RE: Social Security Is A Doomed Social Program That We Are Throwing Away Our Money Into
What is your solution? Because I´m an anarchist, but before we have something better than the current system actually working, we need to pay taxes. Otherwise hospitals and schools will get shut down, people will starve,and chaos will ensue.
There simply is no way to fix the system. There is enourmous wealth being produced, but it all stays on top. Capitalism is fundamentally broken. And by capitalism I mean our standard neo-liberal economy, which has the ruling elite supported by the governments.
Social security is a way to patch things up, a little bit. It´s not working too well, but removing it will be disaster.
A universal basic income would be a step in the right direction though, and it would greatly stimulate the economy.
It will be necessary, as we are approaching a situation with massive technological unemployment, caused by the same techologies which has the potential to liberate us from wage slavery.
In the long run, however,capitalism will have to be replaced by a commons based, post scarcity society, using robotics, A.I , additive manufactoring, etc.
Production for use, not for profit.
Otherwise, society will collapse, and the environment, and we will all be cooked.
I think we should pay taxes but we should force politicians to actually have a plan to revise social security so it lasts. Raise the age announce it 10 years in advance so people know. Literally do anything than just pretend it will continue going on.
Well, the problem is that the means tested benefits are very ineffective. THe rules are complicated, and not very fair. A lot of people are living beneathe the poverty line, but get nothing. Some people game the system.
THere is little incentive to take a part time or low income job, because you lose money, but for many people without higher education, this is the only option. Getting a college degree is too expensive for big parts of the population.
So we need a UBI, and we need it now. And free education.
Keep working, stop paying.
No hospitals shut down.
Everything is free.
Problem solved, elegantly.
On any given Tuesday.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you, are you suggesting we follow in the steps of Greece or something?
Please first tell me what following in the footsteps of Greece would mean. If you want to know what happened in Greece, watch this video:
I'll have to watch that here sometime this week.
My comment was mostly poking at the "socialism" aspect
We don't need to worry about that, greed and religion will get us all "cooked" long before it comes to that :)
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