more we look, the more we see... and the story gets more compelling as we do!
Well the prophecies of the Bible appear to be coming to reality with plagues (currently 4 are raging - Coronavirus, African Swine Fever, H5N1 Bird Flu & H1N1 Swine Flu), not just the #CoronaVirus and natural disasters. We are also experiencing social unrest as the minds of the people begin to awaken and the violators of common decency become emboldened.
We are approaching (if not already there), a tipping point. Prepare accordingly... especially your mindset.

Good Health – Evan Pantazi

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Image Credits: Urbanairship
According to the Bible, Charity Means Love (5 of 5)
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