Abused & Rising Above: Picking A Partner is Paramount! Part I
Any minute now, I'm about to help facilitate the creation of a new life in this world. Literally any minute since I have been in prodromal labor for 3 days and the 'due date' was yesterday.
With such a looming event about to take place I can't help but think about all the things that brought me to this moment in my life. The most important aspect of all my reflections bring me to contemplate the importance of the partnerships we make.

I gave birth to my first child when I was just a child myself, over 17 years ago. It was 11 years later, I had my second child @lelumunchies, and then another few years before my son Patrick was born. The 'intention' was defiantly for Patrick to be the last, but as that saying goes, "You make plans and the Universe laughs."
Kidding of course, I know all my circumstances in life are because of my own choices. In all honesty the reason this child is coming into the world was because I didn't feel like having the crap beaten out of me that night so it was just easier (at the time) to give my body up to my ex than to spend time healing physically and emotionally from yet another traumatic experience. Everything happens for a reason though.
If you read any of my posts, then you know I have a LOT going on from my past that I'm working through. So far I am an iceberg, you have only seen the peak above the surface but there is much more below.

So how did I get here? Did I just wake up one day and say, "I can't wait to be a single parent to one child for over a decade. Then I can't wait to raise another three children by myself. I can't wait to have a ton of emotional baggage to work through, and I really can't wait to battle a toxic environment to heal my body!" Hell no, no one ever says that or thinks that, yet we put those actions in place in our life with our energy.
So first thing I had to do was take a look at my history and energy. My past examples of what life and partnership should be were awful! My parents fought all the time when I was a kid, and I'm not talking about just yelling or being upset, I remember some of their altercations getting very violent. My dad frequently broke things, I remember going down to the basement where my dad set up his drug dealing "office" one time and he was choking my mother. My mother told me stories about how she almost shot him when she thought he was cheating on her while she was pregnant with my little brother, which apparently I got to witness at 4 years old but I don't actively remember this event. The list goes on and on.

I remember the day I did the math and realized my parents got married when my mother was 3 months pregnant with me. I felt so guilty as if my conception was the cause of all the horrible things we all had to experience. I remember saying something to this effect to Rose one day and she claimed her and Mike were 'so in love' they would have been married anyway. So then there I was thinking their crazy dysfunctional behavior was anything even close to love… and it didn't make me feel any less guilty either.
I felt very alone growing up. It was hard to even had friends because I couldn't bring them to our house to witness these events, and apparently most of the kids I went to school with (and their parents) knew exactly who and what my dad was so they weren't allowed to play with me. As with most families where the parents are addicts, I grew up super poor. You would think that would have been enough for kids to tease me about at school, but they also loved tearing into me about my family. The used to tell me things like my dad was either going to die of a drug overdose or end up in jail, then my mom would have to be hooker to pay the bills and she was so fat that no one would pay her and we would all die or end up in foster care. From what my mother had told me, foster care was a place where children were molested and burnt with cigarettes. One of the main reasons I never told anyone about how horrible our home life was because I thought foster care would be worse then what I already experienced.

