8 Ways To Increase Body Vibration Frequency

in #life6 years ago

Actually, what is the frequency of body vibration? Does our body emit a certain vibration? Yes. The body and mind are a unity that radiates energy vibrations continuously into the universe.

Have you heard of the concept of mind power and the law of attraction? It states that the human mind is very powerful and if sharpened and directed, can make us achieve whatever we want. There is no impossible word. That thought emits energy vibrations into the universe. If your mind is positive, the vibration frequency is high. (Also read: Unique Facts of the Human Brain That Makes You Surprised)

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The result? Your life will be happier and more positive. You emit a high vibration frequency, meaning you emit positive vibrations. And you attract positive things in your life. Conversely, if you emit a low vibration frequency, then you emit negative vibrations. You draw negative things into your life. Well, creepy isn't it?

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The problem is, often we unwittingly emit low-energy negative energy. Some signs that you have a low vibration frequency are when you complain, feel dissatisfied, angry, resentful, and feel other negative feelings. So, how to change it all and start increasing the frequency of body vibration? Here's how you can do:

1. Begin to be aware of the power of your mind. If you find yourself thinking negatively, change that mind immediately. Stop complaining, even for small things like Monday's arrival. No matter what your life is like, if you want to change it for the better, start sorting your mind. Dispose of the bad and maintain good. Try to live a day without complaining, and watch your life begin to change for the better.

2. Find something that interests you and give appreciation. For example, if you enjoy art, often look at good pictures and treat your senses of sight. Give appreciation by simply saying, "Waah, good!" Or even giving a positive comment on the picture.

3. Pay attention to what you eat. Yes. Food also contributes to the frequency of your body's vibration. The healthier the food, the higher the vibration produced. Broccoli and blueberries have high vibrations, while Big Macs don't vibrate at all. Start consuming healthy food and avoid junk food.

4. Drink lots of water. Water is a form of life energy. Drinking lots of water will dissolve toxins in the body and make your body cleaner and emit high vibration frequencies.

5. Meditation. This is the easiest and cheapest way to relieve stress. Meditation is not difficult. This is not the same as yoga where you have to do certain movements. In meditation, you only have to sit in a comfortable position and start focusing on the breath. Let your body relax and imagine all negative things seeping out of your body.

6. Be grateful. Always thankful for whatever you have, no matter how small and trivial it may be. Make a habit to write things that you are grateful for in a book every night before going to bed.

7. Do good. You can certainly feel it, if you do good, no matter how small, like giving a seat on the bus for pregnant women, will you feel comfortable? That's because your vibration frequency increases.

8. Move! Vibration requires movement. So, make yourself sweat by exercising regularly. Choose sports that you like and make sure you are always fit.