“If you don’t stick to your values when they are being tested, they’re not values, they’re hobbies.” Jon Stewart

in #life7 years ago

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What are values for when we forget them during times that they should be remembered. Can you respect someone who has disrespected you? Can you be optimistic when life throws you real hard into the ground? Can you persevere on when you are dead tired of trying something over and over and over again? Can you be dead ass honest to the person you love the most while being aware that the truth might break you guys apart? Can you be kind to the most unkind person you have met? Can you be nice to the person you dislike? Isn’t it easy to say I am a person with these values but in reality how many of us really stick by these values.

I have not always been respectful to those who have disrespected me. I have not always been optimistic when life digs a grave deep enough for me that I can’t seem to get out. Then why do we describe ourselves as those? Those values are merely words, words with no power. It is a hobby. A hobby that we enjoy in good times but not in bad times. Anyone can be respectful when some one respects them, anyone can be optimistic when life is great, anyone can be honest when they know that the truth will not really break the other or themselves apart. Try doing all of this when “hell” break lose. If you stick by those words when tested then those are your values. Otherwise, it isn’t, it is purely a hobby.

What are your values? Choose one, just one and stick by it when it is heaven and “hell”. Slowly and steadily watch how your life changes. :)