I used to wonder to myself why my parents would have ever made choices that very well could have led to any of these events taking place and how much hurt it was causing their children in the process. It took me decades to figure out just how dysfunctional and broken people are, and how very little thought was probably put into how much it hurt me and my brother as they played out their selfish dysfunctional games with each other.
Regardless, these are all things I would think about when entering a relationship with someone. In spite of Mike and Rose, I actually had a pretty stellar set of values I put in place for myself when I was a kid, with my main goal of not EVER ending up anything like them. Honesty, responsibility, kindness, and many others were the basis of who I was then. I still have no idea what love was/is or how it fit into anything though.
Just to be clear, I am NOT blaming my parents for who/what/how I am now. I said before that my energetics are my own, and I didn't have to fall into the bad habits of their relationship as I did later on in life. I'm just sharing that I did NOT have a good example, and I do think those experiences impacts us.
From the first relationship I voluntary entered into, to my last, I can look back at this history of mine and see the very progression about how I ended up where I am today. Starting with a constant compromise to find someone who would love me, and ending up with a complete loss of values to just try and survive from one day to the next.
Everyday I view social media I see people who are compromising/settling/becoming complacent not only in the relationships they choose, but life in general. I'm really hoping that if I share how easily it happened to someone like me, even for something as great as a search for love, it can happen to anyone for so much less. I also hope it inspires anyone in a situation that does NOT lift you up or is part of you thriving in life to help create a better world, to make a change!
Join me for Part II tomorrow!
This is a sad story but an important one. You have obviously had a hard life and dealt a poor hand.
It is true that your life is because of your choices and only you can do something about it now, but its also true that you were who you were because of them and it is their fault.
It doesn't help to be angry anymore or to blame and use it as an excuse but its important to realize that al they gave you for an example was dysfunction and there for all you could emulate was dysfunction.
That is why I try and educate as much as possible, show real living examples of functional living and inspire solutions for life problems.
At least now you are safe and don't have to worry about being teased by peers, beaten by parents or husbands or even half to work a job just to support your family. Now you can actually live.
Yes, and even more important that just living I have the most amazing opportunity to thrive in the remainder of my life - thanks you to @quinneaker! Even more important than what I wish for myself is that my children won't have the previously shit example of me and my ex as their ONLY example of what life can be like. Not only are they surrounded by much better people then they have previously encountered, but I know even my own energy is getting better as my dysfunction ebbs and resolves. I of course want great things for me, but knowing the impact this will have on my children's entire life means even more! Thank you for spending the time educating people - especially me - on the better options available. These last few weeks especially I can't tell you how many times my default reaction to something Patrick did was to be irritated or upset and I just thought about what you said and I would repeat to myself, "Be exemplary and be the better example for them." It really helps put things in perspective!
As a side note I'm really not mad at my parents anymore. They made bad choices, and they continue to make different bad choices and because of that they no longer have a daughter. Just because I have come to resolution within myself about who/what they are doesn't mean I would ever want that crazy back in my life lol. I know now that I get to choose who is part of my existence, and I damn sure am not going to waste my time on people who won't appreciate or deserve it! Thank you!
I'm so glad you have a place where you are truly safe and the support to work through all this and to make better choices for your family. It's really hard to break through all the emotional trauma and to stop the patterns from repeating, but I see you evolving by leaps and bounds every day!
I hope this baby has a better life than anything we have dreamed of! And that it comes SOON lol
Thank you @saramiller! In addition to @quinneaker, I learn a lot from everyone else around me as well. Once you are willing to see it, each person is a reflection of yourself to some degree and that can be very eye opening :-) We all work together to make each other better each day, and with @quinneaker at the helm we can't go wrong!
I can’t belive kim has manipulated that whole garden! She is an evil soul
It's crazy how much dysfunction is in the world, how rampant it is handed down from generation to generation, and how disempowered most people feel to break the cycle. Addressing these issues head on really takes a strong person--someone who is willing and able to go DEEP and open the wounds so they can be healed. I see you pushing your own limits with true desire to get through and over the trauma you have experienced. Getting over blame and moving on to responsibility for your now is really serving you well.
I am thrilled to see that what @quinneaker shares is being honored and you and your children are benefitting greatly by the gifts of his perspective and ability to hold space for others. This is a priceless opportunity which will change the course of the future in unfathomable ways.
I'm grateful you are writing these blogs, not only for your own and your children's healing, for the awareness brought to others, but also to the testament of the power of Quinn's example. There are priceless gems to harvest when one opens their heart and mind to soul's potential.
Thank you @everlove and I totally agree! By the time I'm done all my posts will just be one long testimonial to @quinneaker and his shared knowledge that CAN and WILL change the lives/world for anyone willing to listen and follow through :-)
That will be a beautiful....and no doubt....a potent testimonial. Having someone document the changes as they occur is incredibly valuable. I'm so grateful you are experiencing so many blessings.
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U are insane!