Want to be passionate about something? Be passionate about learning

in #life7 years ago

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Most people are passionate in specific fields (engineering, psychology, technology, sports etc). What is the point of being passionate in a certain field if you may not be passionate about learning? I believe one should be passionate about learning and not only a specific field. The reason I believe this is due to my own experience. I was once passionate about learning but along the way that changed to being passionate about psychology (and sports). I answered and pondered about most things from a psychological point of view. Moreover, the treatment for mental illness was also based from a psychological perspective.

I was very passionate about psychology that I did not bother thinking from other perspectives. And that day happened, my friends who were not passionate in psychology broke my damn bubble and I started questioning everything I learned. I also started to learn and be aware of other perspectives. Given a problem, I would understand it not only based on a psychological perspective but from other perspective such as physics/quantum physics. Additionally, with the knowledge of physics/quantum physics I am able to research on a treatment that does not have side effects compared to taking the drugs given by the pharmaceutical companies.

You want to be passionate about something? Be passionate about learning and you will always be passionate because learning never stops. It is a life long journey. Every field is connected. The day we use other field’s knowledge and integrate into another field, we could invent things that are unimaginable as of now, discover knowledge that could help not only mankind but animals and the mother earth as well, our home. Not forgetting, we become wiser as growing never cease. I am passionate about learning that continues till the day this body erodes. What are you passionate about? Would that passion die off? If it would die off, is it a passion or merely an event that lasts for some time and ends at some time?

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