Finally, got to rep level 75! Must've taken me about 6 months to get out of 74. This year was all about exponential growth in many ways. Didn't write much about it, but I've spent plenty of time this year figuring out my short to long-term investment profile. Gosh, it's a never-ending process! You can't really know such things until you take the time to reflect, and express your thoughts. Only to discover that the rabbit hole goes really, really deep.
Currently, there are piles of books on my left, crumpled pieces of paper on my right, and ~150 communication channels open on my computer. I haven't been cleaning my house and the dog's furballs are rolling around like I'm in cowboy town. Whatever plans I had for this entire year were put on hold and I've not even gone out on any dates this year lol. Just too busy figuring out myself and my strategies navigating through the wild wild west of finance. The future is already here, and I want in early..!
I went full-on embracing and eating up all the information I can get. Turns out, this is not something I can handle healthily. Been losing sleep and wrecking all my schedules. Even spent ungodly amounts of time designing and figuring out coins that can dominate the mainstream market. It all stems from FOMO and a simple desire to be ahead of the curve. All very exciting stuff.
But it's not all rainbows. The game also comes along with periods of intense meltdown and depression. It's all just very overwhelming, and 2018 will be the year that I hope to be able to have more confidence paving my way in this space. Focus on what matters to me. I'd like to think that I've gone through some growth as a person this year having some of my skin and head in the game.
Before I head out tonight for the year-end barbecue and drinks with some childhood friends, I wish to write this little post going forward. What are the fundamentals that I'm going for as a contributor in this game?
Content is King
All actions that manifest change in the world originate as thoughts, often expressed and packaged as readable content. In that sense, essays, memes, social communications and whitepapers are the reasons why we're now in a booming market. The new paradigm at hand is a better story. Cryptocurrencies are a game of persuasion that spans a wide range of meta information, particularly in the field of mathematics, computer sciences, philosophy, economics, memetics, and user-experience. All of these are content that have the power to sway hearts and move our spirits. They are capital mined out of works of creation and curation.
Long-Term Criteria
Following the fundamental notion that money is pure information and a content-type, here are the non-mutually exclusive ingredients of my investment profile:-
Web 3.0 / The Decentralized Web for unrestricted, unfiltered, and uncensored worldwide access with a protocol for community-based regulation. Mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies will happen at the web layer and as such, information propagation and consenting communication channels should not be stifled. Net neutrality can also be achieved by free-market innovation.
Near-instant transaction with zero fees. Necessary for the long-term game of building out the sharing economy and zero-marginal cost societies. It's the natural conclusion, at least in my mind. This opens up the floodgate of distribution and innovation.
Distributed and incentivised public content ledgers. Effective content curation and ranking are also important. If the soon-to-be multi-trillion dollar market ever hopes to achieve something substantial, it would need to have media that brings about all manner of discussion. A focus on technology, community, and usability matters. The best can only be brought out and deliberated by social influencers with information curated from perceived experts in the field.
The ability to put convert any cryptocurrencies to any other cryptocurrencies from one place instead of putting up orders in many different siloed exchanges (even decentralized ones). Basically the free exchange of content / information in a global pool with worldwide reach.
Atomic ownership over traditional online accounts, and services over applications.
Ease of development.
Full breadth of financial instruments.
Delegation and diversification. I can't cover everything on the market nor do I have full knowledge, so this is needed, and I have thrown in some wildcards just in case.
My updated portfolio
After taking some good time finalizing my long-term holds this month based on my criteria, I realised I can't be doing this like how I've been doing the whole year, watching the markets and reading up endlessly. So, I've also finally developed my own system for assessing a set of curated information once every 3 months. Here are my current long-term holds:-
- Steem
- Raiblocks
- Lisk
- Bismuth
- Substratum
- Agoras
- Santiment Network Token
- Blockmason Credit Protocol Token
- Salt
- 0x
- Ethos
- Pillar
- Iconomi
- Blockchain Capital
- Token-as-a-Service
- Civic
- Datum
- Aragon
- Mysterium
- Cofound.it
- Chainlink
- ZCash
Been shopping a lot this year.. for coins lol. One thing about ICOs: usually it's best just to wait it out and aim for a lower price. I've made a bad call this year, burning a few good Bitcoins. But I guess it's the price of learning a good lesson. Don't just support a project because you have friends in it. Merit matters more than anything else to keep your investment productive.
Riding out the wave in 2018
Next year, I will try to focus on developing my blog while putting more time interacting with the community. Also revisit my lofty plans highlighted here (lucky I wrote it down). Nothing concrete but that's probably for the best. No point making too many resolutions when I know I can be easily distracted. Maybe that's just me being me being a scatter-brain. Oh, not to forget that I'm actually also in the works of planning out a live music ecosystem on the blockchain. So much going on.
Maybe I'll even consider building out a lodge by the seaside. Go out for romantic dinners. All the good stuff. This year has been a little out-of-the-ordinary and particularly stressful at times. Spent too much time being a hermit in 2017 and wish to return to my "normal" life, next year!
Alright, gotta rush out for the barbecue now.
I wish you all happy new year and see you on the other side!
omg that is a very high reputation!
Congratulations on your achievement. I have yet break out of 70s level. Thanks for sharing your portfolio, bitcoin is conspicuously missing.
yeah it is, just keep some for insurance haha. thanks @positivesteem, appreciate the kind words
Thanks for sharing your portfolio! More importantly, thanks for sharing your criteria (i.e. how to fish, instead of just the fish). I'll look up some of these up and add the ones i like! I'll prob mostly just continue to add steem in 2018 because I want to grow the comic book community around here (and support writers I like, like yourself), but I'll dabble in other stuff if they look like great buys. Congratulations on making it to 75. . . after 6 months, woah :). I believe 81 is the highest, correct? Steem actually feels like a video game sometimes, and I mean that in a good way.
