Start with yourself
It may sound selfish for some, but everything starts with yourself. You can't magically change the entire world. You need to change yourself first. Then you can start to spread the knowledge of how you did it. I am not talking about changing yourself in a form of self-benefit. I am talking about changing yourself so in the future, you can help to change others. Not talking about money. Because money is nothing for me. It is just necessary for now. What I mean is to change yourself so you can value the truth more. You can start valuing the truth consciously. Every single one of us values truth deep down inside. You want to live with the truth. Even when you don't realise it. Do you want a faithful partner? That is the value of truth in a partner. Do you want your friend to never lie to you? Truth is all we need. But for us to get the truth we need to search for it. It is that simple. What you search for you will find sooner or later, depending on how hard you search for it.
Changing yourself may require cutting jobs and actually struggling in the beginning. But the right change can lead to something way bigger than you have ever imagined. It can change the whole world. You may be the last piece of the puzzle.
Ok, but a question arises. How can you be sure that you are changing yourself for the better?
It is not an easy question to answer. Mostly if the change increases the love, the care, the seek for the real you are on the right path. Real rather than fake. Stop putting masks, be your trues self in a form of thinking. That is how you be yourself. By thinking like yourself. Not taking anything from others. Don't take thoughts from others for yourself. When a person says to you that he/she hates the way you speak. Or she/he hates that you think that the media is controlling the masses. That does not mean that you should change your views because someone does not agree with you. It may mean that you should double check, but not certainly change something.
The thoughts of you by others are their own thoughts. They should not change you. They may help you change, but it should happen when you decide that you should change for the better and for the truth and the real. I am not saying don't listen to others. Just stop playing their game if you don't really want to. So many people want to please everyone when it is impossible and unnecessary. You are born here to be yourself. A person is defined by his/her thoughts. Every thought has a relation to something. Whether it is clothing or other things. So by you thinking like you want you are being yourself. Not just changing your hair colour and now you think you are yourself. Or changing your gender. Especially the gender should not be changed, because it is a disorder rather than "being born in the wrong body". That is just for another topic.
Seek truth and you will be a new creation. You will definitely change for the better I guarantee you. Seek true relationship. Why is truth important? So you don't live a fake life. Do you really want to be like 50 and discover that all the time you have been living a lie? No, you definitely don't want that. So the quicker you start chasing the truth and seeking for it the better.
And I know, I know you will never find the actual truth about everything. You can't be sure why you are here and all of the philosophical questions, but that does not mean that you should give up. That should actually motivate you. These question will never be answered, but we like to ask ourselves. We still debate on it. I may say that I believe in God and you may say you believe in evolution even if it is nonsense to me. These question you will never find a true answer. To others though you can find documentaries about them. About the corruption in our lives. About the greed. About how our lives are not that shiny as advertised on the TV. That does not mean you should not try to make the advertisement a reality.
Let's face it. The world is corrupted to the bone right now. And it needs to change. Desperately. Your role is to change yourself then help others change themselves as you live by one law. The law of truth. Always seek it. Always practise it. Always preach it.
As you change yourself you can change the world. I like to think the Earth is one big conscious being. Even that I don't like the word one I will use it here to emphasise what I mean.
The Earth is either a good place or a bad place. It is a slider. And we are currently way into the bad. Which means that everyone can change the slider so it can go way into the good. Everyone matters. You, me, the cats, dogs and so on. In this revolution, everyone has a part in it. You may be the last piece of the puzzle.
God Bless :)
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Искам да го кажа със свои думи, но не мога с малко думи и по-добре от него - Петър Дънов. И затова ще го цитирам:
Учителя Петър Дънов е велик човек. Той може с малко думи да каже много!
I say amen to that my friend! Let's be better to make others better
We always should strive to make ourselves better so to make others better as well. Thanks for commenting. Have a wonderful day.
When you change yourself, you can change your family, then your community, then your state and then your country and you will eventually save the world.
Thanks for this wonderful piece.
Exactly. That is the path to go. Thanks for commenting.
You welcome...keep the quality content rolling
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