Thanks @thunderbirdcomic! Btw, no idea about the highest level. 81 might never even be achievable anyway. And that's great to hear - how do you plan to grow a comic book community here btw? Sometimes it's hard to grasp steem's econs, other than steem power having a real effect in this mmorpg ;)
As far as growing the Comic Book community, I'm trying to support as many good comics as a I can on this format. Sireh and Perrenial started the #steem-cartoon initiative. They teach at a university in Malaysia and their art students have rallied behind #steem-cartoon. They've set out their goals and for growing comic / art community on steemit. https://steemit.com/steem-cartoon/@perennial/steem-cartoon-setting-our-milestones-and-mission-for-2018
I'll be becoming members of that discord when it launches and helping out with the other goals.
They have already established a strong community among artists and artists from all communities are beginning flock there. A vibrant and engaging art community is good for all of Steemit.
Ah yup, I've taken notice of their initiative for quite some time now. Let me know if you need anything - i'll be at steemit.chat
I didn't imagine you had so much going on, I thought you were just a laid back dude enjoying life :) I super appreciate you leaving the list of your long term holds, it means a lot (... a lot less research for me :P )
I also want to thank your for all the support this year, I hope I will be able to repay it some day; and congratulations on reaching rep 75, I'curious what is the maximum rep obtainable.
Happy new year and I hope you have a lot more fun in 2018 :)
I'm pretty laid back, which is why the house is pretty messy now LOL. The best way to repay is to keep distributing the votes :) thanks for the kind words, happy new year!
Thank you for the post @kevinwong.
Over my 4 months on here, I came across your blog a number of times...you write some good stuff. I like what I read and look forward to 2018 where you are more committed to your writing. I think that will only benefit this community.
As for the craziness and single-minded focus, I can identify. I, too, put a lot on hold, at least in my free time. While, perhaps, not as far down the path as you are, I live with the FOMO. I cant help but feeling there is a window here for early adopters that will eventually turn into mass adoption which escalates the price of things (tokens) yet will make it not as profitable to get in. Perhaps there is a degree of sensibility in that...and a degree of neurosis.
Either way, I know we are changing things with our contributions to Steem. There are so many lives that will be changed by this blockchain. We are seeing a new model created, one not based upon greed, fear, and scarcity. It is up to us to pass that idea along to everyone.
Although I dont know about this blockchain world, but I can tell you and some other dedicated person like @kevinwong is heading towards the great journey that not only contribute a little but will contribute to the whole community. Thank you to people like these that is big heart generous to let us tag along. I too give you the respect.
@kevinwong - Looks like you had an extremely busy year - Not even going out on dates! Ouch!!

It is great to see that you got in to the depth of finances and soaked in a lot of knowledge but do take care of your physical and mental health. Burnouts are not good.
I love the concept that money is content, going forward. Ancient wisdom has always held the belief that knowledge is power. This concept of content is somehow and extension of that. Since everything in the world is information driven 24x7 now, you are absolutely right that decentralized repositories of info, storage systems, fast transactions and tracking info would be vital and anything that is related to that in the crypto world is going to be the next Gold!
Thanks for sharing your 2017 events and your thoughts with us. Upvoted full. Wish you a very happy, prosperous and happening new year 2018 my friend. See you soon on the other side.
Good post
I might just be abstracting too much and over-generalised some stuff, so becareful lol xD..
thanks @vm2904 appreciate the good thoughts. Happy new year!
Congrats on 75! It's probably a decade away from me lol !
Interesting to see all your long term holds ! I must say I have picked many of the same coins. Many of these offer more than just a block chain payment solution - and I think that being educated and keeping the ear to the ground will pay off big as time well wash away the coins that are just that - coins .
I wish you a happy new year @kevinwong and thanks for all the support in 2017 !
I can identify @dandesign86.
The path from 63 to 64 has been forever....maybe in another month I will be at 64. LOL
HAha yea and then it progressively get slower and slower ! 6 month for someone like Kevin who is a regular poster . Wow that's insane. But oh well we are in no rush we will stay here for the long haul ;)
I'm going through the same process even today on New Year eve I'm clueless what could be my long-term writing path...so, we're on the same page at least on this..
These are exact same feelings I have been having ever since I came across this cryptocurrency thing....
These are golden words..
Wish you all the best for all your plans including that music venture. Also wishing you a very blessed and successful 2018!
Excellent post @kevinwong. Shared.
Steem On!
Ideally the easiest way to invest is to invest in something you're using, which is why personally i've a heavier position on steem power. Will consider rebalancing more for others when i find myself using them in the future..
Thanks @ugetfunded happy new year!
congratulations on your new level @kevinwong
Happy new year !!!
Oh, yes, my friend, this year 2017 turned out to be tense because of the events that took place on the crypto-currency market. I, too, like you studied all year and looked at various coins, of course among a large number there is something to look at and your list of coins is very good! There are perspectives everywhere, the main thing is to understand them. Thank you for the excellent posts and much that we have understood and studied from your posts, and now you are right, you need to rest a little and meet the holiday :) Happy New Year @kevinwong and let it be good for all of us!
I just hope whatever we find ourselves using is a good indication of a "safe" coin to hold.. lol. Happy new year @serkaga, best wishes from space :)